Legacery is a compatibility layer that translates Discord v10 responses to older versions. (v8+, v2-v6 experimental)
Not complete lmao
Although this project does not do extra stuff beyond translating calls, as old clients get funky (like v2 client spamming WS PING request every second), modern Discord might think you're self-botting. While not garantee, there is still a chance you'll be banned.
For fun ofc, I want to see how Discord handles their WS/HTTPS api and also do something with it lmao.
This is modified from an earlier project that injects fake data instead of translating API calls, but anything v8 and above is considered stable as Discord does not change much of the API calls.
Voice support might not be supported. I think 80% unlikely that voice support will be added.
WIP, but I'm using a downloaded Discord frontend to test. Official Discord Client works either via from stuff in CordArchive or using Diproxi. Third party clients might work.