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Measurement Enhanced Bundle

The Measurement Enhanced Bundle extends the Measurement Bundle by further capabilities. It now allows you to measure angles either between two position and the Azimuth or three positions.

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Installation Guide

Requirement: map.apps 3.2.0

  1. Add the bundle "dn_measurementenhanced" to your app and use the tool named "extendedMeasurementTool"
  2. The bundle is not compatible with the Identify component of the featureinfo bundle. Therefore, it must be deactivated in app. json as follows:
"featureinfo": {
    "Identify": {
        "componentEnabled": false

The "dn_measurementenhanced" bundle provides an Identify component as a replacement for it in the OSGI system.

Configurable Components of dn_measurementenhanced:

"MeasurementFactory": {
    "showTools": [
    "defaultTool": "area",
    "defaultAreaUnit": "HECTARES",
    "defaultLengthUnit": "KILOMETERS",
    "defaultLocationUnit": "DECIMAL_DEGREES",
    "defaultAngleUnit": "DEGREES",
    "finishWithButton": true,
    "geometryServiceURL": "@@geometry.service.url@@"

Development Guide

Define the mapapps remote base

Before you can run the project you have to define the mapapps.remote.base property in the pom.xml-file: <mapapps.remote.base>http://%YOURSERVER%/ct-mapapps-webapp-%VERSION%</mapapps.remote.base>

Other methods to to define the mapapps.remote.base property.
  1. Goal parameters mvn install -Dmapapps.remote.base=http://%YOURSERVER%/ct-mapapps-webapp-%VERSION%

  2. Build properties Change the mapapps.remote.base in the file and run: mvn install -Denv=dev -Dlocal.configfile=%ABSOLUTEPATHTOPROJECTROOT%/