Any commits which reference a Bugzilla number will be posted as comments
on the bug. Bugs Ids are specified either as '(bug|issue):? *#?(\d+)
on the first line or
as (resolves?|related|conflicts?):? *#?(\d+)
on any line of the commit message. Only one
comment per bug per commit is posted in Bugzilla. implements the webhook. It's designed in particular for use with mod_wsgi, but there's a main block to facilitate use as a standalone application and that will probably work ok.
The web hook must be running somewhere with a publicly-accessible URL.
This service uses several environment variables for its configuration.
- GHBH_BUGZILLA_URL - The XML-RPC url to Bugzilla, for example
- GHBH_BUGZILLA_API_KEY - A bugzilla API key
- GHBH_GITHUB_SECRET - Recommended If set, this is the secret used to configure the webhook on github, and is used to verify that push events are sent from GitHub.
- GHBH_HTTP_PORT - The HTTP port to listen on if running the webhook as a standalone service.
Go to the settings for the repository you want to connect to Bugzilla. Under "Webhooks & Services," add a webhook. Put in the URL for the web service, select "application/json" for the content type, set a secret if you're using one.
Under the choices of events to receive, select "Just the push event".
Lots of the initial code and documentation is taken from Alexander Todorov's