Files watcher program to autosync with AWS S3
Failed to find libraries that work properly to deal with AWS S3 files in the same way watchdog does for local filesystem changes.
The files changed in S3 are pulled down and the local changes are uploaded to S3 with a backup in S3 prior to upload (avoids accidental loss of files).
files_s3_autosync -h
usage: files_s3_autosync [-h] [-f FILE_PATH | -e ENV_VAR] [_ ...]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE_PATH, --from-file FILE_PATH
Configuration for execution from a file
-e ENV_VAR, --from-env-var ENV_VAR
Configuration for execution is in an environment variable
Input files model
.. literalinclude:: aws_s3_files_autosync/input.json :language: json
- Synchronize (GET/PUT) files from/to local filesystem to S3.
- Validates whether downloading the file is necessary based on file size and timestamps
- Automatically creates a copy of the current object in S3 before uploading a newer version.
- Simulates aws s3 sync for specific files