Ansible playbooks for the Coop SymbioTIC (
Our Ansible roles/playbooks are published in the hope that they can be useful. Use at your own risk.
We provide turn-key CiviCRM-based services for non-profits, professional associations, unions and small-medium size companies. We are a worker's co-op based in Montreal, Quebec (Canada).
Looking for CiviCRM services? Would you like to join our team?
Contact us at info (at)
Feedback/suggestions welcome. Please use the Github issue queue of this project for technical issues.
This repository is maintained at:
- Ansible 2.9 (playbooks might throw some warnings, but that is our target at the moment).
- Most roles assume Debian 10. They may have limited support for other operating systems.
This set of Ansible playbooks/roles includes submodules. Make sure you clone recursively:
git clone --recursive
Assuming the server already runs ssh and you have either ssh root access or a user account that can sudo root:
1- Ensure that you have the private files in /etc/ansible/files
2- Add the host to the 'production' inventory (/etc/ansible/hosts).
3- Create, if necessary, the host_vars file for that host (/etc/ansible/host_vars/
4- Run the following setup:
ansible-playbook -l -u mathieu --become-user=root --ask-become-pass --ask-pass ./setup.yml
5- And finally the normal run:
ansible-playbook -l ./site.yml
See what hosts would be affected by a playbook before you run it:
ansible-playbook site.yml --list-hosts
Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook site.yml
Run it on a specific node:
ansible-playbook -l site.yml
Run only a specific role (each role is tagged in site.yml):
ansible-playbook --tags=ufw site.yml
Run 10 "things" (servers?) in parallel:
ansible-playbook site.yml -f 10