richtig pferd is a password generator that creates passwords which are easy to remember but hard to guess. This tool operates entirely within your browser, ensuring that no data is transferred to any server. The project is inspired by the XKCD Comic "Password Strength".
To generate secure passwords, richtig pferd randomly selects words from a word list containing over 25,000 German words, including nouns, verbs, and adjectives. These words are randomly combined to form the password.
The words are sourced from GitHub - AlleDeutschenWoerter.
Created and provided by Marc Rufeis & ITMR Developments. Additional contributors can be found on GitHub.
If you would like to help improve or translate this project, you can do so on GitHub.
- German (de)
- English (en)
This project is a gift for my long-time mentor and friend Florian Geiselhart.