Beer keg weighing system to calculate how much is left in it, displaying the reading on an OLED screen and sending the data to a 3rd party website (initially BrewSpy).
This is the code for the project there is also a website which has full build instructions and a great facebook group to ask for help.
- line 16 float keg_tare_weight = 4107; //Aamend this figure with the weight of your keg empty in grams
- line 73 WiFiMulti.addAP("YOUR SSID", "YOUR WiFi PASSWORD");
- line 225 String jsondata = "{"token":"YOUR API TOKEN","unit":"pint","kegVolume":"34","beerLeft":"" + pints_left_string + ""}"; The token is the last part of the webhook eg the webhook is you just need to copy in 123456789abcdefg available when you click on the tap in the taplist then then webhook