This is the version 2.0, this version is dedicated to Axpert MAx 7.2K owners (Should also work with others models) This software will drive your inverter, expose & stores metrics (including Pylontech Battery stats)
and Grafana
are embedded inside the container (Can be disabled).
Version 1.0 still available here
The Axpert max 7.2 looks like this:
This inverter contains 1 port for computer communication (RJ45 look).
- ARM Raspberry or AMD64 linux compatible hardware, and a communication cable communication cable
- Python 3.9.18 (no guarantee that others versions works, viva Python !)
- docker/docker-compose for simplicity
- Send all available commands to Axpert Max (All implemented)
- API exposure (for Domotic/Automation usages)
git clone
cd pimpMySuperWatt
docker-compose up
git clone
cd pimpMySuperWatt
docker-compose -f docker-compose-arm.yml up
Please use python 3.9.18 (i had trouble with fresh versions)
Some packages need to be installed on your linux/unix distribution:
gcc linux-headers libc-dev musl-dev bash
git clone
cd pimpMySuperWatt
python3 -m venv venv
chmod a+x venv/bin/*
venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
"instance" : "AxpertMax 7.2K", <- Free label
"debug" : true, <- debug mode
"debugClass" : [], <- you can specify custom classes for debug, ie: ["CORE.queryExternalPower","CORE.sendToInflux"]
"communicationClass" : "usbConnector", <- Class connector (usbConnector for the moment)
"portPath" : "/dev/ttyUSB0", <- the port Path
"webserver" : true, <- If you want a web interface
"webserverDebug" : false, <- debug web
"webClass" : "site", <- Class for app web.
"httpBind" : "", <- Binding ip address for web
"httpPort" : 60000, <- Port for http interface
"gridWattUrl" : "", <- For grid comsumption (i use a shelly powermeter)
"gridWattField" : "power", <- Field to be extract from the previous json result (gridWattUr)
"mqttServers" : [ <- If you want to publish to a mqtt broker (or multiples)
"mqttServer" : "",
"mqttServerPort" : 1883,
"mqttTopic" : "pimpMySuperWatt/superWattGarage"
"influxDbUrls" : [ <- If you want to push results in an influxDb instance (or multiples)
"username" : "root",
"password" : "root",
"dbName" : "pimpMySuperWatt",
"dbHost" : "",
"dbPort" : "8086"
"queryPoolingInterval" : 30, <- Inverter will be queried every 30s (min 2s)
"queryPluginInterval" : 30 <- Plugin solicitation in seconds
version: "2"
container_name: "pimpmysuperwatt"
privileged: true
image: "coxifred/pimpmysuperwatt:2.0"
# Start or not embedded services
# Debug mode, see also debugClass in superwatt.json
# Override configuration if needed
#- /root/pimpmysuperwatt/superwatt.json:/pimpmysuperwatt/superwatt.json
#- /root/pimpmysuperwatt/plugins/solarposition/solarposition.json:/pimpmysuperwatt/plugins/solarPosition/solarposition.json
# Persist your influxdb data
#- /root/pimpmysuperwatt/influxdb/data:/influxdb-1.8.10-1/data
# Persist your grafana modifications
#- /root/pimpmysuperwatt/grafana/data:/grafana-v11.2.2/data
restart: always
# PimpMySuperWatt UI
- "61000:61000"
# Grafana dashboard
- "61001:3000"
- /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0
Simply connect with:
- http://<your_ip>:61000 and wait for informations
- http://<your_ip>:61001 for grafana dashboard
Provides to influxDb sun azimuth and zenith. Just fill python/plugins/solarPosition/solarPosition.json file with your latitude and longitude.
{ "latitude" : 47.0000, "longitude" : 6.0000, "dst" : 1 }
See azimut and zenith in Grafana with your pv production :
Log says can't connect to usb
Wait at least to the 40 tries, sometimes, it takes time to connect.
No data available in
Wait at least 5mn after docker start.
- [] Enable/Disable debug from UI.
- [] Events history diplay on UI.