A CosmoScout VR plugin which allows adding custom HTML-based UI elements as sidebar-tabs, as floating windows or into free space.
This plugin can be enabled with the following configuration in your settings.json
The given values are just some examples, feel free to add your own items:
"plugins": {
"csp-custom-web-ui": {
"sidebar-items": [
"name": "Spotify",
"icon": "queue_music",
"html": "<iframe src='https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/2xl3sX0pZajy1XOogLpc5m' width='100%' height='380' frameborder='0' allowtransparency='true' allow='encrypted-media'></iframe>"
"space-items": [
"object": "Earth",
"longitude": 14,
"latitude": 51,
"elevation": 100,
"scale": 1000,
"width": 800,
"height": 600,
"html": "<iframe width='100%' height='100%' src='https://www.dlr.de' frameborder='0'></iframe>"
"window-items": [
"name": "Wikipedia",
"icon": "language",
"html": "<iframe style='height: 100%; width: 100%; min-height: 200px; min-width: 300px; border: none' src='https://www.wikipedia.org'></iframe>"
More in-depth information and some tutorials will be provided soon.