This is a simple CloudFormation that sets up stopping and starting of an existing ECS service by a schedule for specified tasks.
We have confirmed operation in the following environments
- ECS(Fargate type)
List of resources to be created
- AWS EventBridge Scheduler
- IAM Role for EventBridge Scheduler
Extract eventbridge-scheduler.yaml from the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI.
- NamePrefix: Prefix
- EcsClusterName: ECS cluster name
- EcsServiceName: ECS service name
- ScheduleExpressionTimezone: Time Zone
- StopScheduleExpression: CRON expression specifying the time to stop
- StartScheduleExpression: CRON expression for time to start
- StopDesiredCount: number specified for DesiredCount to stop (stop=0)
- StartDesiredCount: number specified for DesiredCount to starting
[Time Zone]
[AWS EventBridge Scheduler Using universal targets]
List of resources to be created
- AWS Event Rule
- AWS Lambda(and permission)
- IAM Role for Lambda
Extract events-rule.yaml from the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI.
- NamePrefix: Prefix
- EcsClusterName: ECS cluster name
- EcsServiceName: ECS service name
- EcsClusterArn: ECS cluster ARN
- StopScheduleExpression: CRON expression specifying the time to stop (UTC)
- StartScheduleExpression: CRON expression for time to start (UTC)
- StopDesiredCount: number specified for DesiredCount to stop (stop=0)
- StartDesiredCount: number specified for DesiredCount to starting
[Schedule Expressions for Rules]