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Business Network Membership Service


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Title Business Network Membership Service
Date 04 May 2018
Author Ivan Schasny, Dave Hudson, Mark Raynes
Distribution Design Review Board, Product Management, Solutions Engineering, Platform Delivery
Corda target version OS



  • SE - Solutions Engineer
  • BN - Business Network
  • BNO - Business Network Operator. A well-known party on the network.
  • BNMS - Business Network Membership Service
  • CZ - Compatibility Zone
  • Large Business Network - a Business Network with >1000 nodes in it


This proposal describes the architecture of a reference implementation for a Business Network Membership Service.


Corda v3 has introduced concepts of Compatibility Zones and Business Networks, which were very welcomed by the users. Numerous times, the SE team have received requests to provide reference implementations of CorDapps, which can be used to operate a BN, such as membership management, data recovery, reference data distribution, billing and others.

This design document is focused solely on a business network membership management.

Design choices are based on the following assumptions:

  • Some BN's might see a lot of on-boardings per day, especially in the first days
  • Membership revocation is a very rare event
  • Membership metadata is changed infrequently. 5-10 times a day on a large business network
  • BNs can have a large number of transactions
  • During the first year no BN will get larger than 1000 nodes


Design a reference implementation of an application, which can be used for BN membership management.


  • On-boarding and revocation
  • Distribution of membership data to BN members
  • Membership checks, i.e. can I transact with this party for this purpose?


  • Scaling to a number of nodes beyond large business network
  • Verifiable proofs of memberships
  • KYC implementation
  • Distribution of private network map at the Corda Application level.
  • Automated CZ certificate provisioning. Can be implemented as a separate product if needed.
  • Billing
  • Private memberships list (masking data from other BN members)
  • Contractual proofs of membership
  • Distribution of the BNMS CorDapp


  • Projects, which go live on Corda in 2018 are asking to have a reference implementation available asap.
  • This solution will evolve over time. We need to get more feedback about usage patterns which might result in future design changes.


Requirements and use-cases have been gathered from various real-world projects, which the SE team members have been involved into.

  • BNO should be able to on-board new participants to the BN in an automated manner.
  • BNO should be able to revoke memberships.
  • Integration with KYC solutions (out of the scope).
  • Only verified BN members should be allowed to transact with each other.
  • Membership service should be able to support large Business Networks.
  • A participant of a BN should not be visible to any other BNs (unless they are also a member of that BN)
  • BNO should be able to tweak membership service implementation for their needs.
  • BNO should be able to sponsor new members to CZ in automated way.
  • Nodes should be able to participate in multiple BNs.
  • BNO can allow a delay in distribution to membership changes
  • BN members should be able to associate a metadata with their identities and to distribute it to other participants.


  • It is assumed that BNO and BN members have been on-boarded using the standard JIRA-based Doorman identity mechanism
  • It is assumed that the BNMS CorDapp will be distributed using the current manual means of distribution (eg. copying relevant jar file to nodes cordapps directory)
  • BNO discovery is an "out-of-bounds" mechanism (eg. details of a BNO are explicitly provided to a participant node and must be configured as reachable in their node configuration)

Target solution

As Business Networks is a fairly high-level concept, which might require some heavy customisations per business case, the proposed solution is to implement a BNMS at the Corda Application level, and to distribute it as CorDapp(s) to users. This approach would also ease an installation and integration of the BNO applications into the existing enterprise infrastructures, as it would require less integration points with not-flow based internal systems.

The design proposal is to issue memberships onto the ledger. The main reasons behind that are:

  • The future support of reference states, would allow BN participants to contractually prove validity of their membership at the point when a transaction is committed, by including their membership states as reference inputs into the transaction. Lateness of the reference inputs would be checked by Notary, while Smart Contract can assert that the transaction contains a membership-state-per-participant as reference inputs.
  • BNO would have a way of immediately revoking a participant's membership, by unilaterally reissuing their membership state onto the ledger. Any subsequent attempt by the participant to use not the latest version of the membership state, would fail the reference input check. Revocations would have an immediate effect, comparing to other solutions, which would require some time for changes to get propagated.

The following actors have been identified:

  • BNO. One BNO per BN.
  • BN member. This is a registered member of BN. Can be many.
  • Non-member. This is any valid participant of CZ, but not a member of the BN. Can be many.

Membership state virtually consists of 2 parts:

  • Membership Information. Managed by the BNO. Contains such fields as Issued Date, Modified Date, Status, etc. Can be unilaterally changed by BNO.
  • Membership Metadata. Managed by the state owner and the BNO. Supposed to contain business-related fields, such as Node Type, Address, Phone Number, etc. Can be changed only on request from the owning member. Each member is able to associate a custom Metadata with the Membership State he owns. Metadata gets distributed along with the Membership States as a part of general membership distribution mechanism (described in the further sections). BNO will still be able to attest proposed changes and to reject them if needed. For example a change to such field as Node Type might affect any node behaviour in a CorDapp flow and hence would need to be verified by the BNO before accepted.

Memberships can exist in 3 statuses: pending, active and revoked (more statuses can be added by the a BN designer if needed). As memberships live on the ledger, all state transitions are performed via Corda transactions. Only status or metadata of a membership state can be amended after it has been issued onto the ledger. Each Corda transaction can evolve only one membership at a time.

Membership state intentionally doesn't contain any information about node's physical location. Resolution of Corda identities to host:port should be done via CZ Network Map.

Each membership has two participants to it - a member (the owner) and the BNO. The BNO is able to unilaterally amend Membership Information only. Updates to Membership Metadata should be initiated and signed by the owning member. The reason for that design choice - is to enable BNOs to unilaterally perform such activities as approval or revocation of a membership, while giving control over the Membership Metadata to its owner. When the BNO unilaterally updates a membership state, the member would still see an update, but he wouldn't be a signer.

The design assumes that all participants have already been on-boarded onto CZ. To be able to contact the BNO, participants are required to have the membership service CorDapp installed on their nodes.

All interactions between nodes are performed using Flows framework.


On-barding is split into 2 independent phases: request and activation.


Each non-member can request BN membership from the BNO via a flow. Upon request, the BNO would issue a membership state onto the ledger in pending status.

Pending memberships may have to go through an explicit review and approval process (such as a formal KYC process in some financial scenarios), which are specific to each BN, before they get activated. BNMS can be integrated with KYC solutions on the back-end, such a CordaKYC, which is out-of-scope for this design.


After a pending membership has passed through the review and approval checks, BNO would unilaterally activate it and notify the awaiting member that now he can transact on the network.

Depending on the specific BN's requirements, the BNO can optionally notify all other members about the new-joiner (see membership list distribution).

Membership request

Transaction structure


  signers: member, BNO

  New Membership state in PENDING status
  participants: member and BNO (optionally others)

Membership approval

Transaction structure

  Membership state in PENDING or REVOKED status
  participants: member and BNO (optionally others)

  signers: BNO

  Membership state in ACTIVE status
  participants: member and BNO (optionally others)


The BNO can unilaterally revoke a membership, by setting its status to revoked.

When a membership gets revoked, the BNO can optionally notify all BN members to prevent them from transacting with the revoked member (see membership list distribution).

Membership revocation

Transaction structure

  Membership state in ACTIVE status
  participants: member and BNO (optionally others)

  signers: BNO

  Membership state in REVOKED status
  participants: member and BNO (optionally others)

Metadata updates

Update to metadata can be initiated by an active member only, with the BNO as one of the tx signers.

Depending on the specific BN's requirements, change proposer can optionally notify all other members about changes to the metadata (see membership list distribution).

Metadata amendment

Transaction structure

  Membership state in ACTIVE status
  participants: member and BNO (optionally others)

  signers: member, BNO

  Membership state in ACTIVE status with updated metadata and the rest of the fields the same
  participants: member and BNO (optionally others)

Membership list snapshot

Membership snapshot - is a list of all active BN memberships + metadata associated with them. BNs are not envisaged to get significantly large in the near to medium term, to make snapshot distribution a bottleneck.

Membership list distribution

Depending on a particular BN's requirements, memberships list can be distributed in the following ways:

  • Snapshot-based approach. A snapshot consists of a list of all active memberships + snapshot expiry time. Each member should pull a snapshot from the BNO, when their node starts and then cache the snapshot locally, until it expires, after which - re-pull a new snapshot again. As snapshot data is fairly static, it can be efficiently cached in the BNO's CorDapp. The BNO would be responsible for choosing the right snapshot expiry time. For example, if the expiry time is 24hrs, then for a Large Business Network, the BNO would have to serve about 6 requests per minute only, given that the requests distribution is even. This approach would be recommended for larger networks with high frequency of joins / updates, as the BNO wouldn't have to broadcast notifications to all members on each change. Its worth to mention, that the snapshot based approach assumes some delay in membership changes propagation. With the future support of reference states, it would be impossible for someone to use not the latest version of membership state as it would fail the reference input checks. New-joiners might still encounter some delay before they get seen by other members on the network. The delay might vary from a node to node and will be equal to the snapshot expiry time in the worst case. The delay can be mitigated by enabling the BNO to notify other members about new-joiners, as described in the Activation section.
  • Real-time notifications approach. In smaller BNs, BNO might choose to notify members about every change to memberships. Instead of pulling snapshots periodically, the BN members would pull a snapshot just once, when their node starts and then would start applying modifications to the cached snapshot in the real-time.

To optimise snapshot distribution, CorDapp developers can:

  • reduce an amount of on-ledger metadata stored for each node
  • increase expiry time-window
  • cache snapshots in the BNO's CorDapp
  • throttle requests
  • approach similar to if-modified HTTP header. I.e. download a snapshot, only if there have been any changes to it.

In the future reference states can be utilised for memberships distribution. Membership snapshot would effectively become a set of valid public keys and Membership States distribution would be performed on peer-2-peer basis. Valid Membership States states would be added as reference inputs to transactions for contractual proof of membership.

The future support of Data Distribution Groups, would allow to distribute membership snapshots more efficiently.

Even if the BNO's node is down for some time, the BN members would be able to continue using locally cached snapshots, until the BNO's node comes back up again.

Membership verification

Each member would be solely responsible for verifying their counterparts for eligibility to transact on the BN. Each flow should contain a statement, which asserts a validity of the counterpart's membership by checking it against locally cached snapshot. In the case, when the counterpart fails membership check, an explicit exception should be thrown. The how-to-do will be provided along with the reference implementation. The verification code might look like:

if (membershipSnapshot[counterparty].metadata.role != "AGENT") {
   throw FlowException("Only AGENT can invoke this flow")

Nodes would be able to expose membership snapshots via RPC for use by external applications. The how-to-do will be provided along with the reference implementation.

Membership snapshot distribution

API extension points

  • KYC checks
  • Membership change notifications
  • Custom members metadata