To create te Service:
Publish to C:\inetpub\services\WindowsServiceApiDemo\App\netcoreapp3.1
Run cmd as Administrator:
sc create MultServicesWorker binpath= C:\inetpub\services\WindowsServiceApiDemo\App\netcoreapp3.1\WindowsServiceApiDemo.exe start= auto DisplayName= "Mult-Services Worker"
sc description MultServicesWorker "This is a Mult-Services Worker, with visual interface"
Additional options:
sc start MultServicesWorker
sc stop MultServicesWorker
sc delete MultServicesWorker
Or open services.msc find 'Mult-Services Worker' and start / stop from there
To test the service:
Open a browser in http://localhost:5000/home
Open a browser in http://localhost:5000/status
Refs: Loggin with HTML: