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Releases: cornellius-gp/gpytorch

GPyTorch 1.0.0 -- Stable release, major new features

20 Dec 19:30
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Major New Features and Improvements

Each feature in this section comes with a new example notebook and documentation for how to use them -- check the new docs!

  • Added support for deep gaussian processes (#564).
  • KeOps integration has been added -- replace certain gpytorch.kernels.SomeKernel with gpytorch.kernels.keops.SomeKernel with KeOps installed, and run exact GPs on 100000+ data points (#812).
  • Variational inference has undergone significant internal refactoring! All old variational objects should still function, but many are deprecated. (#903).
  • Our integration with Pyro has been completely overhauled and is now much improved. For examples of interesting GP + Pyro models, see our new examples (#903).
  • Our example notebooks have been completely reorganized, and our documentation surrounding them has been rewritten to hopefully provide a better tutorial to GPyTorch (#954).
  • Added support for fully Bayesian GP modelling via NUTS (#918).

Minor New Features and Improvements

  • GridKernel and GridInterpolationKernel now support rectangular grids (#888).
  • Added cylindrical kernel (#577).
  • Added polynomial kernel (#668).
  • Added tutorials on basic usage (hyperparameters, saving/loading, etc) (#685).
  • get_fantasy_model now supports batched models (#693).
  • Added a prior_mode context manager that causes GP models to evaluate in prior mode (#707).
  • Added linear mean (#676).
  • Added horseshoe prior (#719).
  • Added polynomial kernel with derivatives (#783).
  • Fantasy model computations now use QR for solving least squares problems, improving numerical stability (#790).
  • All legacy functions have been removed, in favor of new function format in PyTorch (#799).
  • Added Newton Girard kernel (#821).
  • GP predictions now automatically clear caches when backpropagating through them. Previously, if you wanted to train through a GP in eval mode, you had to clear the caches manually by toggling the GP back to train mode and then to eval mode again. This is no longer necessary (#916).
  • Added rational quadratic kernel (#330)
  • Switch to using torch.cholesky_solve and torch.logdet now that they support batch mode / backwards (#880)
  • Better / less redundant parameterization for correlation matrices e.g. in IndexKernel (#912).
  • Kernels now define __getitem__, which allows slicing batch dimensions (#782).
  • Performance improvements in the small data regime, e.g. n < 2000 (#926).
  • Increased the size of kernel matrix for which Cholesky is the default solve strategy to n=800 (#946).
  • Added an option for manually specifying a different preconditioner for AddedDiagLazyTensor (#930).
  • Added precommit hooks that enforce code style (#927).
  • Lengthscales have been refactored, and kernels have an is_stationary attribute (#925).
  • All of our example notebooks now get smoke tested by our CI.
  • Added a deterministic_probes setting that causes our MLL computation to be fully deterministic when using CG+Lanczos, which improves L-BFGS convergence (#929).
  • The use of the Woodbury formula for preconditioner computations is now fully replaced by QR, which improves numerical stability (#968).

Bug fixes

  • Fix a type error when calling backward on gpytorch.functions.logdet (#711).
  • Variational models now properly skip posterior variance calculations if the skip_posterior_variances context is active (#741).
  • Fixed an issue with diag mode for PeriodicKernel (#761).
  • Stability improvements for inv_softplus and inv_sigmoid (#776).
  • Fix incorrect size handling in InterpolatedLazyTensor for rectangular matrices (#906)
  • Fix indexing in IndexKernel for batch mode (#911).
  • Fixed an issue where slicing batch mode lazy covariance matrices resulted in incorrect behavior (#782).
  • Cholesky gives a better error when there are NaNs (#944).
  • Use psd_safe_cholesky in prediction strategies rather than torch.cholesky (#956).
  • An error is now raised if Cholesky is used with KeOps, which is not supported (#959).
  • Fixed a bug where NaNs could occur during interpoilation (#971).
  • Fix MLL computation for heteroskedastic noise models (#870).

Last release before 0.4 (and last PyTorch 1.2 compatible release)

13 Oct 00:56
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A full list of bug fixes and features will be out with the 0.4 release.

Support for PyTorch 1.2

10 Aug 22:21
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This release addresses breaking changes in the recent PyTorch 1.2 release. Currently, GPyTorch will run on either PyTorch 1.1 or PyTorch 1.2.

A full list of new features and bug fixes will be coming soon in a GPyTorch 0.4 release.


10 Aug 21:45
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Large scale exact GPs, Multibatch support, Performance and stability improvements

15 Apr 16:33
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New Features

  • Implement kernel checkpointing, allowing exact GPs on up to 1M data points with multiple GPUs (#499)
  • GPyTorch now supports hard parameter constraints (e.g. bounds) via the register_constraint method on Module (#596)
  • All GPyTorch objects now support multiple batch dimensions. In addition to training b GPs simultaneously, you can now train a b1 x b2 matrix of GPs simultaneously if you so choose (#492, #589, #627)
  • RBFKernelGrad now supports ARD (#602)
  • FixedNoiseGaussianLikelihood offers a better interface for dealing with known observation noise values. WhiteNoiseKernel is now hard deprecated (#593)
  • InvMatmul, InvQuadLogDet and InvQuad are now twice differentiable (#603)
  • Likelihood has been redesigned. See the new documentation for details if you are creating custom likelihoods (#591)
  • Better support for more flexible Pyro models. You can now define likelihoods of the form p(y|f, z) where f is a GP and z are arbitrary latent variables learned by Pyro (#591).
  • Parameters can now be recursively initialized with full names, e.g. model.initialize(**{"covar_module.base_kernel.lengthscale": 1., "covar_module.outputscale": 1.}) (#484)
  • Added ModelList and LikelihoodList for training multiple GPs when batch mode can't be used -- see example notebooks (#471)

Performance and stability improvements

  • CG termination is now more tolerance based, and will much more rarely terminate without returning good solves. Furthermore, a warning is raised if it ever does that includes suggested courses of action. (#569)
  • In non-ARD mode, RBFKernel and MaternKernel use custom backward implementations for performance (#517)
  • Up to a 3x performance improvement in the regime where the test set is very small (#615)
  • The noise parameter in GaussianLikelihood now has a default lower bound, similar to sklearn (#596)
  • psd_safe_cholesky now adds successively increasing amounts of jitter rather than only once (#610)
  • Variational inference initialization now uses psd_safe_cholesky rather than torch.cholesky to initialize with the prior (#610)
  • The pivoted Cholesky preconditioner now uses a QR decomposition for its solve rather than the Woodbury formula for speed and stability (#617)
  • GPyTorch now uses Cholesky for solves with very small matrices rather than CG, resulting in reduced overhead for that setting (#586)
  • Cholesky can additionally be turned on manually for help debugging (#586)
  • Kernel distance computations now use torch.cdist when on PyTorch 1.1.0 in the non-batch setting (#642)
  • CUDA unit tests now default to using the least used available GPU when run (#515)
  • MultiDeviceKernel is now much faster (#491)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with variational covariances at test time (#638)
  • Fixed an issue where the training covariance wasn't being detached for variance computations, occasionally resulting in backward errors (#566)
  • Fixed an issue where active_dims in kernels was being applied twice (#576)
  • Fixes and stability improvements for MultiDeviceKernel (#560)
  • Fixed an issue where fast_pred_var was failing for single training inputs (#574)
  • Fixed an issue when initializing parameter values with non-tensor values (#630)
  • Fixed an issue with handling the preconditioner log determinant value for MLL computation (#634)
  • Fixed an issue where prior_dist was being cached for VI, which was problematic for pyro models (#599)
  • Fixed a number of issues with LinearKernel, including one where the variance could go negative (#584)
  • Fixed a bug where training inputs couldn't be set with set_train_data if they are currently None (#565)
  • Fixed a number of bugs in MultitaskMultivariateNormal (#545, #553)
  • Fixed an indexing bug in batch_symeig (#547)
  • Fixed an issue where MultitaskMultivariateNormal wasn't interleaving rows correctly (#540)


  • GPyTorch is now fully Python 3.6, and we've begun to include static type hints (#581)
  • Parameters in GPyTorch no longer have default singleton batch dimensions. For example, the default shape of lengthscale is now torch.Size([1]) rather than torch.Size([1, 1]) (#605)
  • now includes optional dependents, reads requirements from requirements.txt, does not require torch if pytorch-nightly is installed (#495)

Many new features (variational inference, multi GPU, derivative observations), plus JIT

09 Feb 18:48
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You can install GPyTorch via Anaconda (#463)

Speed and stability

  • Kernel distances use the JIT for fast computations (#464)
  • LinearCG uses the JIT for fast computations (#464)
  • Improve the stability of computing kernel distances (#455)


Variational inference improvements

  • Sped up variational models by batching all matrix solves in one call (#454)
  • Can use the same set of inducing points for batch variational GPs (#445)
  • Whitened variational inference for improved convergence (#493)
  • Variational log likelihoods for BernoulliLikelihood are computed with quadrature (#473)

Multi-GPU Gaussian processes

  • Can train and test GPs by dividing the kernel onto multiple GPUs (#450)

GPs with derivatives

  • Can define RBFKernels for observations and their derivatives (#462)


  • LazyTensors can broadcast matrix multiplication (#459)
  • Can use @ sign for matrix multiplication with LazyTensors


  • Convenience methods for training/testing multiple GPs in a list (#471)


  • Added a gpytorch.settings.fast_computations feature to (optionally) use Cholesky-based inference (#456)
  • Distributions define event shapes (#469)
  • Can recursively initialize parameters on GP modules (#484)


  • Can initialize noise in GaussianLikelihood (#479)
  • Fixed bugs in SGPR kernel (#487)

Batch GPs, fantasy obervations in models, efficient cache updates, various bug and stability fixes (v0.1.1)

02 Jan 13:00
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  • Batch GPs, which previously were a feature, are now well-documented and much more stable (see docs)
  • Can add "fantasy observations" to models.
  • Option for exact marginal log likelihood and sampling computations (this is slower, but potentially useful for debugging) (gpytorch.settings.fast_computations)

Bug fixes

Beta Release (v0.1.0)

12 Dec 18:39
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0.1 release

Improve stability of hyperparameters, more stable variational inference

19 Nov 19:07
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Stability of hyperparameters

  • Hyperparameters taht are constrained to be positive (e.g. variance, lengthscale, etc.) are now parameterized throught the softplus function (log(1 + e^x)) rather than through the log function
  • This dramatically improves the numerical stability and optimization of hyperparameters
  • Old models that were trained with log parameters will still work, but this is deprecated.
  • Inference now handles certain numerical floating point round-off errors more gracefully.

Various stability improvements to variational inference

Other changes

  • GridKernel can be used for data that lies on a perfect grid.
  • New preconditioner for LazyTensors.
  • Use batched cholesky functions for improved performance (requires updating PyTorch)

Major bug fixes and stability improvements for VI, default derivative for LazyTensor

08 Nov 00:17
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New features

  • Implement diagonal correction for basic variational inference, improving predictive variance estimates. This is on by default.
  • LazyTensor._quad_form_derivative now has a default implementation! While custom implementations are likely to still be faster in many cases, this means that it is no longer required to implement a custom _quad_form_derivative when implementing a new LazyTensor subclass.

Bug fixes

  • Fix a number of critical bugs for the new variational inference.
  • Do some hyperparameter tuning for the SV-DKL example notebook, and include fancier NN features like batch normalization.
  • Made it more likely that operations internally preserve the ability to perform preconditioning for linear solves and log determinants. This may have a positive impact on model performance in some cases.