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Adjust base-dir to be based on pwd #35

merged 1 commit into from
Sep 21, 2024

Adjust base-dir to be based on pwd #35

merged 1 commit into from
Sep 21, 2024


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Let's make sure this didn't break anything:
@coqbot: minimize

#!/usr/bin/env bash
git clone "" -b coq-8.20.0
cd puiseuxth/coq
make || true
coqc -Q . "" -q F1Eq.v

@JasonGross JasonGross deleted the base-dir-from-pwd branch September 21, 2024 01:03
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coqbot-app bot commented Sep 21, 2024

Hey @JasonGross, the coq bug minimizer is running your script, I'll come back to you with the results once it's done.

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coqbot-app bot commented Sep 21, 2024

@JasonGross, Minimized File /home/runner/work/run-coq-bug-minimizer/run-coq-bug-minimizer/puiseuxth/coq/F1Eq.v (full log on GitHub Actions - verbose log)

🌟 Minimized Coq File (consider adding this file to the test-suite)
(* -*- mode: coq; coq-prog-args: ("-emacs" "-q" "-w" "-deprecated-native-compiler-option,-native-compiler-disabled" "-native-compiler" "ondemand" "-Q" "/github/workspace/cwd" "Top" "-Q" "/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq" "" "-Q" "/home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/lib/coq/user-contrib/Bignums" "Bignums" "-Q" "/home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/lib/coq/user-contrib/Ltac2" "Ltac2" "-top" "F1Eq") -*- *)
(* File reduced by coq-bug-minimizer from original input, then from 1705 lines to 97 lines, then from 110 lines to 959 lines, then from 964 lines to 101 lines, then from 114 lines to 467 lines, then from 472 lines to 101 lines, then from 114 lines to 337 lines, then from 342 lines to 124 lines, then from 137 lines to 472 lines, then from 477 lines to 148 lines, then from 161 lines to 1213 lines, then from 1218 lines to 200 lines, then from 213 lines to 843 lines, then from 848 lines to 212 lines, then from 225 lines to 837 lines, then from 842 lines to 267 lines, then from 280 lines to 2742 lines, then from 2747 lines to 366 lines, then from 379 lines to 888 lines, then from 893 lines to 394 lines, then from 407 lines to 1170 lines, then from 1175 lines to 398 lines, then from 411 lines to 2025 lines, then from 2030 lines to 559 lines, then from 572 lines to 1139 lines, then from 1144 lines to 570 lines, then from 583 lines to 1826 lines, then from 1831 lines to 575 lines, then from 588 lines to 960 lines, then from 965 lines to 622 lines, then from 627 lines to 623 lines *)
(* coqc version 8.20.0 compiled with OCaml 4.13.1
   coqtop version 8.20.0
   Expected coqc runtime on this file: 0.353 sec *)

Require Coq.QArith.QArith.
Require Coq.Unicode.Utf8.

Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Reserved Notation "a ∘ b" (left associativity, at level 32).

Class ring α :=
  { rng_zero : α;
    rng_one : α;
    rng_add : α → α → α;
    rng_mul : α → α → α;
    rng_opp : α → α;
    rng_eq : α → α → Prop;
    rng_eq_refl : ∀ a, rng_eq a a;
    rng_eq_sym : ∀ a b, rng_eq a b → rng_eq b a;
    rng_eq_trans : ∀ a b c, rng_eq a b → rng_eq b c → rng_eq a c;
    rng_add_comm : ∀ a b, rng_eq (rng_add a b) (rng_add b a);
    rng_add_assoc : ∀ a b c,
      rng_eq (rng_add a (rng_add b c)) (rng_add (rng_add a b) c);
    rng_add_0_l : ∀ a, rng_eq (rng_add rng_zero a) a;
    rng_add_opp_l : ∀ a, rng_eq (rng_add (rng_opp a) a) rng_zero;
    rng_add_compat_l : ∀ a b c,
      rng_eq a b → rng_eq (rng_add c a) (rng_add c b);
    rng_mul_comm : ∀ a b, rng_eq (rng_mul a b) (rng_mul b a);
    rng_mul_assoc : ∀ a b c,
      rng_eq (rng_mul a (rng_mul b c)) (rng_mul (rng_mul a b) c);
    rng_mul_1_l : ∀ a, rng_eq (rng_mul rng_one a) a;
    rng_mul_compat_l : ∀ a b c,
      rng_eq a b → rng_eq (rng_mul c a) (rng_mul c b);
    rng_mul_add_distr_l : ∀ a b c,
      rng_eq (rng_mul a (rng_add b c))
        (rng_add (rng_mul a b) (rng_mul a c)) }.
Delimit Scope field_scope with K.
Notation "a = b" := (rng_eq a b) : field_scope.
Notation "a + b" := (rng_add a b) : field_scope.
Notation "a * b" := (rng_mul a b) : field_scope.
Notation "- a" := (rng_opp a) : field_scope.
Notation "0" := rng_zero : field_scope.
Notation "1" := rng_one : field_scope.

Add Parametric Relation α (K : ring α) : α rng_eq
 reflexivity proved by rng_eq_refl
 symmetry proved by rng_eq_sym
 transitivity proved by rng_eq_trans
 as eq_rel.

Class field α (rng_ring : ring α) :=
  { fld_inv : α → α;
    fld_mul_inv_l : ∀ a,
      not (rng_eq a rng_zero)
      → rng_eq (rng_mul (fld_inv a) a) rng_one;
    fld_zerop : ∀ a, { rng_eq a rng_zero } + { not (rng_eq a rng_zero) } }.
Import Coq.QArith.QArith.

Notation "[ ]" := nil.
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y … l ]" := (cons x .. (cons y l) ..).
Notation "[ x ]" := (cons x nil).

Definition Qnat i := Z.of_nat i # 1.

Fixpoint summation_aux α (r : ring α) b len g :=
  match len with
  | O => 0%K
  | S len₁ => (g b + summation_aux r (S b) len₁ g)%K

Definition summation α {R : ring α} b e g := summation_aux R b (S e - b) g.

Notation "'Σ' ( i = b , e ) , g" := (summation b e (λ i, (g)))
  (at level 0, i at level 0, b at level 60, e at level 60, g at level 40).

Inductive lap_eq {α} {r : ring α} : list α → list α → Prop :=
  | lap_eq_nil : lap_eq [] []
  | lap_eq_cons : ∀ x₁ x₂ l₁ l₂,
      (x₁ = x₂)%K
      → lap_eq l₁ l₂
        → lap_eq [x₁ … l₁] [x₂ … l₂]
  | lap_eq_cons_nil : ∀ x l,
      (x = 0)%K
      → lap_eq l []
        → lap_eq [x … l] []
  | lap_eq_nil_cons : ∀ x l,
      (x = 0)%K
      → lap_eq [] l
        → lap_eq [] [x … l].

Theorem lap_eq_refl {α} {r : ring α} : reflexive _ lap_eq.

Theorem lap_eq_sym {α} {r : ring α} : symmetric _ lap_eq.

Theorem lap_eq_trans {α} {r : ring α} : transitive _ lap_eq.

Add Parametric Relation α (r : ring α) : (list α) lap_eq
 reflexivity proved by lap_eq_refl
 symmetry proved by lap_eq_sym
 transitivity proved by lap_eq_trans
 as lap_eq_rel.

Fixpoint lap_add {α} {r : ring α} al₁ al₂ :=
  match al₁ with
  | [] => al₂
  | [a₁ … bl₁] =>
      match al₂ with
      | [] => al₁
      | [a₂ … bl₂] => [(a₁ + a₂)%K … lap_add bl₁ bl₂]

Fixpoint lap_convol_mul α (r : ring α) al₁ al₂ i len :=
  match len with
  | O => []
  | S len₁ =>
      [Σ (j = 0, i), (List.nth j al₁ 0 * List.nth (i - j) al₂ 0)%K …
       lap_convol_mul r al₁ al₂ (S i) len₁]

Definition lap_mul {α} {R : ring α} la lb :=
  lap_convol_mul R la lb 0 (pred (length la + length lb)).

Fixpoint lap_power {α} {r : ring α} la n :=
  match n with
  | O => [1%K]
  | S m => lap_mul la (lap_power la m)

Definition lap_compose {α} {r : ring α} la lb :=
  List.fold_right (λ c accu, lap_add (lap_mul accu lb) [c]) [] la.

Definition lap_compose2 {α} {r : ring α} la lb :=
    (λ i accu,
     lap_add accu (lap_mul [List.nth i la 0] (lap_power lb i)))%K
    [] (List.seq 0 (length la)).
Delimit Scope lap_scope with lap.
Notation "a * b" := (lap_mul a b) : lap_scope.

Global Instance lap_mul_morph α (R : ring α) :
  Proper (lap_eq ==> lap_eq ==> lap_eq) (@lap_mul _ R).

Theorem lap_add_compat : ∀ α (r : ring α) a b c d,
  lap_eq a c
  → lap_eq b d
    → lap_eq (lap_add a b) (lap_add c d).

Theorem lap_mul_compat : ∀ α (r : ring α) a b c d,
  lap_eq a c
  → lap_eq b d
    → lap_eq (lap_mul a b) (lap_mul c d).

Section lap.

Variable α : Type.
Variable r : ring α.

Theorem lap_mul_assoc : ∀ la lb lc,
  lap_eq (lap_mul la (lap_mul lb lc))
    (lap_mul (lap_mul la lb) lc).

Theorem lap_mul_1_r : ∀ la, lap_eq (lap_mul la [1%K]) la.

Theorem lap_power_mul : ∀ la lb n,
    (lap_power (lap_mul la lb) n)
    (lap_mul (lap_power la n) (lap_power lb n)).

Theorem lap_eq_0 : lap_eq [0%K] [].

End lap.

Record polynomial α := mkpol { al : list α }.
Delimit Scope poly_scope with pol.
Notation "'POL' l" := {| al := l |} (at level 1) : poly_scope.

Definition eq_poly {α} {r : ring α} x y := lap_eq (al x) (al y).

Notation "a = b" := (eq_poly a b) : poly_scope.

Theorem eq_poly_refl α (r : ring α) : reflexive _ eq_poly.

Theorem eq_poly_sym α (r : ring α) : symmetric _ eq_poly.

Theorem eq_poly_trans α (r : ring α) : transitive _ eq_poly.

Add Parametric Relation α (r : ring α) : (polynomial α) eq_poly
 reflexivity proved by (eq_poly_refl r)
 symmetry proved by (eq_poly_sym (r := r))
 transitivity proved by (eq_poly_trans (r := r))
 as eq_poly_rel.

Definition poly_mul {α} {r : ring α} pol₁ pol₂ :=
  {| al := lap_mul (al pol₁) (al pol₂) |}.

Definition poly_power {α} {r : ring α} pol n :=
  (POL (lap_power (al pol) n))%pol.

Definition poly_compose {α} {r : ring α} a b :=
  POL (lap_compose (al a) (al b))%pol.

Definition poly_compose2 {α} {r : ring α} a b :=
  POL (lap_compose2 (al a) (al b))%pol.
Notation "a * b" := (poly_mul a b) : poly_scope.
Notation "a ∘ b" := (poly_compose a b) : poly_scope.

Global Instance poly_mul_morph α (r : ring α) :
  Proper (eq_poly ==> eq_poly ==> eq_poly) poly_mul.

Section poly.

Variable α : Type.
Variable r : ring α.

Theorem poly_mul_compat : ∀ a b c d,
  (a = c)%pol
  → (b = d)%pol
    → (a * b = c * d)%pol.

End poly.

Inductive Nbar : Set :=
  | fin : ∀ x : nat, Nbar
  | inf : Nbar.

Notation "∞" := inf.

Record power_series α := series { terms : nat → α }.

Notation "s .[ i ]" := (@terms _ s i) (at level 1).

Definition series_0 {α} {r : ring α} :=
  {| terms i := 0%K |}.
Delimit Scope series_scope with ser.
Notation "0" := series_0 : series_scope.

Inductive eq_series {α} {r : ring α} :
    power_series α → power_series α → Prop :=
  eq_series_base : ∀ s₁ s₂,
    (∀ i, (s₁.[i] = s₂.[i])%K)
    → eq_series s₁ s₂.

Definition series_add {α} {r : ring α} s₁ s₂ :=
  {| terms i := (s₁.[i] + s₂.[i])%K |}.

Definition series_opp {α} {r : ring α} s :=
  {| terms i := (- s.[i])%K |}.
Notation "- a" := (series_opp a) : series_scope.

Definition convol_mul {α} {r : ring α} a b k :=
  Σ (i = 0, k), (a.[i] * b.[k-i])%K.

Definition series_mul {α} {r : ring α} a b :=
  {| terms k := convol_mul a b k |}.

Record puiseux_series α := mkps
  { ps_terms : power_series α;
    ps_ordnum : Z;
    ps_polydo : positive }.
Delimit Scope ps_scope with ps.
Definition series_order {α} {R : ring α} {K : field R} :
    power_series α → nat → Nbar.
Definition greatest_series_x_power : ∀ α (R : ring α) (K : field R),
    power_series α → nat → nat.

Definition series_stretch α {R : ring α} k s :=
  {| terms i :=
       if zerop (i mod Pos.to_nat k) then s .[i / Pos.to_nat k]
       else rng_zero |}.

Definition series_shift α {R : ring α} n s :=
  {| terms i := if lt_dec i n then rng_zero else s .[i - n] |}.

Definition series_shrink α k (s : power_series α) :=
  {| terms i := s.[i * Pos.to_nat k] |}.

Definition series_left_shift α n (s : power_series α) :=
  {| terms i := s.[n + i] |}.

Definition normalise_series α n k (s : power_series α) :=
  series_shrink k (series_left_shift n s).

Definition gcd_ps α n k (ps : puiseux_series α) :=
  Z.gcd (Z.gcd (ps_ordnum ps + Z.of_nat n) (Zpos (ps_polydo ps))) (Z.of_nat k).

Definition ps_zero {α} {r : ring α} :=
  {| ps_terms := 0%ser; ps_ordnum := 0; ps_polydo := 1 |}.

Definition normalise_ps α {R : ring α} {K : field R} ps :=
  match series_order (ps_terms ps) 0 with
  | fin n =>
      let k := greatest_series_x_power K (ps_terms ps) n in
      let g := gcd_ps n k ps in
      {| ps_terms := normalise_series n (Z.to_pos g) (ps_terms ps);
         ps_ordnum := (ps_ordnum ps + Z.of_nat n) / g;
         ps_polydo := Z.to_pos (Zpos (ps_polydo ps) / g) |}
  | ∞ =>

Inductive eq_ps_strong {α} {r : ring α} :
  puiseux_series α → puiseux_series α → Prop :=
  | eq_strong_base : ∀ ps₁ ps₂,
      ps_ordnum ps₁ = ps_ordnum ps₂
      → ps_polydo ps₁ = ps_polydo ps₂
        → eq_series (ps_terms ps₁) (ps_terms ps₂)
          → eq_ps_strong ps₁ ps₂.

Inductive eq_ps {α} {r : ring α} {K : field r} :
  puiseux_series α → puiseux_series α → Prop :=
  | eq_ps_base : ∀ ps₁ ps₂,
      eq_ps_strong (normalise_ps ps₁) (normalise_ps ps₂)
      → eq_ps ps₁ ps₂.

Definition ps_monom {α} {r : ring α} (c : α) pow :=
  {| ps_terms := {| terms i := if zerop i then c else 0%K |};
     ps_ordnum := Qnum pow;
     ps_polydo := Qden pow |}.

Definition ps_one {α} {r : ring α} := ps_monom rng_one 0.
Notation "a = b" := (eq_ps a b) : ps_scope.
Notation "0" := ps_zero : ps_scope.
Notation "1" := ps_one : ps_scope.

Section eq_ps_equiv_rel.

Variable α : Type.
Variable R : ring α.
Variable K : field R.

Theorem eq_ps_refl : reflexive _ eq_ps.

Theorem eq_ps_sym : symmetric _ eq_ps.

Theorem eq_ps_trans : transitive _ eq_ps.

End eq_ps_equiv_rel.

Section other_theorems.

Variable α : Type.

Definition cm (ps₁ ps₂ : puiseux_series α) :=
  (ps_polydo ps₁ * ps_polydo ps₂)%positive.
Definition cm_factor α (ps₁ ps₂ : puiseux_series α) :=
  ps_polydo ps₂.

End other_theorems.

Definition adjust_series α {R : ring α} n k s :=
  series_shift n (series_stretch k s).

Definition ps_terms_add α {R : ring α} (ps₁ ps₂ : puiseux_series α) :=
  let k₁ := cm_factor ps₁ ps₂ in
  let k₂ := cm_factor ps₂ ps₁ in
  let v₁ := (ps_ordnum ps₁ * Zpos k₁)%Z in
  let v₂ := (ps_ordnum ps₂ * Zpos k₂)%Z in
  let n₁ := Z.to_nat (v₁ - Z.min v₁ v₂) in
  let n₂ := Z.to_nat (v₂ - Z.min v₂ v₁) in
  let s₁ := adjust_series n₁ k₁ (ps_terms ps₁) in
  let s₂ := adjust_series n₂ k₂ (ps_terms ps₂) in
  series_add s₁ s₂.

Definition ps_ordnum_add α (ps₁ ps₂ : puiseux_series α) :=
  let k₁ := cm_factor ps₁ ps₂ in
  let k₂ := cm_factor ps₂ ps₁ in
  let v₁ := (ps_ordnum ps₁ * Zpos k₁)%Z in
  let v₂ := (ps_ordnum ps₂ * Zpos k₂)%Z in
  Z.min v₁ v₂.

Definition ps_add {α} {r : ring α} (ps₁ ps₂ : puiseux_series α) :=
  {| ps_terms := ps_terms_add ps₁ ps₂;
     ps_ordnum := ps_ordnum_add ps₁ ps₂;
     ps_polydo := cm ps₁ ps₂ |}.

Notation "a + b" := (ps_add a b) : ps_scope.

Definition ps_opp {α} {r : ring α} ps :=
  {| ps_terms := (- ps_terms ps)%ser;
     ps_ordnum := ps_ordnum ps;
     ps_polydo := ps_polydo ps |}.

Notation "- a" := (ps_opp a) : ps_scope.

Section theorems_add.

Variable α : Type.
Variable R : ring α.
Variable K : field R.

Theorem ps_add_comm : ∀ ps₁ ps₂, (ps₁ + ps₂ = ps₂ + ps₁)%ps.

Theorem ps_add_assoc : ∀ ps₁ ps₂ ps₃,
  (ps₁ + (ps₂ + ps₃) = (ps₁ + ps₂) + ps₃)%ps.

Theorem ps_add_0_l : ∀ ps, (0 + ps = ps)%ps.

Theorem ps_add_opp_l : ∀ ps, (- ps + ps = 0)%ps.

End theorems_add.

Section theorem_add_compat.

Variable α : Type.
Variable r : ring α.
Variable K : field r.

Theorem ps_add_compat_l : ∀ ps₁ ps₂ ps₃,
  (ps₁ = ps₂)%ps
  → (ps₃ + ps₁ = ps₃ + ps₂)%ps.

End theorem_add_compat.

Definition ps_mul {α} {r : ring α} ps₁ ps₂ :=
  {| ps_terms :=
         (series_stretch (cm_factor ps₁ ps₂) (ps_terms ps₁))
         (series_stretch (cm_factor ps₂ ps₁) (ps_terms ps₂));
     ps_ordnum :=
       (ps_ordnum ps₁ * Zpos (ps_polydo ps₂) +
        ps_ordnum ps₂ * Zpos (ps_polydo ps₁))%Z;
     ps_polydo :=
       cm ps₁ ps₂ |}.

Notation "a * b" := (ps_mul a b) : ps_scope.

Section theorems_for_mul.

Variable α : Type.
Variable r : ring α.
Variable K : field r.

Theorem ps_mul_comm : ∀ ps₁ ps₂, (ps₁ * ps₂ = ps₂ * ps₁)%ps.

Theorem ps_mul_1_l : ∀ ps, (1 * ps = ps)%ps.

Theorem ps_mul_1_r : ∀ ps, (ps * 1 = ps)%ps.

Theorem ps_mul_assoc : ∀ ps₁ ps₂ ps₃,
  (ps₁ * (ps₂ * ps₃) = (ps₁ * ps₂) * ps₃)%ps.

Theorem ps_mul_compat_l : ∀ ps₁ ps₂ ps₃,
  (ps₁ = ps₂)%ps
  → (ps₃ * ps₁ = ps₃ * ps₂)%ps.

End theorems_for_mul.

Section other_theorems.

Variable α : Type.
Variable r : ring α.
Variable K : field r.

Theorem ps_mul_add_distr_l : ∀ ps₁ ps₂ ps₃,
  (ps₁ * (ps₂ + ps₃) = ps₁ * ps₂ + ps₁ * ps₃)%ps.

End other_theorems.
Definition ps_ring α (R : ring α) (K : field R) : ring (puiseux_series α).
exact ({| rng_zero := ps_zero;
     rng_one := ps_one;
     rng_add := ps_add;
     rng_mul := ps_mul;
     rng_opp := ps_opp;
     rng_eq := eq_ps;
     rng_eq_refl := eq_ps_refl K;
     rng_eq_sym := eq_ps_sym (K := K);
     rng_eq_trans := eq_ps_trans (K := K);
     rng_add_comm := ps_add_comm K;
     rng_add_assoc := ps_add_assoc K;
     rng_add_0_l := ps_add_0_l K;
     rng_add_opp_l := ps_add_opp_l K;
     rng_add_compat_l := @ps_add_compat_l α R K;
     rng_mul_comm := ps_mul_comm K;
     rng_mul_assoc := ps_mul_assoc K;
     rng_mul_1_l := ps_mul_1_l K;
     rng_mul_compat_l := @ps_mul_compat_l α R K;
     rng_mul_add_distr_l := ps_mul_add_distr_l K |}).

Canonical Structure ps_ring.

Definition ps_lap_nth α {R : ring α} h la := (List.nth h la 0)%ps.
Definition ps_poly_nth α {R : ring α} h f := (ps_lap_nth h (al f)).

Definition ps_pol_eq α {R : ring α} {K : field R} a b :=
  @eq_poly (puiseux_series α) (ps_ring K) a b.

Definition ps_pol_mul α {R : ring α} {K : field R} a b :=
  @poly_mul (puiseux_series α) (ps_ring K) a b.

Definition ps_pol_pow α {R : ring α} {K : field R} a n :=
  @poly_power (puiseux_series α) (ps_ring K) a n.

Definition ps_pol_comp α {R : ring α} {K : field R} a b :=
  @poly_compose (puiseux_series α) (ps_ring K) a b.

Definition ps_pol α a := @mkpol (puiseux_series α) a.
Delimit Scope ps_pol_scope with pspol.
Notation "a = b" := (ps_pol_eq a b) : ps_pol_scope.
Notation "a * b" := (ps_pol_mul a b) : ps_pol_scope.
Notation "a ^ b" := (ps_pol_pow a b) : ps_pol_scope.
Notation "a ∘ b" := (ps_pol_comp a b) : ps_pol_scope.
Notation "'POL' l" := (ps_pol l) (at level 1) : ps_pol_scope.
Definition ps_field α {R : ring α} {K : field R} : field (ps_ring K).

Theorem poly_compose_compose2 : ∀ α (r : ring α) P Q,
  (P ∘ Q = poly_compose2 P Q)%pol.

Definition next_lap α {R : ring α} {K : field R} f β₁ γ₁ (c₁ : α) :=
  let _ := ps_ring K in
  ([ps_monom 1%K (- β₁)] *
   lap_compose f [ps_monom c₁ γ₁; ps_monom 1%K γ₁ … []])%lap.

Definition next_pol α {R : ring α} {K : field R} f β₁ γ₁ c₁ :=
  (POL (next_lap (al f) β₁ γ₁ c₁))%pol.

Definition lap_summation α {R : ring α} {K : field R} (li : list nat) g :=
  List.fold_right (λ i accu, lap_add accu (g i)) [] li.

Definition poly_summation α {R : ring α} {K : field R} (li : list nat) g :=
  (POL (lap_summation li (λ i, al (g i))))%pol.

Definition ps_pol_summ α {R : ring α} {K : field R} ln f :=
  @poly_summation (puiseux_series α) (ps_ring K) ln f.

Global Instance ps_monom_qeq_morph α (r : ring α) (K : field r) :
  Proper (rng_eq ==> Qeq ==> eq_ps) ps_monom.

Theorem list_fold_right_compat : ∀ α β equal g h (a₀ : α) (l : list β),
  (∀ x y z, equal x y → equal (g z x) (h z y))
  → equal a₀ a₀
    → equal (List.fold_right g a₀ l) (List.fold_right h a₀ l).

Section theorems.

Variable α : Type.
Variable R : ring α.
Variable K : field R.

Theorem f₁_eq_x_min_β₁_comp : ∀ f β₁ γ₁ c₁,
  (next_pol f β₁ γ₁ c₁ =
   POL [ps_monom 1%K (- β₁)] *
   f ∘ (POL [ps_monom 1%K γ₁] * POL [ps_monom c₁ 0; 1%ps … []]))%pspol.

Theorem f₁_eq_x_min_β₁_summation : ∀ f β₁ γ₁ c₁,
  (next_pol f β₁ γ₁ c₁ =
   POL [ps_monom 1%K (- β₁)] *
   ps_pol_summ ps_field (List.seq 0 (length (al f)))
     (λ h,
      let āh := ps_poly_nth h f in
      POL [(āh * ps_monom 1%K (Qnat h * γ₁))%ps] *
      POL [ps_monom c₁ 0; 1%ps … []] ^ h))%pspol.
intros f β₁ γ₁ c.
rewrite f₁_eq_x_min_β₁_comp.
progress unfold ps_pol_comp.
rewrite poly_compose_compose2.
apply poly_mul_compat; [ reflexivity | idtac ].
progress unfold poly_compose2; simpl.
progress unfold lap_compose2, poly_summation; simpl.
progress unfold eq_poly; simpl.
apply list_fold_right_compat; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
intros la lb i Heq.
apply lap_add_compat; [ assumption | idtac ].
progress unfold ps_poly_nth, ps_lap_nth.
rewrite lap_power_mul.
rewrite lap_mul_assoc.
apply lap_mul_compat; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
clear la lb Heq.
remember (al f) as la; clear f Heqla.
revert la.
induction i; intros; simpl.
 rewrite lap_mul_1_r.
 constructor; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
 progress unfold Qnat; simpl.
 rewrite <- ps_mul_1_r in |- * at 1.
 apply ps_mul_compat_l.
 rewrite Qmult_0_l; reflexivity.

 destruct la as [| a]; simpl.
  rewrite lap_mul_assoc; simpl.

  Check 1.
  rewrite lap_eq_0.
  Check 1.
🛠️ Intermediate Coq File (useful for debugging if minimization did not go as far as you wanted)
🛠️ 📜 Intermediate Coq File log (useful for debugging if minimization did not go as far as you wanted)
📜 Build Log (contains the Coq error message) (truncated to last 8.0KiB; full 15KiB file on GitHub Actions Artifacts under build.log)
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Fpolynomial.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.GsQ83WG5K7
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Fpolynomial.v
coqc ConvexHull.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig ConvexHull.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.o1XQKarhqJ
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  ConvexHull.v
coqc Newton.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Newton.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.cpzIjEYtHd
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Newton.v
coqc ConvexHullMisc.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig ConvexHullMisc.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.SLEYNhJ1PZ
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  ConvexHullMisc.v
coqc InSegment.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig InSegment.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.n2xP8CO6tS
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  InSegment.v
coqc NotInSegMisc.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig NotInSegMisc.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.RAJQ7ePOeN
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  NotInSegMisc.v
coqc NotInSegment.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig NotInSegment.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.3EZOB5pTmw
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  NotInSegment.v
coqc Power_series.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Power_series.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.uW64chG16w
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Power_series.v
coqc Puiseux_series.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Puiseux_series.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.vcTwMMJ5vy
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Puiseux_series.v
coqc Ps_add.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Ps_add.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.mQutIJLBej
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Ps_add.v
coqc Ps_add_compat.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Ps_add_compat.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.ABFAcRQH1V
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Ps_add_compat.v
coqc Ps_mul.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Ps_mul.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.4b7vWzThY8
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Ps_mul.v
coqc Ps_div.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Ps_div.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.hlUzospilX
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Ps_div.v
coqc Puiseux_base.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig Puiseux_base.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.TW02GaHIct
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  Puiseux_base.v
coqc PolyConvexHull.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig PolyConvexHull.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.87SURqYtLz
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  PolyConvexHull.v
coqc PSpolynomial.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig PSpolynomial.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.Nn9QCwqazI
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  PSpolynomial.v
coqc CharactPolyn.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig CharactPolyn.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.rNBsf4G9Fo
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  CharactPolyn.v
coqc AlgCloCharPol.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig AlgCloCharPol.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.95BqySPjzw
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  AlgCloCharPol.v
coqc SplitList.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig SplitList.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.0OY8sYi5uX
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: files:  SplitList.v
coqc F1Eq.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig F1Eq.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.9xfsgiwzgE
     : Q
File "./F1Eq.v", line 374, characters 2-10:
Error: Anomaly "Uncaught exception Not_found."
Please report at

make: *** [Makefile:20: F1Eq.vo] Error 129
++ �[33;1m(/github/workspace/ @ line 4) $�[0m true
++ �[33;1m(/github/workspace/ @ line 5) $�[0m coqc -Q . '' -q F1Eq.v
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: coqc: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: pwd: PWD=/github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq
MINIMIZER_DEBUG_EXTRA: exec: /home/coq/.opam/4.13.1+flambda/bin/coqc.orig -Q /github/workspace/puiseuxth/coq '' -q F1Eq.v 
MINIMIZER_DEBUG: info: /tmp/tmp-coqbot-minimizer.nT5wbFCodg
     : Q
File "./F1Eq.v", line 374, characters 2-10:
Error: Anomaly "Uncaught exception Not_found."
Please report at
📜 🔎 Minimization Log (truncated to last 8.0KiB; full 632KiB file on GitHub Actions Artifacts under bug.log)
File "/tmp/tmpnpspghm_/F1Eq.v", line 499, characters 0-28:
Error: Could not declare a canonical structure ps_ring.
Could not find its value in the global environment.

�[93mIntermediate code not saved.�[0m
Failed to do everything at once; trying one at a time.
Admitting definitions unsuccessful.
No successful changes.

I will now attempt to admit lemmas with admit. Defined
Admitting lemmas successful.�[0m
Failed to do everything at once; trying one at a time.
Admitting lemmas unsuccessful.
No successful changes.

I will now attempt to admit definitions with admit. Defined

Non-fatal error: Failed to admit definitions and preserve the error.  
The new error was:
File "/tmp/tmpjm1mvnjv/F1Eq.v", line 43, characters 0-33:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope field_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmpjm1mvnjv/F1Eq.v", line 147, characters 0-33:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope lap_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmpjm1mvnjv/F1Eq.v", line 191, characters 0-34:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope poly_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmpjm1mvnjv/F1Eq.v", line 256, characters 0-36:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope series_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmpjm1mvnjv/F1Eq.v", line 282, characters 0-31:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope ps_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmpjm1mvnjv/F1Eq.v", line 498, characters 0-8:
Error:  (in proof ps_ring): Attempt to save an incomplete proof
(the proof term is not complete because of given up (admitted) goals).
If this is really what you want to do, use Admitted in place of Qed.

�[93mIntermediate code not saved.�[0m
Failed to do everything at once; trying one at a time.
Admitting definitions unsuccessful.
No successful changes.

I will now attempt to export modules
Module exportation unsuccessful.

I will now attempt to split imports and exports
Import/Export splitting unsuccessful.

I will now attempt to split := definitions
One-line definition splitting unsuccessful.

I will now attempt to remove all lines, one at a time
Line removal unsuccessful.

I will now attempt to remove goals ending in [Abort.]
Aborted removal successful.�[0m

I will now attempt to remove unused Ltacs
Ltac removal successful.�[0m

I will now attempt to remove unused definitions

Non-fatal error: Failed to remove definitions and preserve the error.  
The new error was:
File "/tmp/tmp25powd3t/F1Eq.v", line 43, characters 0-33:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope field_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp25powd3t/F1Eq.v", line 126, characters 0-33:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope lap_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp25powd3t/F1Eq.v", line 166, characters 0-34:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope poly_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp25powd3t/F1Eq.v", line 212, characters 0-36:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope series_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp25powd3t/F1Eq.v", line 238, characters 0-31:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope ps_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp25powd3t/F1Eq.v", line 492, characters 0-38:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope ps_pol_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp25powd3t/F1Eq.v", line 550, characters 0-32:
Error: setoid rewrite failed: UNDEFINED EVARS:
 ?X990==[α R K f β₁ γ₁ c |- relation (polynomial (puiseux_series α))]
          (internal placeholder) {?r}
 ?X991==[α R K f β₁ γ₁ c (do_subrelation:=do_subrelation) |-
          Proper (ps_pol_eq (α:=α) ==> ?r ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
            (ps_pol_eq (α:=α))] (internal placeholder) {?p}
 ?X992==[α R K f β₁ γ₁ c |-
          ProperProxy ?r
            (POL [ps_monom 1%K (- β₁)] *
             ps_pol_summ ps_field (List.seq 0 (length (al f)))
               (λ h : nat,
                  let āh := ps_poly_nth h f in
                  POL [(āh * ps_monom 1%K (Qnat h * γ₁))%ps] *
                  POL [ps_monom c 0; 1%ps … [ ]] ^ h))%pspol]
          (internal placeholder) {?p0}
TYPECLASSES:?X990 ?X991 ?X992
FUTURE GOALS STACK:?X992 ?X991 ?X990||

�[93mIntermediate code not saved.�[0m

I will now attempt to remove unused non-instance, non-canonical structure definitions

Non-fatal error: Failed to remove non-instance definitions and preserve the error.  
The new error was:
File "/tmp/tmp_3dd_udl/F1Eq.v", line 43, characters 0-33:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope field_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp_3dd_udl/F1Eq.v", line 126, characters 0-33:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope lap_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp_3dd_udl/F1Eq.v", line 170, characters 0-34:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope poly_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp_3dd_udl/F1Eq.v", line 220, characters 0-36:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope series_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp_3dd_udl/F1Eq.v", line 246, characters 0-31:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope ps_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp_3dd_udl/F1Eq.v", line 500, characters 0-38:
Warning: Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an
explicit "Declare Scope ps_pol_scope.".
File "/tmp/tmp_3dd_udl/F1Eq.v", line 562, characters 0-32:
Error: setoid rewrite failed: UNDEFINED EVARS:
 ?X1054==[α R K f β₁ γ₁ c |- relation (polynomial (puiseux_series α))]
           (internal placeholder) {?r}
 ?X1055==[α R K f β₁ γ₁ c (do_subrelation:=do_subrelation) |-
           Proper (ps_pol_eq (α:=α) ==> ?r ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
             (ps_pol_eq (α:=α))] (internal placeholder) {?p}
 ?X1056==[α R K f β₁ γ₁ c |-
           ProperProxy ?r
             (POL [ps_monom 1%K (- β₁)] *
              ps_pol_summ ps_field (List.seq 0 (length (al f)))
                (λ h : nat,
                   let āh := ps_poly_nth h f in
                   POL [(āh * ps_monom 1%K (Qnat h * γ₁))%ps] *
                   POL [ps_monom c 0; 1%ps … [ ]] ^ h))%pspol]
           (internal placeholder) {?p0}
TYPECLASSES:?X1054 ?X1055 ?X1056
FUTURE GOALS STACK:?X1056 ?X1055 ?X1054||

�[93mIntermediate code not saved.�[0m

I will now attempt to remove unused variables
Variable removal successful.�[0m

I will now attempt to remove unused contexts
Context removal successful.�[0m

I will now attempt to remove empty sections

No empty sections to remove.

Now, I will attempt to strip repeated newlines and trailing spaces from this file...
Succeeded in stripping newlines and spaces.�[0m

If you have any comments on your experience of the minimizer, please share them in a reply (possibly tagging @JasonGross).
If you believe there's a bug in the bug minimizer, please report it on the bug minimizer issue tracker.

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Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

1 participant