A C# json reader/writer which is Unity3D compatible based on http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/SimpleJSON
The official Github repo for this script can be found at https://github.com/Bunny83/SimpleJSON/blob/master/SimpleJSON.cs
Improvements from https://github.com/HenrikPoulsen/SimpleJSON
This repository is a fork that has been updated for direct import with the Unity PackageManager.
Open the package manager window (menu: Window > Package Manager)
Select "Add package from git URL...", fill in the pop-up with the following link:
Find the manifest.json file in the Packages folder of your project and edit it to look like this:
"dependencies": {
"com.gameframe.simplejson": "https://github.com/coryleach/SimpleJSON.git#1.0.0",
//From http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/SimpleJSON
var N = JSON.Parse(the_JSON_string);
var versionString = N["version"].Value; // versionString will be a string containing "1.0"
var versionNumber = N["version"].AsFloat; // versionNumber will be a float containing 1.0
var name = N["data"]["sampleArray"][2]["name"];// name will be a string containing "sub object"
string val = N["data"]["sampleArray"][0]; // val contains "string value"
var val : String = N["data"]["sampleArray"][0];// val contains "string value"
var i = N["data"]["sampleArray"][1].AsInt; // i will be an integer containing 5
N["data"]["sampleArray"][1].AsInt = i+6; // the second value in sampleArray will contain "11"
N["additional"]["second"]["name"] = "FooBar"; // this will create a new object named "additional" in this object create another
//object "second" in this object add a string variable "name"
var mCount = N["countries"]["germany"]["moronCount"].AsInt; // this will return 0 and create all the required objects and
// initialize "moronCount" with 0.
if (N["wrong"] != null) // this won't execute the if-statement since "wrong" doesn't exist
if (N["wrong"].AsInt == 0) // this will execute the if-statement and in addition add the "wrong" value.
N["data"]["sampleArray"][-1] = "Test"; // this will add another string to the end of the array
N["data"]["sampleArray"][-1]["name"] = "FooBar"; // this will add another object to the end of the array which contains a string named "name"
N["data"] = "erased"; // this will replace the object stored in data with the string "erased"
👤 Cory Leach
- Twitter: @coryleach
- Github: @coryleach
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