A tool utilizing the last.fm APIs or musicbrainz/listenbrainz to analyze what you've been listening to and provide a Spotify-wrapped like summary of your listening. Currently prints to console.
Install the requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
usage: brainz.py [-h] [--fast] [--listenbrainz] [-t str] [--output str] [--input str] str
Get aggregates like Spotify Wrapped from Last.FM/ListenBrainz.
positional arguments:
str Last.FM/ListenBrainz username
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--fast Use last.fm generated aggregates for faster results. Only works for last 7 days
--listenbrainz Use listenbrainz instead of last.fm
-t str, --time str Specify the timeframe. Defaults to all time, you can say 'today', 'week', 'xd' (where x is the number of previous days), '1m', 'xxxxy' (where xxxx is the calendar year), or 'all'
--output str Filename to output to
--input str Read a JSON file instead of getting the data from last.fm/listenbrainz
Be sure to add your last.fm API token in brainz.py
if you wish to use last.fm