Name | Type | Description | Notes |
timezone | string | The timezone used for the report. Timezone Database format (Tz). | [optional] [default to 'UTC'] |
start_date | \DateTime | Start date of the report. Date component of ISO 8061 format, any time or timezone component is ignored. | |
end_date | \DateTime | End date of the report. Date component of ISO 8061 format, any time or timezone component is ignored. | |
advertiser_id | string | The client id. | |
limit | int | The maximum number of top products returned. | [optional] |
rank_products_by | string | The metric used to filter the top products. | |
dimensions | string[] | The dimensions for the report. | [optional] |
metrics | string[] | The list of metrics to report. | [optional] |
currency | string | The currency used for the report. ISO 4217 code (three-letter capitals). | [optional] [default to 'EUR'] |
brands | string[] | The list of brands names. | [optional] |
category_ids | string[] | The list of category ids. | [optional] |
campaign_ids | string[] | The list of campaign ids. | [optional] |
ad_set_ids | string[] | The list of adSet ids. | [optional] |
ad_set_status | string[] | The list of adSet status (ex: 'Active','NotRunning'). | [optional] |