1. Define some form fields
import { validations } from 'form'
const { isEmail, minLen } = validations
const profileFormFields = [
name : 'name'
} ,
name : 'description' ,
inputType : 'textarea' ,
placeholder : 'Tell us all about it' ,
validation : minLen ( 10 ) ,
errorMessage : 'Please provide a longer description'
} ,
name : 'email' ,
validation : isEmail ,
errorMessage : 'Please provide a valid email address'
} ,
name : 'favoriteColor' ,
label : 'Choose your favorite color' ,
inputType : 'select' ,
options : [ '' , 'red' , 'green' , 'blue' ]
} ,
name : 'animal' ,
inputType : 'radio' ,
options : [ 'dog' , 'wildaboar' ]
} ,
name : 'isHungry' ,
inputType : 'checkbox' ,
label : 'Are you hungry?'
} ,
name : 'countries' ,
inputType : 'checkboxes' ,
options : [
'USA' ,
{ label : 'Vietnam' , value : 'VN' } ,
{ label : 'Arigonia' , value : 'AR' }
export default profileFormFields
2. Pass the form fields and a submit handler to the Form
import Form from 'form'
import profileFormFields from './profileFormFields'
const UserForm = ( ) =>
< Form
fields = { profileFormFields }
onSubmit = { console . log }
3. Submit and view errors or receive a data object from the form fields
animal : 'wildaboar' ,
countries : [ 'USA' ] ,
description : '' ,
favoriteColor : 'green' ,
firstName : 'Moonbean' ,
isHungry : true ,
lastName : 'Sillers' ,
password : 'pass'