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A Dockerized Paho Mosquitto Client Subscriber/Publisher App. Simulate remote cellular radio IoT devices deployed in the field and publishing their sensor data to the Mosquitto message broker.

Docker Compose Network Services Stack
  • Eclipse Mosquitto Broker - Custom Docker image implementing web sockets on port 9001
  • MQtt Client - Sets up the topics and listens on ports 1883 and 9001
  • MQtt Publisher - Simulate messages from remote IoT device - Scale to n
  • Web Gateway - - Docker image - radio subscriber request/response data postback
  • MQtt Explorer - HiveMQ Websockets Client Showcase - built-in browser based MQtt Explorer using web sockets

See the repo docker-compose.yml for a detailed list of network services.


Clone this repository

$ git clone

Run docker-compose command at the project folder root and scale number of publishers. n = number of publisher containers

$ cd westnile
$ docker-compose up --scale mqttpublisher=n
HiveMQ Browser Client

Use the built-in HiveMQ browser client to subscribe to topics and publish new messages. Open your web browser and visit and enter these values:

  • Broker = ""
  • Port = 9001
  • ClientID = default value
Database Records

To view database records; from the command line, run this command

$ docker exec westnile_mqttclient_1 python

Then from the mqttclient container's Python shell...

Python 3.7.3 (default, Dec 13 2019, 19:58:14) 
[Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sqlite3
>>> con = sqlite3.connect("westnile.db")
>>> cur = con.cursor()
>>> rows = cur.execute("SELECT * from messages)
>>> for row in rows:
TODO: IoT Data Browser Container App

Coming soon: Implement Flask and SQLAlchemy to browse, view and edit the sqlite3 radio data.