An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for efm-langserver for neovim.
- Out-of-box configurations for 90+ tools (linters and formatters)
- Intelligently detect tools installed project-wide or system-wide - works only for node/npm, php/composer and ruby/bundler (additional support for other build tools coming soon, welcome any contributions)
integration for status check
Documentation can be accessed via :help efmls-configs
or further below.
- Neovim >= 0.7
- efm-langserver installed globally. If using mason.nvim
then install with
:MasonInstall efm
Install with your favorite plugin manager or just use builtin packages.
version = 'v1.x.x', -- version is optional, but recommended
dependencies = { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' },
use {
tag = 'v1.*', -- tag is optional, but recommended
requires = { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' },
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'creativenull/efmls-configs-nvim', { 'tag': 'v1.*' } " tag is optional, but recommended
See also :help efmls-configs-setup
to view docs inside neovim.
To get started, make a languages
table that will define configurations for the language of your choice. Or use the
defaults provided by this plugin.
-- Register linters and formatters per language
local eslint = require('efmls-configs.linters.eslint')
local prettier = require('efmls-configs.formatters.prettier')
local stylua = require('efmls-configs.formatters.stylua')
local languages = {
typescript = { eslint, prettier },
lua = { stylua },
-- Or use the defaults provided by this plugin
-- check doc/ for the supported languages
-- local languages = require('efmls-configs.defaults').languages()
local efmls_config = {
filetypes = vim.tbl_keys(languages),
settings = {
rootMarkers = { '.git/' },
languages = languages,
init_options = {
documentFormatting = true,
documentRangeFormatting = true,
require('lspconfig').efm.setup(vim.tbl_extend('force', efmls_config, {
-- Pass your custom lsp config below like on_attach and capabilities
-- on_attach = on_attach,
-- capabilities = capabilities,
See also :help efmls-configs-defaults
to view docs inside neovim.
Default configurations are an opt-in feature. To see all the configurations provided by default go to
You can use a list of defaults provided by this plugin, in-case you don't want to specify configuration for each language.
local languages = require('efmls-configs.defaults').languages()
To add additional tools which are not provided by default you can extend via vim.tbl_extend()
. This can also be used
as a way to override defaults.
local languages = require('efmls-configs.defaults').languages()
languages = vim.tbl_extend('force', languages, {
-- Custom languages, or override existing ones
html = {
There are couple ways you can format your code on save.
- Register an autocmd to run format on save:
local lsp_fmt_group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('LspFormattingGroup', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePost', {
group = lsp_fmt_group,
callback = function(ev)
local efm = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ name = 'efm', bufnr = ev.buf })
if vim.tbl_isempty(efm) then
vim.lsp.buf.format({ name = 'efm' })
- If you do not want to write and maintain the code above, then you can rely on a plugin like lukas-reineke/lsp-format.nvim which makes it easier to format on save.
See also :help efmls-configs-issues
to view docs inside neovim.
Always run :checkhealth
to see if there are any issue, when you get no response from the linter or formatter
as you expected.
If you get "no executable found" issues in :checkhealth
, this means that the linter or formatter was not found in the
provided filepath. Ensure that it is installed globally or in a valid filepath.
For nodejs/npm, php/composer, ruby/bundler: check if the linter or formatter is installed in your node_modules (npm), vendor (composer/bundler) project folder, or installed globally.
If you use mason, then you don't need to add anything extra for efmls-configs for it to work. But if you are having problems setting up then check the following:
- Make sure you call mason
before efmsetup()
- Run
:!which <tool>
to check if the path is provided by mason
- ALE -
- diagnostic-languageserver -
- guard.nvim -
- nvim-lint -
- formatter.nvim -
Credits goes to the following projects for inspiration:
- efm-langserver for this awesome language server to provide an interface to run linters/formatters through a LSP protocol
- ALE for a huge list of linters/formatters to look through and add them in here