*** Test Runner Python3: Readme ***
- Python 3.7.6
- pip3 or easy_install
See the setup steps in the Py2 to Py3 porting guide: https://hub.internal.couchbase.com/confluence/display/QA/Python+3.7.6+installation+for+testrunner
Use pip3.7 based on the platform.
pip3 install couchbase sgmllib3k paramiko httplib2 pyyaml beautifulsoup4 Geohash python-geohash deepdiff pyes pytz requests jsonpickle docker decorator
pip3 install boto
pip3 install boto3
pip3 install botocore
Performance tests:
pip3 install btrc
PDF reports:
pip3 install couchdbkit
pip3 install sphinx
pip3 install sphinx-pypi-upload
pip3 install zc.buildout
Any issues w.r.t python3 syntax. Please refer: https://blog.couchbase.com/tips-and-tricks-for-upgrading-from-python-2-to-python-3/
$ ./testrunner -h
Usage: testrunner [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PARAMS, --params=PARAMS
Optional key=value parameters, comma-separated -p
-n, --noop NO-OP - emit test names, but don't actually run them
e.g -n true
-l LOGLEVEL, --log-level=LOGLEVEL
e.g -l info,warning,error
TestCase/Runlist Options:
-i INI, --ini=INI Path to .ini file containing server information,e.g -i
-c RUNLIST, --config=RUNLIST
Config file name (located in the conf subdirectory),
e.g -c py-view.conf
Test name (multiple -t options add more tests) e.g -t
Initiate buildout directory structure, create sandbox, build packages and scripts, fetch dependencies, and etc.:
You can execute testrunner now:
./bin/testrunner -h
Ini files represents the ns_server information which is accessible to the tests.
[global] section defines the rest username, password that tests use to login to ns_server.
[servers] section lists port and ssh related information. ssh connection information is required for a small subset of tests where the test needs to perform installation, backup or restore. If the ssh connection requires public key authentication then an ssh_key attribute with the path to a private key can be added. If ns_server instances are started using ns_server/cluster_run script then you only need to define ip and port for those nodes.
For every test run testrunner creates a temp folder and dumps the logs and xunit reports in the newly generated folder.
for instance if you run
$ python3 testrunner.py -i resources/jenkins/single-node-centos-32.ini -t setgettests.MembaseBucket.value_100b -p your_first_parameter=x,your_second_parameter=y
you will see this summary after each test is ran:
summary so far suite setgettests.MembaseBucket , pass 1 , fail 0
logs and results are available under tmp-12-11-47
and logs:
$ ls tmp-12-11-47/
report-12-11-47.xml-setgettests.MembaseBucket.xml value_100b.log
When using git on Linux/OSX systems, you might run into issues where git incorrectly believes Windows-related files have been modified. In reality, git is merely mis-treating CRLF line endings. Try the following...
$ cd testrunner
$ git config core.autocrlf false
Testrunner project has different test suites which can be run priori to submitting the code to gerrit. There are test suites that can be run against a single node which validates basic database operations such as persistence and bucket management. There are also key-value clustering related test cases which can be run against Membase/Couchbase 1.8 multiple nodes. Recently we have also been adding more tests which validates basic view functionalities on a cluster and on a single.
This make target will start ns_server using cluster_run -n1
and run all the
test cases listed in conf/py-all-dev.conf. The test runtime can vary between
15-30 minutes depending on your machine.
Testrunner prints out a human readable pass/fail of the tests. Please refer to the "rerunning test" section for more information of how to re-run one single test against cluster_run.
This make target will start four ns_server(s) using cluster_run -n4
runs all the test cases listed in conf/py-view.conf. The test runtime can vary
between 30-45 minutes. py-view.conf contains basic test cases which validates
clustering operations such as rebalancing.Each test is also parametrized so you
can easily modify this run list and change the number of docs or the
For instance, test_get_view_during_x_min_load_y_working_set,num-docs=10000,load-time=1,run-view-time=1
test will create a view, inserts 1000 documents, mutate those documents for 1
minute and run view queries in parallel to the load for 1 min. You can easily
change the parameters there to insert 1M items and keep the load running for 10
mins for example.