Allows the user to call the null object which handles all calls silently and returns sensible defaults. The returned object can be type cast to return the following values:
- String - ""
- Integer - 0
- Float or Real - 0.0
- Array - []
- Boolean - False
Run the following to install:
composer require conceptbyte/null-object
The null object can be created in one of the following methods:
- Named constructor:
- Helper function:
Both will return an instance of the class. Calls to any methods or members on this class will return the defaults as mentioned in the section above.
(string) NullObject::create()->xyz; // ""
(bool) NullObject::create()->abc(); // false
(int) no()->xyz; // 0
(float) no()->abc(); // 0.0
PHP does not allow modifying the behaviour of casting a class to boolean. A simple hack is to use the SimpleXMLElement class which can return false when passed an empty XML tag.