This guide is aimed at everyone setting up their own home automation server for the first time.
The guide will be update when time is.
- 64 bit capable computer
- Debian amd64 iso (Get the netinstallation ISO from here )
- USB memory 4 GB
- Balena Etcher (Get it here )
- Basic linux knowledge
- Burn ISO to USB memory with Balena Etcher
- Boot on USB memory and use graphical interface to install Debian according to notes below
- Select keymap to match your keyboard
- configure hostname
- configure domain name
- configure root password
- Configure new user
- Select "Guided - use entire disk" and coninue
- Uncheck "Debian desktop environment"
- Uncheck "Print server"
- check "SSH Server"
- Install Grub
- Remove the USB memory and reboot computer
- Log into computer with the new user
- run the following command to switch to root user:
su -
- run the following command to install wget and unzip:
apt install wget unzip
- run the following command to download the repository:
- extract the file with:
- run the following command to move the Docker-main folder:
mv Docker-main/ /usr/local/docker
- run the following command to make the files executable:
chmod 755 /usr/local/docker/
chmod 755 /usr/local/docker/
chmod 755 /usr/local/docker/
- run the following script to install docker:
- run the following command to move the Docker-main folder:
docker-compose --version
- run the following command to create the group "docker":
groupadd docker
- run the following command to add the user "user" the group "docker":
usermod -aG docker user
- run the following command to reboot the :
- run the following command to configure the env. file:
mv /usr/local/docker/env /usr/local/docker/.env
nano /usr/local/docker/.env
- Update the file with your passowords
ctrl + x
to save the file
- run the following command to configure the docker-compose.conf file:
nano /usr/local/docker/docker-compose.conf
- Update "mac_vlan:" section to reflect your local network
run the following command to start all docker containers:
/usr/local/docker/docker-compose up -d
run the following command to stop all docker containers:
/usr/local/docker/docker-compose down
run the following command to update all docker containers:
/usr/local/docker/docker-compose pull
Application | Description | Settings |
adguardhome | Pi-Hole alternative | mac_vlan |
codeserver | Visual Basic Codeserver | Exposes port 8444 |
glances | Process explorer | Exposes port 61208 |
hadb | Home Assistand DB | Exposes port 3306 |
heimdall | Startpage | Exposes port 7080 |
homeassistant | Home Assistant | Network=Host |
librespeed | Own Speedtest server | Exposes port 8888 |
mqtt | MQTT server used by Hom-Assistant | Network=Host |
portainer | Manage docker containers | Exposes port 9000 |
postgresserver | Zabbix DB | Exposes port 5432 |
speedtest | Schedules speedtests | Exposes port 8765 |
zabbixagent2 | Zabbix Agent 2 | Network=Host |
zabbixserver | Zabbix network monitor server | Network=Host |
zabbixsnmptraps | Zabbix trap server | Exposes port 162 |
zabbixwebnginx | Zabbix Web Server | Network=Host |
- Move more seetings from docker-compose.conf to .env file
- Automate syncronisation local-github-local
- add error management in installation script
- Autoclean unused docker images, containers, networks, a.s.o
- Add configuration for different docker containers
- add dockerfiles