In this article I'd like to learn about the YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detection system, with a little help from my bees.
Neural networks as a computer science concept have been around for decades. In more recent years, advances in computing power and the availability of big amounts of data have enabled many practical applications of neural networks.
YOLO is an approach where a single neural network performs object detection directly on the image and in one evaluation i.e. You Only Look Once.
OpenCV is an open-source computer vision library. The 4.5.5 release's dnn module includes a
class to create and manipulate neural networks as well asreadNetFrom...
functionality to import different network representations.
Let's use the hive entrance video from my previous "Background subtraction with bees" article to look at some object detection examples.
- frame 3197 with one detection: the bee has been detected as an object and the white bounding box quite accurately identifies its location and size; the two drawing pins have not been detected;
- frame 3351 with one detection: the white bounding box represents an object prediction; predictions can be wrong;
- frame 3205 with two detections: the bee has been detected and the two overlapping bounding boxes both quite accurately identify its location and size; how to choose between the two boxes?
- frame 3139 with multiple detections: the drawing pin to the left is fully visible but the bee's body hides much of the right drawing pin from view; how to interpret the three bounding boxes? which box best predicts the bee and/or which predicts the drawing pin?
Next, let's look at the steps that transformed the hive entrance "input" video into the object detections "output" video.
- The
class is used to read individual images in a video. - A
model is created with thecv::dnn::readNetFromDarknet
method which takes a configuration file and a weights file as parameters. Configurations and weights for many pretrained YOLO models are publicly available, here I used YOLOv3.
- Each 1920 x 1088 rectangular image is split into three 1088 x 1088 squares: the left part of the image, the center part of the image and the right part of the image.
- The YOLOv3 model expects a 416 x 416 dimension of values in the 0..1 range. The
function converts our 1088 x 1088 square image into a 416 x 416 blob representation suitable for use with thecv::dnn::Net
model. - The
becomes the model input via acv::Net::setInput
method call; the model outputs are computed and returned by thecv::Net::forward
- Structure:
- The neural network model produces multiple outputs, corresponding to different grid areas of the image.
- Each individual output contains 85 floating point numbers:
- the 1st and 2nd number predict the center of the object,
- the 3rd and 4th number predict the width and height of the object, and
- the 5th number indicates the confidence of the prediction.
- The 6th to 85th numbers each correspond to one of 80 object classes; so the 6th number predicts that the object belongs to class 1, the 7th number is the probability for class 2, and so on.
- Filtering:
- A minimum threshold for object confidence is applied.
- The object class with the highest probability is chosen for each output and a minimum class probability threshold is also applied.
- Non maximum suppression can be performed with the
function, to reduce multiple outputs for the same object. For demonstration simplicity I've omitted this computation.
- Visualisation:
- Using the object_detection_classes_yolov3.txt listing a class id (1, 2, 3, etc.) could be mapped to a descriptive label (person, bicycle, car, etc.). However, I have omitted that since none of the 80 classes represent a bee or an insect i.e. all descriptive labels would be wrong.
- The
function is used to draw the detection(s) onto the original image. - Lastly, the
class and/or thecv::imwrite
function is used to save the image, if and only if at least one object was detected.
source code: src/demo.cpp- detailed build and run steps: src/
Any hiccups? Not quite a hiccup, but one thing was a bit confusing:
- the YOLOv3 paper reports results for three methods (YOLOv3-320 YOLOv3-416 YOLOv3-608), and
- OpenCV's models.yml specifies 416 x 416 dimensionality for YOLO, but
- the downloaded
configuration specifies 608 x 608 in the[net]
section. Looking at OpenCV's open-source(!) code showed that in ReadDarknetFromCfgStream the values for width and height are read. But should those same values therefore also be used with thecv::dnn::blobFromImage
Any surprises? The list of 80 object classes included a frisbee! Yes, a frisbee is not a bee ... but all the same it was nice to discover that a general purpose pretrained neural network model can detect some bees in my hive entrance video.
- OpenCV documentation:
- Redmon J, Divvala S, Girshick R, Farhadi A (2016) You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection. arXiv.
- Redmon J, Farhadi A (2018) YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement. arXiv.