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Developer Guide

Using Vagrant


You will need Vagrant and one of its providers.

We currently use VirtualBox but any provider should work just as well.


Clone the project:

git clone
cd crate-pdo

Start up the Vagrant machine:

vagrant up

When run for the first time, it will also run the needed provisioning.

If you are using IntelliJ or PhpStorm IDE you can follow the IDE guide to set up your remote interpreter and test environment.

Installing Dependencies

Get Composer and install the dependencies:

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
composer install

If the environment is outdated, you can upgrade it:

composer update

If you see messages like Warning: No code coverage driver available when running the tests, you will need to install the xdebug extension:

pecl install xdebug

It may happen that you will have to re-install it, for example after your PHP version has been upgraded by your package manager.

Running the Tests

You can run the tests like:

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

# Run test suite
composer run test

# Output coverage report as HTML
composer run -- test --coverage-html ./report
open report/index.html

# Run specific tests
composer run -- test --filter "testFetchColumn"

Invoke code style checks

# Run code style checks
composer run check-style

# Some code style quirks can be automatically fixed
composer run fix-style

Using Docker


Install prerequisites:

# Install different PHP releases and Composer.
brew install php@7.3 php@7.4 php@8.0 brew-php-switcher composer

# Select PHP version.
brew-php-switcher 7.3
brew-php-switcher 7.4
brew-php-switcher 8.0

# Install `xdebug` extension into each environment for tracking code coverage.
pecl install xdebug

Get the sources:

git clone

Setup project dependencies:

composer install

Running the Tests

# Run CrateDB
docker run -it --rm \
    --mount type=bind,source=$PWD/test/provisioning/crate.yml,target=/crate/config/crate.yml \
    --mount type=bind,source=$PWD/test/provisioning/keystore,target=/vagrant/test/provisioning/keystore \
    --mount type=bind,source=$PWD/test/provisioning/truststore,target=/vagrant/test/provisioning/truststore \
    --publish 4200:4200 --publish 5432:5432 crate/crate:nightly

# Run test suite on current/default version of PHP
composer run test

# Run tests on both PHP7 and PHP8 to get the full picture of coverage
composer run multicover
open build/multicover/html/index.html

Working on the documentation

Change into the docs directory:

$ cd docs

For help, run:

$ make

Crate Docs Build

Run `make <TARGET>`, where <TARGET> is one of:

  dev     Run a Sphinx development server that builds and lints the
          documentation as you edit the source files

  html    Build the static HTML output

  check   Build, test, and lint the documentation

  reset   Reset the build cache

You must install fswatch to use the dev target.

Continuous integration and deployment

CI is configured to run make check from the docs directory.

Read the Docs (RTD) automatically deploys the documentation whenever a configured branch is updated.

To make changes to the RTD configuration (e.g., to activate or deactivate a release version), please contact the `@crate/docs`_ team.

Archiving Docs Versions

Check the versions hosted on ReadTheDocs.

We should only be hosting the docs for latest, the last three minor release branches of the last major release, and the last minor release branch corresponding to the last two major releases.

For example:

  • latest
  • 0.6
  • 0.5
  • 0.4

Because this project has not yet had a major release, as of yet, there are no major releases before 0 to include in this list.

To make changes to the RTD configuration (e.g., to activate or deactivate a release version), please contact the @crate/tech-writing team.