A modern and easy to use Client/UI for Etcd
A Configuration center and Service registration and discovery platform based on Etcd
download example
cd example
docker-compose up
you can change version
to a specific version
on docker hub
Make sure the client and server use the same version, they will be updated together, incompatible versions may make some unexpected errors.
Windows/MacOS/Linux | Web | Docker |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
build from source | build from source | ✅ |
then visit http://localhost:2334
go get github.com/cruvie/kk_etcd_go@latest
assume you have a config file like this
Dsn: host= user=xxxx password=xxxx dbname=xxxx port=5432 sslmode=disable TimeZone=UTC
Password: xxxx
put/get it to/from etcd with key my_config
package doc_test
import (
type myConfig struct {
ServerAddr string
Postgres struct {
Dsn string
Port int
Redis struct {
Addr string
Password string
func TestPutYaml(t *testing.T) {
//init client
closeFunc, err := kk_etcd.InitClient(&kk_etcd.InitClientConfig{
Endpoints: []string{""},
UserName: "root",
Password: "root",
DebugMode: true})
if err != nil {
defer func() {
err := closeFunc()
if err != nil {
//load config
data, err := os.ReadFile("path/to/my_config.yml")
if err != nil {
var Config myConfig
err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &Config)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("unable to unmarshal config.yaml", "err", err)
//push config to etcd in yaml format
err = kk_etcd.PutExistUpdateYaml("my_config", &Config)
if err != nil {
//get config from etcd
var newConfig myConfig
err = kk_etcd.GetYaml("my_config", &newConfig)
if err != nil {
refers to Register Http Server
refers to Register Grpc Server
refers to GetGrpcClient
Feel free to send pull requests or fire issues if you encounter any bugs or have suggestions.
Buy me a cup of coffee ☕️ if you like this project and want to keep it active.
Alipay | |