- if no assignments are valid for distribution -> doesn't return error code
- after cancel distributions can't create a new one, ever again - I had to create a new asset
- distribution that is not confirmed yet doesn't appear in the list of distributions
- If the user was added to categories, then removed and deleted it can't be created again
select wallets when issuing a new asset - for asset and for reissuance token
save pending distribution or reissuance psbt
sign with specter-diy over SD/QR or USB?
broadcast and confirm as before
DIY: detect issuance / reissuance transaction
Optimize for QR transfer
Optimize the tool for mobile?
set non-default addresses for issue and reissue tokens
test if asset has 2 confs before registering and authorizing
allow reissuance to external wallet
pending distributions (total doesn't match)
better updates (no need to clear all, sync in thread etc)
force update everything btn (in settings probably)
login page - user pass or token
rpc manual connection
check btc balance
check default wallet
number of blocks
custom 500 error page?
specter extension (binary)
links to distributions, assignments?, users, categories
High priority
- multisig, watch-only and HW support
- Elements Core wallets separation
- Treasury management - minimal impl. addresses, recv addresses for btc, send from treasury
Mid priority
icons ? elects for backend
managers support (incl. without Elements Core)
filters, search in tables
activities (full tx history)
ownerships at time
users: multiple GAIDs
burn asset
time lock on assignments
- ledger - need to whitelist the asset
- jade - no multisig
- specter-diy - works but large
- airgapped Elements Core
GAZfXqe2Zi4vfJUKXuvKaXqTKkCkb GA3FvdbVoibfvkqUE3ivpD1aHPmfxP