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Andreas Ernst edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 25 revisions


dOrm is a complete dynamic orm ( Object Relational Mapper ), that doesn't require to setup custom table structures per entity but is able to map dynamic entities on a database based on a couple of technical tables only.

What's the problem anyway...

Before we describe the solution, let's figure out what the problem is....

Typical applications use the normal ORMs that persist entities on table structures that are known at compile time predefined in the underlying dbms. While this is fine for most cases, there are some situations, where we need to configure entities dynamically. Think of a custom workflow definition ( e.g. with Camunda ) that wants to persist some complex internal state, which is not known upfront.

Exactly this problem is solved by the current implementation.


Let's look a simple example first:

Assuming we have an injected ObjectManager which is responsible for transaction and object lifecycle management, we are able to specify an entity by defining the attributes including type and type constraint information

personDescriptor = manager.type("person")
   .add(attribute("name").type(string().length(100))) // string with length constraint


With this structural information - which is also persisted in the database - we can create and access DataObject instances, that carry the payload information

try {
    val parent = manager.create(personDescriptor)

    // set some values by the custom get and set operators
    person["name"] = "Andi"
    person["age"] = 58

   val child = manager.create(personDescriptor)

    // set some values by the custom get and set operators
    child["name"] = "Nika"
    child["age"] = 14

    // add relation

    parent.relation("children").add(child) // will adjust the inverse parent relation automatically

finally {
    manager.commit() // will create!

Let's query all persons persisted so far...

val queryManager = manager.queryManager()
try {
    val person = queryManager.from(personDescriptor)
    val query = queryManager

    val queryResult = query.execute().getResultList()

    val name = queryResult[0]["name"]

    // let's modify values

    queryResult[0]["age"] = 30 // better!
finally {
    manager.commit() // will update all dirty objects

Since the objects are managed by the ObjectManager we can update values easily. The manager will know about any changes and will persist them at the end of the transaction.

Projections are possible as well, as seen here

val queryManager = manager.queryManager()
try {
    val person = queryManager.from(personDescriptor)
    val children = person.join("children")
    val query = queryManager
        .select(person.get("age"), person.get("name")
        .where(eq(children.get("name"), "Nika"))

    val tupleResult = query.execute().getResultList()

    val name = tupleResult[0][1]
finally {

In addition to a criteria api like query, we are of course able to specify hql like queries as well:

val queryManager = manager.queryManager()

try {
    val query = manager.query<>("SELECT FROM person AS p JOIN p.children as children WHERE = :name")

    val queryResult = query.executor()
        .set("name", "Nika")

finally {
    manager.commit() // will update

Solution design

The solution is pretty straight forward. Entities are stored as a combination of three technical tables

  • ENTITY a table referencing the entity definition and a generated primary key
  • PROPERTY a table that will store single attributes of an entity
  • RELATION a bridge table that stores relation

The property table defines the columns

  • TYPE the id of the entity structure
  • ENTITY the id of the corresponding entity
  • PROPERTY the property name

and a number of columns that are able to store payload data with respect to the supported low-level data types

  • STRING_VALUE a string value
  • INT_VALUE a long value ( stores boolean values well )
  • DOUBLE_VALUE a floating point value

In order to model relations, the property table has a reflexive relation that expresses relationships stored in a bridge table RELATION.

As the definition of an entity is known, the engine will know which attributes are stored in which columns.

Let's look at a simple query, that will read a single person.

        PROPERTY p 
        p.ENTITY="person" and

After reading the result set, the engine will create the appropriate DataObject instance and store the appropriate values in the correct places.

If we talk about queries, that code gets a little bit more complicated. Querying for an integer attribute "age" with the operator "=" and value 58 will result in something like

        PROPERTY p 
        p.ENTITY in (
            (select distinct p2.ENTITY 
               from PROPERTY p2 
                    and p2.ATTRIBUTE="age"
                    and p2.INT_VALUE=58)) 
    order by


Type Definition

Attribute definitions rely on a type concept that specifies base types ( e.g. integer vs. string ) including possible constraints.

The abstract base class

abstract class Type<T:Any>(val baseType: Class<T>) 

covers the information including a list of tests that will be executed, while validating a value. These tests are specified with a fluent syntax using methods of the base class and derived classes, which cover all Kotlin types, which are

  • BooleanType
  • CharacterType
  • StringType
  • ShortType
  • IntType
  • LongType
  • FloatType
  • DoubleType

Corresponding global functions - e.g. int(), string(), ... - are defined that instantiate a new instance.

Constraint Specification

  • seal() disallows any additional constraint specifications.

Base Constraints

  • required() specifies that nulls are not allowed
  • optional() specifies that nulls are allowed

String Constraints

  • fun length(length: Int) : StringType specifies the maximum length
  • fun matches(expression: String) : StringType specifies a regular expression that needs to match

Boolean Constraints

  • fun isTrue() : BooleanType only accepts true
  • fun isFalse() : BooleanType only accepts false

Character Constraints

Numeric Constraints

  • fun min(min: <Numeric>) : <Numeric>Type the minimum value
  • fun max(max: <Numeric>) : <Numeric>Type the maximum value
  • fun lessThan(min: <Numeric>) : <Numeric>Type the value needs to be < the passed value
  • fun lessEqual(min: <Numeric>) : <Numeric>Type the value needs to be <= the passed value
  • fun greaterThan(min: <Numeric>) : <Numeric>Type the value needs to be > the passed value
  • fun greaterEqual(min: <Numeric>) : <Numeric>Type the value needs to be >= the passed value


Two main methods are implemented

  • validate(obj: Any)
    validates the passed value and throws a ValidationError if at least one test fails.
  • isValid(obj: Any) : Boolean
    returns true, if the value is valid, false otherwise

The ValidationError includes a list of violations, that contain

  • type: Class<Any> the expected base type
  • name: String the violated constraint which is always the same as the called methods ( e.g. ´lessThan´)
  • parameter: Any? any parameter passed to the constraint, e.g. a max value
  • value: Any the actual value


The main class that controls the object meta-data and the lifecycle of objects is the class


that is a regular spring component and can be injected.

Transaction Management

All operations - both meta-data and object related - need to be executed within a transaction. The ObjectManager offers the appropriate methods

  • begin() start a new transaction
  • commit() commits a running transaction and flushes all required database changes
  • rollback() rollbacks a running transaction

Object Definition

Every object needs to be declared in the first step. The method

type(name: String)

creates a builder object, that is used to specify attributes and relations. A final register() call will finalize the specification.



   try {

   catch(error: Error) {
      objectManager.rollback() // can happen, for example if the object is already registered

The add method is used to describe attributes or relations.


The function attribute(name: String) will return a builder object that offers the methods

  • type(type: Type<*>) specifies the type


The function relation(name: String) will return a builder object that offers the methods

  • target(target: String) specifies the target object of this relation by name
  • inverse(inverse: String) specifies the inverse relation name
  • multiplicity(multiplicity: Multiplicity) specifies the multiplicity of the relation, which is an enum containing ZERO_OR_ONE, ONE, MANY, ZERO_OR_MANY
  • cascade(cascade: Cascade) specifies cascading effect. Currently this is only the enum value DELETE which is required in case of an aggregation.



Objects are created via the ObjectManager method

create(descriptor: ObjectDescriptor)

the passed meta-data in turn can be fetched by calling

findDescriptor(name: String)

the newly constructed object is an instance of the class DataObject which has a generated long primary key ( with the attribute name "id" ) and is initialized by default values with respect to the datatypes

  • String: empty string
  • Boolean: false
  • Numeric values: 0 ( or 0.0 )
  • object reference: null
  • relation: empty set object ( instance of MultiValuedRelation)


The DataObject operator [] is overloaded in order to access and modify values.

Be aware that the set operator will directly validate the passed value.

Accessing single value relations is also achieved by the operator. Only for multi value relation we need another method

relation(name: String) : MultiValuedRelation

which casts to the internal relation object, which implements the Set interface.


The operators are used to modify object values. Since the objects manager is aware of all managed objects, a commit-operation will flush the necessary changes to update the database accordingly.

In case of relations, all modifications will affect the inverse relations as well. For example, setting a value of a 1:n relation to null will remove the containing object from the inverse relation. ( Something that hibernate was obviously not able to do )


The DataObject method

delete() marks the object for deletion, which will be executed while committing the transaction. The delete operation may cascade on relations, if they are marked with the DELETE cascade mode.


The framework offers two distinct query possibilities

  • a functional query specification ( similar to the criteria api of JPA )
  • a DSL based specification ( similar to HQL )

You may be pretty familiar with the offered functionality since it looks pretty much like JPA :-)

In both cases the framework will flush all objects to the database that may affect a query result!


Basis for query execution is the QueryManager that is able to create Query objects.


   val queryManager = objectManager.queryManager()
   val query = queryManager.create() // this will create a `Query<DataObject>` returning `DataObject`s


   val result = query.execute().getResultList()

Additional fluent methods will modify the query:

  • fun select(vararg path: ObjectPath) : Query<T>
  • fun from(root: AbstractFrom) : Query<T>
  • fun where(expression: ObjectExpression) : Query<T>

The starting point for expressions and select targets are object references suitable for query expressions which are created by calling


additional fluent methods can be used to reference

  • attributes by calling get(<attribute-name>), or
  • relations by calling join(<relation-name>)

Predicates are expressed by the global functions

  • eq equals
  • ne not equals
  • lt less than
  • le less or equal
  • gt greater than
  • ge greater for equals

and the logical predicates and and or

Let`s look at some examples

Example: Object query

val person = queryManager.from(objectManager.getDescriptor("person"))

val query = queryManager
              .where(eq(person("name"), "Nika"))

Example: Tuple query

val person = queryManager.from(objectManager.getDescriptor("person"))

val query = queryManager
              .create(Array<Any> // that's the generic return type
              .where(eq(person.get("name"), "Nika"))

Example: join query

val person = queryManager.from(objectManager.getDescriptor("person"))
val children = person.join("children")

val query = queryManager
              .where(eq(children.get("name"), "Nika"))


The DSL part is a subset of the JPA specification.


val query = objectManager.query<DataObject>(
                    "SELECT p " +
                    "  FROM person AS p " +
                    "  JOIN p.children child" +
                    "  WHERE = :name")

val result = query.executor()
                .set("name", "Nika")

In case of parameters, we need an intermediate object - created with executor() - that is able to set the named parameters!

JSON Support

The Jackson modules TypeModule, ObjectModule and ObjectDescriptorModule can be used to add JSON serialization and deserialization support for type and object meta-data und object instances.

Registering them with the object mapper will do the job.

    fun objectMapper(): ObjectMapper {
        return ObjectMapper()
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