- Feel free to contact me :)**
Tested with Debian 9\\ Tested with Opsi\\ Tested with Winst\\ Tested with Server 2016 x64\\ Tested with 10 Enterprise x64\\ Tested with 8.1 Pro x64\\ Tested with 7 Pro x64\\ Tested with 7 Pro x86\\ requiredWinstVersion >= 4.11.5\\
Download: All in one - installable opsi package\\ Checksum's and detached pgp signatures: https://compilenix.org/public/opsi/localboot/java/
Source Code: Code repository\\ Check if you have the JCE installed: jceCheck.jar (detached pgp signature)\\
All downloads are pgp signed with:\\ Compilenix \\ Validity: from 2015-01-09 11:29 until forever or revoked\\ Certificate type: 4,096-bit RSA\\ Key-ID: E763633D\\ Fingerprint: CC6047FA5B4449F28940636910B6666EE763633D\\ https://compilenix.org/public/certificates/pgp/compilenix%40compilenix.org%20%280xE763633D%29.asc
Download: my Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting\\ Download: my Visual Studio Code Syntax Highlighting
It Does: - Handle install: x64 and x86, JRE and JDK - Handle uninstall: x64 and x86, JRE of Java until, JDK of Java until current version of Java 8 - Installation of Java 8 - Add the JCE Patch to every Java installation; see: [[https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/SunProviders.html | JCE Documentation]] - Use the check_msi-exitcode script from "Der-Matze": [[userspace:check_msi-exitcode]] (modified)
It Does NOT: - Uninstall Java versions older then, because in update 10 was a new installer dropped which uses an other schema of GUID´s at the Windows Registry - Uninstall Java JDK`s older then - Un-/Install Java 9
The package includes the MSI installer for the JRE and JDK x86, because if you want to install Java JRE/JDK x86 on a x64 System the EXE installer will "crash" if it was called in a SYSTEM user context. Calling it by hand will work and my package is designed to manage both cases.
It "crashes" in a SYSTEM user environment, because the x86 installer of Java would exteact a MSI package on a x86 System into "C:\Windows\**System32**\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java" and call a MSI file and will install Java.\\ But on a x64 System the Java installer want to extract the MSI package into the same directory. At this point Windows (x64) redirect the request to "C:\Windows\**SysWOW64**\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java". The x86 Java installer does NOT notice the important redirect and still try to call the MSI file and explode with a, File not found, exeption.
There is no error-reporting or handling by the Java (EXE) installer done, but msiexec.exe does report an 1619 (PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED) exitcode.\\
This happends only on x64 System`s. My package will ever prefer of using the EXE installer, the MSI files were only called in a fallback case!\\
- Add feature; Install X.509 (root) Certificates into the Java Certificate chain. - Change uninstall procedure using WMCI or Powershell, to avoid generating wrong uninstall strings. (Thanks Andreas) - Nothing else at the moment.. If you have any suggestions, let me know :)
type: unicode
name: vm-type
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Install the Development Kit (JDK) or just the Java Runtime (JRE).
values: ["jdk", "jre"]
default: ["jre"]
type: unicode
name: patchjce
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Apply patch For JCE (Java Cryptography Extension); see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Cryptography_Extension
values: ["Off", "On"]
default: ["On"]
type: unicode
name: webjava
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Install Webplugins.
values: ["Off", "On"]
default: ["On"]
type: unicode
name: webjava-security_level
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Set default security level, for remote execution of Java content.
values: ["H", "M", "VH"]
default: ["VH"]
type: unicode
name: java-updater
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Toggle the Java-Updater and Update-Notifications.
values: ["Off", "On"]
default: ["Off"]
type: unicode
name: 32bitonly
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Toggle if on a 64bit OS only the 32bit JRE/JDK will be installed.
values: ["False", "True"]
default: ["False"]
type: unicode
name: 64bitonly
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Toggle if on a 64bit OS only the 64bit JRE/JDK will be installed.
values: ["False", "True"]
type: unicode
name: updatebranch
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Toggle between Critical Patch Update (CPU) and Patch Set Update (PSU)
values: ["CPU", "PSU"]
default: ["CPU"]
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2018-01-16
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2018-10-26
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2018-07-18
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2018-04-18
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2018-01-24
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2017-10-26
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2017-09-05
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2017-07-20
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2017-04-24
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2017-01-17
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2016-10-23
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2016-07-25
* update
* update/create symbolic links at C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\. prefering x64 jre if possible.
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2016-05-03
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2016-03-30
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2016-03-14
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2015-10-26
* update
* add Product "updateBranch" choose between 8u71 and 8u72 (more info: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/cpu-psu-explained-2331472.html)
* add Product Property "64bitonly" (default: False)
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2015-10-26
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2015-09-09
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2015-07-20
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2015-04-15
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2015-03-19
* fixed: installation of Java JRE x86 on a x64 OS does not work (exit code 3)
java (
-- Kevin Weis <Compilenix@compilenix.org> 2015-03-16
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <kevinweis@gmx.de> 2015-01-21
* update
java (
-- Kevin Weis <kevinweis@gmx.de> 2014-10-20
* update
* add ProductProperty "PatchJCE"; see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Cryptography_Extension and http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/crypto/CryptoSpec.html
* Java 7 setup support droped (uninstalling of future Java 7 versions are still supported)
java (
-- Kevin Weis <kevinweis@gmx.de> 2014-08-14
* update; Java build 19 to build 1
java (
-- Kevin Weis <kevinweis@gmx.de> 2014-07-21
* update; Java build 19 to build 19
java (
-- Kevin Weis <kevinweis@gmx.de> 2014-06-14
* update; Java to build 19
* add ProductProperty "32bitOnly". The functionality of this option will be extended with the next Java 8 update.
* since this update (Java 7u60 JRE x64/x86) the MSI-GUID has changed at one charcter (from "8" to "0"), no idea why -> ask Oracle -.- (see "check_uninstall.ins" from line 69 - 74)
Minor changes:
* add killing Opera.exe, before in-/uninstall.
* little Bug-fix which caused an installation abort with the (expected at this point) error code 1619.
java ( urgency=high
-- Kevin Weis <kevin.weis@faw.de> 2014-04-17
* update
* add JRE and JDK of Java 7 (ProductProperty "Version")
* add discriptions to all ProductPropertys
* change default of ProductProperty "VM-Type" from "jdk" to "jre" (if winst script is called by hand "jdk" is the default)
* change default of ProductProperty "WebJava-Security_Level" from "M" to "VH"
* NOTE: I´m using the JCE patch for Java 8, this work for Java 7 too (tested, no unwanted behaviour with SHA384, SHA512, AES192 and AES256)
Minor changes:
* Apply new variables nomination
* Fix check for minnimum Microsoft Windows Version (Java 8 is not supported on Windows XP, minnimum is Windows Vista >= 6.0)
* If some fatal error occours, the error will now be displayed (as a Message), too.
* clean up check_msi-exitcode; remove dead code and display fatal errors.
* automate get last version of Java 7 and 8 (StringList)
java (1.8.0-4) urgency=high
-- Kevin Weis <kevin.weis@faw.de> 2014-03-25.1933
* update
* switch install procedure to exe, insted deprecated use of the msi-package
* drop install procedure using the msi-package
* add support for in- and uninstall both (jdk and jre), jce patched of cause ;)
* switch message locale from german to english
* Use the check_msi-exitcode script from “Der-Matze”: https://forum.opsi.org/wiki/userspace:check_msi-exitcode
see also: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/8train-relnotes-latest-2153846.html
java (7.0.51-3) urgency=high
-- Kevin Weis <kevin.weis@faw.de> 2014-01-17.1220
* update
* add patch for JCE (Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 7)
* find installed versions of JRE now by using a for loop (supporting deinstallation since java 6u10 x64 and x32)
* serval other little impovments
java (7.0.40-2.2) urgency=high
-- Kevin Weis <kevin.weis@faw.de> 2013-10-14.1009
update java version to 7.0.40
add explicit declaration for >=java-7.0.10 of "GetRegistryStringValue32" and "GetRegistryStringValue64"
java (7.0.25-2.1) urgency=high
-- Kevin Weis <kevin.weis@faw.de> 13:39 02.04.2013
* check_uninstall.ins:4-9
java (7.0.17-2.1) urgency=high
-- Kevin Weis <kevin.weis@faw.de> 13:39 02.04.2013
- Bugfix bugfix = hing fest bei der Installation/Deinstallation
java (7.0.9-2.0) urgency=high
-- Kevin Weis <kevin.weis@faw.de> 12:19 12.11.2012
- Umstellung auf MSI
- Automatische Entscheidung zwischen x86 und x64
- autoupdate = off
- Bugfix = hing fest bei der Installation/Deinstallation
java (7.0-7) testing; urgency=low
java (7.0-4) testing; urgency=low
-- Kevin Weis <kevinweis@gmx.de> 12:39 05.11.2012
* Initial package