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Layout Customization

Farshid Tavakolizadeh edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

This document explains how to configure the content for each tab. The project should be re-built after making the changes.


The tab configuration file is located in src/conf, it exports a function which returns a list of tab objects.

Tab Object

Each tab object contains the following properties:

  • id: the ID to identify the tab, must be unique among all tabs;
  • name: the name of the tab, which will be displayed on the tab button;
  • icon: the location of the icon file for this tab
  • widgets: a list of widget objects;
  • isDone: a function which takes the tab object as input, and return true or false determining whether the done symbol will appear on the tab button.
  • isEnabled: a function which takes the tab object as input, and return true or false determining whether this tab is unlocked for user to operate on.
  • allowLaunch: a function which takes the tab object as input, and return true or false determining whether the the launch button should be enabled in the tab.
  • getCommandLine: a function which takes the tab object as input, and return a string, which will be the command to be executed when launching application.

isDone, isEnabled, allowLaunch, getCommandLine will be called every time the status of a widget in the tab has changed, so that the tab will always remain up-to-date status.

Widget Object

Widget objects are contained in the widgets field in the tab object. It has the following properties:

  • type: the type of widget, must match one of those imported in src/component/WidgetWrapper.vue;
  • label: the text that appears on top of the widget as label;
  • varId: the variable name to associate the value of this widget to;
  • properties: properties of the widget object, different according to types of widget. See each component to find out what properties it has;
  • isVisible: optional, a function which takes the tab object as input, and return a boolean value indicating whether the widget is visible.
  • isEnabled: optional, a function which takes the tab object as input, and return a boolean value indicating whether the widget is enabled.

isVisible and isEnabled is optional, they will be called every time the status of a widget in the tab has changed, so that the tab will always remain up-to-date status.

Widget Properties

As mentioned earlier, each widget has different properties, which you specify in properties fields in the above widget configuration object. This section will list the properties for each type of widget.

Dropdown Box

A dropdown box widget which lets the user choose one option from a group of options.

type: dropdown-box properties:

  • defaultValue: the default selected value of the dropdown box
  • items: a list of options that appears in the dropdown box
  • info: the description text that appears below the label

Explore Button

A button widget which will open a local directory or a URL in browser.

type: explore-button properties:

  • path: the relativev file path or url to open
  • openUrl: whether the button open a local file directory or a website url, true means the path will be opened in a browser

Select File Button

A button widget, which upon pressed, will open a dialog to prompt the user to select a file.

type: select-file-button properties:

  • path: the relative directory from which the user should choose a file

Single Checkbox

A single checkbox widget, which allows a user to select either true or false for an option.

type: single-checkbox properties:

  • defaultValue: whether the default should be true or false
  • label: the text to appear before the checkbox

Text Input

A text input widget, which lets the user specify a string or number as the option.

type: text-input properties:

  • defaultValue: the default text
  • info: the description text that appears below the label
  • number: if true, the text input only allow number
  • min: minimum allowed number, only valid when number is true
  • max: maximum allowed number, only valid when number is true

File List

A widget which monitors a directory, and optionally also allows user to create new file/dir or execute command according to the selected file/dir.

type: file-list properties:

  • watchPath: the relative path of directory to watch
  • allowAdd: boolean, whether to allow add new file/dir from launcher
  • watchDir: boolean, whether we watch changes of directories
  • watchFile: boolean, whethere we watch changes of files
  • multiSelect: boolean, whether to allow selecting multiple files/dirs
  • execCommand: function, if this is not null, a button will appear, which when pressed, will execute the function specified here