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Community-Led Co-design Kit

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This repository contains the source files for the Community-Led Co-design Kit.


To run locally in development mode

  1. Install the required NPM packages: npm install
  2. Run Eleventy in development mode: npm start.

The website will be available at http://localhost:8080.

To build and serve using Docker

You can build and serve the website from a Docker container.

Once you have Docker installed, run the following commands to build a Docker image and start a container:

  • Build the image: docker build -t .
  • Run the container: docker run --name -p 8000:80

The website will be available at http://localhost:8000

If you make changes to the website, repeat the steps to build the image and start a new container.

To build for deployment to a personal web server

  1. Install the required NPM packages: npm install
  2. Run the build script: npm run build
  3. Upload the contents of the ./_site/ directory to the web root of your server.

If you make changes to the website, repeat step 2 to build the website and upload any changed files from the ./_site/ directory to the web root of your server.


Modifications can be made to any source file or directory except for the contents of the ./_site/ directory. The ./_site/ directory is not versioned since it contains the built website that Eleventy generates from the source files, and files in _site are overwritten at build time.


The Community-Led Co-Design Toolkit website is available under the New BSD License.

The website's content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Third Party Software in the Community-Led Co-Design Toolkit

The Community-Led Co-Design Toolkit website is based on other publicly available software, categorized by license:

MIT License