Pour la version française: LISEZ-MOI.MD
An open source and expandable administration framework for your S&box (Sandbox) servers and addons.
Indeed, however, I have access to the dev preview!
λdvisor (read: Advisor) is an administration addon in heavily development, built to provide the following features to your servers:
- String based permission system.
- Moderation commands.
- Full administrative control of your server through an in-game menu.
- Logging of user actions such as joining, leaving, chat messages, kills, bans and more.
As well as more down the line once we get more access to S&box. We're open for suggestions!
We'll be creating a simple to use API to give you access to the following features:
- Custom commands through simple to use attributes and preconditions.
- Querying the permissions service and adding custom permissions.
- Implementing custom logging of your addon's events.
- Access to custom events used by λdvisor with possibility of overriding results.
- And more down the line!
This addon is under development in collaboration with the community at Creators Area.
Do note the community there mostly speaks French.