The Measurement Enhanced Bundle extends the Measurement Bundle by further capabilities. It now allows you to measure angles either between two position and the Azimuth or three positions.
Requirement: map.apps 3.2.0
- Add the bundle "dn_measurementenhanced" to your app and use the tool named "extendedMeasurementTool"
- The bundle is not compatible with the Identify component of the featureinfo bundle. Therefore, it must be deactivated in app. json as follows:
"featureinfo": {
"Identify": {
"componentEnabled": false
The "dn_measurementenhanced" bundle provides an Identify component as a replacement for it in the OSGI system.
"MeasurementFactory": {
"showTools": [
"defaultTool": "area",
"defaultAreaUnit": "HECTARES",
"defaultLengthUnit": "KILOMETERS",
"defaultLocationUnit": "DECIMAL_DEGREES",
"defaultAngleUnit": "DEGREES",
"finishWithButton": true,
"geometryServiceURL": "@@geometry.service.url@@"
Before you can run the project you have to define the mapapps.remote.base property in the pom.xml-file:
Goal parameters
mvn install -Dmapapps.remote.base=http://%YOURSERVER%/ct-mapapps-webapp-%VERSION%
Build properties Change the mapapps.remote.base in the file and run:
mvn install -Denv=dev -Dlocal.configfile=%ABSOLUTEPATHTOPROJECTROOT%/