This repository has an implementation of the Transformed-based Argument Mining work presented by T. Mayer, E. Cabrio and S. Villata: Transformer-based Argument Mining for Healthcare Applications (ECAI 2020)
It was originally forked from the ANTIDOTE ACTA Module, which is part of the ANTIDOTE Project on Explainable AI. For more information check:
The module has the implementation of two tasks for Argumentation Mining:
- Argument Component Detection (Sequence Tagging Task), and
- Argument Relation Classification (Sequence Classification Task)
- The code was tested under Python 3.10.8. It might run for previous versions of Python but it wasn't tested on those.
- The required packages are listed in
. - The code is heavily dependent on the following libraries:
- PyTorch >= 2: Developed with 2.2.0
- Lightning >= 2: Developed with 2.1.3
- Hugging Face >= 4: Developed with 4.33.2
- For running the training and evaluation scripts you also need to install the
development packages:
- These are listed in
. - The training/evaluation scripts are built on top of MLFlow, and were developed with version 2.9.2
- These are listed in
The Argumentation Mining Transformer Module (AMTM) is installable as a Python package. To do so, we recommend using some form of virtual environment first:
$ python -m venv amtm-venv
$ source ./amtm-venv/bin/activate
(amtm-venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Before installing the AMT Module package, we recommend you install your preferred PyTorch version, for example, if you are running this from a machine without GPU access, it's recommended to install PyTorch like:
(amtm-venv) $ pip install torch==2.2.0 --index-url
If you don't explicitly install the version of PyTorch you'd like it's probably
that pip
will try to install the default version for your system when
resolving the dependencies (e.g. for Linux, it's the GPU version).
After that, you can install the AMTM library like:
(amtm-venv) $ pip install git+<VERSION>
Replacing <VERSION>
with the version you want to install (>= 1.0.1-beta).
(amtm-venv) $ pip install git+
Note: This installation of the AMTM Library will only install what's under
the ./amtm
directory so you can access it via from amtm import *
under your
Python module development. This means that you can use it to directly access the
data modules, models and other utilities. If you want to use the training
scripts go to the usage of the training and evaluation
tools section.
The amtm.pipeline
module requires NLTK's PUNKT tokenizer. To install it run
the following command:
(amtm-venv) $ python -m nltk.downloader punkt
If you want to use the tools we offer for training and evaluation, you need first to clone the repository in your local environment:
$ git clone
After that, create the environment and install the package from the local copy with the development requirements as well:
$ python -m venv amtm-venv
$ source ./amtm-venv/bin/activate
(amtm-venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
(amtm-venv) $ pip install -e ".[dev]"
There are 2 Python scripts, under the ./scripts
directory, ready to use:
There are 4 bash scripts with examples of how to use each of these scripts:
, ./
and ./
The Python train script runs the training and validation loops using Lightning. It requires the following parameters:
--train-data TRAIN_DATA
The train dataset path. It should already be in the
format for the corresponding task (`--task-type`).
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
The directory where the model logs and checkpoints
will be stored.
--task-type {rel-class,seq-tag}
Type of task. Use one of: rel-class, seq-tag
--model MODEL
Either the name of one of the available models: bert,
deberta-v3, roberta, tiny-bert; or a Hugging Face
model. The HF model can be either a model available at
the HF Hub, or a model path. To load a checkpoint
reached using this same trainer script please use the
`--load-from-checkpoint` option.
The train-data
file should be in the format corresponding to the task (tsv for
rel-class and conll for seq-tag). The output-dir
is the directory where MLFlow
will store both the results and the model checkpoints. Finally, model
is the
Hugging Face model to use (as a single string).
There are other options available as well:
--validation-data VALIDATION_DATA
The validation dataset path. It should already be in
the format for the corresponding task (`--task-type`).
--config CONFIG Pretrained config name or path (if not the same as
--tokenizer TOKENIZER
Pretrained tokenizer name or path (if not the same as
--cache-dir CACHE_DIR
Directory for Hugging Face downloaded models.
--load-from-checkpoint LOAD_FROM_CHECKPOINT
Path to a checkpoint file to continue training.
--experiment-name EXPERIMENT_NAME
Suffix of MLFlow experiment.
--run-name RUN_NAME Prefix of MLFlow run.
--labels [LABELS ...]
The list of labels (separated by spaces) for the task.
If not given it will fallback to the default labels
for the task.
--accelerator ACCELERATOR
What device to use as accelerator (cpu, gpu, tpu,
--num-devices NUM_DEVICES
Number of devices to use. If not given selects
--num-workers NUM_WORKERS
Number of workers to use for DataLoaders. Set to -1 to
use all cpus.
--epochs EPOCHS Total number of training epochs to perform.
--early-stopping EARLY_STOPPING
If > 0 then stops if there are `early-stopping` logs
without improvement on the validation loss.
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size (per GPU/CPU) for training.
--gradient-accumulation-steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS
Number of updates steps to accumulate before
performing a backward/update pass.
--max-grad-norm MAX_GRAD_NORM
Max gradient norm (for gradient clipping). Set to 0 to
--max-seq-length MAX_SEQ_LENGTH
The maximum total input sequence length after
tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be
truncated, sequences shorter will be padded. If left
empty it will truncate to the model's max size and pad
to the maximum size of each training step.
--lower-case Should be active for lowercase transformers.
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
The initial learning rate for AdamW.
--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY
Weight decay for parameters that accept it.
--warmup-steps WARMUP_STEPS
Number of steps for linear warmup.
--weighted-loss Only useful for Relationship Classification trainings.
If true the loss function is weighted inversely by
--log-every-n-steps LOG_EVERY_N_STEPS
Log every N update steps.
--save-every-n-steps SAVE_EVERY_N_STEPS
Save checkpoint every N update steps.
--random-seed RANDOM_SEED
Initial random seed.
--fp16 Whether to use 16-bit (mixed) precision
--debug Set for debug mode.
If the validation-data
file is not given, the training loop will not do
validation (nor early stopping). The --debug
mode runs the experiment on a
tenth of the data, and is only useful to debug the script (e.g. to check
everything is working after installation).
Although not required, the parameters experiment-name
and run-name
are for
MLFlow and are recommended to be set to better differentiate between
models, especially if you are trying to run several evaluations over certain
models. The bash scripts with examples have a better indication of what to do.
The files ./
and ./
show examples for
running train (and also evaluation) over the
dataset, both for Relation Classification
and Component Detection respectively.
The Python evaluation script runs the evaluation over some test data, it will
look for the last trained model with the metadata given by experiment-name
and run the evaluation using one or all the checkpoints for that
model. It requires the following parameters:
--test-data TEST_DATA
The evaluation dataset path. It should already be in
the format for the corresponding task (`--task-type`).
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
The output directory where the model predictions will
be stored. In order to eval trained checkpoint, this
should match the output directory of the train script.
--task-type {rel-class,seq-tag}
Type of task. Use one of: rel-class, seq-tag
--model MODEL
Either the name of one of the available models: bert,
deberta-v3, roberta, tiny-bert; or a Hugging Face
model. The HF model can be either a model available at
the HF Hub, or a model path.
Where test-data
has the same format as the train data for the task type, and
the output-dir
points to the same directory used by mlflow during training.
The model
should also be the same for correct evaluation.
Other optional parameters are the following:
--config CONFIG Pretrained config name or path (if not the same as
--tokenizer TOKENIZER
Pretrained tokenizer name or path (if not the same as
--cache-dir CACHE_DIR
Directory for Hugging Face downloaded models.
If active, it will evaluate the model directly from HF
--experiment-name EXPERIMENT_NAME
Suffix of MLFlow experiment.
--run-name RUN_NAME Prefix of MLFlow run.
--labels [LABELS ...]
The list of labels (separated by spaces) for the task.
If not given it will fallback to the default labels
for the task.
--relevant-labels [RELEVANT_LABELS ...]
The list of relevant labels for the task, so it will
calculate the metrics with these relevant labels in
consideration. If not given it will fall back to the
relevant labels for the task.
--accelerator ACCELERATOR
What device to use as accelerator (cpu, gpu, tpu,
--num-workers NUM_WORKERS
Number of workers to use for DataLoaders. Set to -1 to
use all cpus.
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for evaluation.
--max-seq-length MAX_SEQ_LENGTH
The maximum total input sequence length after
tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be
truncated, sequences shorter will be padded. If left
empty it will truncate to the model's max size and pad
to the maximum size of each training step.
--lower-case Should be active for lowercase transformers.
Evaluate all checkpoints for the model.
--random-seed RANDOM_SEED
Initial random seed.
--weighted-loss Only useful for Relationship Classification trainings.
If true the loss function is weighted inversely by
--fp16 Whether to use 16-bit (mixed) precision
--debug Set for debug mode.
The --eval-without-checkpoint
is useful to evaluate a Hugging Face model
"out-of-the-box". The --relevant-labels
should be a subset of the --labels
and refers to the labels that require special treatment or evaluation, e.g. for
the case of Component Detection, relevant labels are the ones that start with
or I-
Unlike the training script, even if we use a GPU accelerator, at the moment it's only possible to use a single device for inference, since MultiGPU evaluation it's difficult and sometimes ill-defined.
The --eval-all-checkpoints
flag is to run an evaluation for each of the checkpoints resulting from the training experiment run. If this flag is not set,
it only runs evaluation on the last checkpoint.
If you wish you can upload the trained models to the Hugging Face
hub via the ./scripts/
Similar to the Python evaluation script, the upload script will look for the
last trained model with the metadata given by experiment-name
and run-name
and upload the HF model using the final checkpoint for that model.
It requires the following parameters:
--hf-repository HF_REPOSITORY
The Hugging Face repository to upload the model. You
must have write access to it.
--mlflow-dir MLFLOW_DIR
The directory where the MLFlow artifacts where saved to
retrieve the checkpoint file that will be uploaded to
Hugging Face
--task-type {rel-class,seq-tag}
Type of task. Use one of: rel-class, seq-tag
--model MODEL
Either the name of one of the available models: bert,
deberta-v3, roberta, tiny-bert; or a Hugging Face model.
The HF model can be either a model available at the HF
Hub, or a model path.
Where mlflow-dir
must be the same directory where the MLFlow artifacts of the
training were uploaded (i.e., the OUTPUT_DIR
of the training script). Some
other optional parameters are:
--tokenizer TOKENIZER
Pretrained tokenizer name or path (if not the same as
`model`). Must be the same one used for the training of
the model to upload.
--cache-dir CACHE_DIR
Directory for Hugging Face downloaded models.
--experiment-name EXPERIMENT_NAME
Suffix of MLFlow experiment. Must be the same used for
the training of the model to upload.
--run-name RUN_NAME
Prefix of MLFlow run. Must be the same used for the
traning script.
--hf-token HF_TOKEN
Token for Hugging Face. If not given will default to
$HF_TOKEN env variable.
--lower-case Should be active for lowercase transformers.
--add-prefix-space Activate for Roberta based tokenizers.
--hf-commit-message HF_COMMIT_MESSAGE
Commit message for the upload of the Hugging Face model.
Activate to upload the model as part of a private
repository (if it's to be created).
--hf-revision HF_REVISION
The revision of the model. It will be stored under a
branch with this name and must be retrieved with that
same revision name.
--debug Set for debug mode.
You need to have write access to the HF_REPOSITORY
where you want to upload
the model. You also need to define the HF_TOKEN
, either by the --hf-token
option to this upload script or as the environment variable $HF_TOKEN
After the evaluation is finished, you need to run the MLFlow UI server and access the Web UI:
(amtm-venv) $ mlflow ui --backend-uri $OUTPUT_DIR
Replace the $OUTPUT_DIR
with the directory where the results were stored for
training and evaluation. Then access the web UI.
The experiments' names have the following structures:
Depending on the train
or eval
, there are different recorded metrics:
- The
experiments only record the training loss and, optionally, the validation loss. They also have the model checkpoints logged as artifacts. - The
experiments record accuracy and F1-score (micro and macro) overall and only relevant labels. Besides, they log as artifacts the classification report (for all and only relevant), the confusion matrix (numeric and as a heatmap) and the predictions. For the case of Sequence Tagging, it also reports the Seqeval Metrics.
For the runs, the names have the following structure: {RUN_NAME}/{TIMESTAMP}
The evaluation runs log among their parameters the run_id
of the training they
are based on. They also provide a link in their description to that training
If you happen to run your experiments (both for train and evaluation) on a
remote server, and you want to run the MLFlow UI but don't have access to an
open port in the remote server, one solution is to export the results directory
to your local machine and run it locally. To do so, one solution is first to
the output directory from the remote server to your machine:
$ rsync -avzP user@remote.server:path/to/output/ ./output/
If you want to avoid moving the large checkpoint files that are stored in the
remote server, you can rsync
$ rsync -avzP --exclude="*.ckpt" user@remote.server:path/to/output/ ./output/
However, before running the MLFlow UI on ./output/
you need to
update the artifacts path to
your local environment. The script
do that for you:
(amtm-venv) $ ./scripts/ --mlflow-uri ./output/
In this case, the OUTPUT_DIR
is output/
, but it can be replaced with
whatever directory name you prefer.