DropBox BashUp
a simple local and dropbox backup solution for small development projects
DropBox BashUp was created to provide a simple backup solution for small development projects that does
- frequently local backups (every 10 minutes, kept for two days)
- keeps zipped daily backups forever
- saves a copy of the daily zipped backup to DropBox
It's designed to be simple and dependable but, big projects... better have a lot of disk space
- Should run on any *nix OS (Linux, OS X, etc)
- Uses a few goodies that should be built-in (e.g. bash, cp)
- Uses DropBox uploader Project: https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader
put this somewhere
- the crontab instructions below assume it's in ~/bin/DropBox_BashUp.sh
install DropBox uploader per:
tweak the configuration section (default config is for a WaveMaker project)
add it to your crontab
] crontab -e
*/10 * * * * ~/bin/DropBox_BashUp.sh
To change how often DropBox Bashup runs, change that to match what you want
That copyright thang
(c) 2014, Tim Wood (twood@edao.biz @coyote4til7)
This is LikeWare
Available for any use as long as all of this block (That copyright thang) including Like it is kept. Suggestions, fixes and improvements are welcome!
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