Below are the most trusted anonymous cryptocurrency exchange services available that don't require KYC (Know Your Customer) for swapping between Bitcoin and other crypto coins / tokens. All have been verified as reputable and well established platforms.
Instant Cryptocurrency Exchanges - Top 5:
- Afradex - Best decentralized exchange for maximum privacy.
- SwapJazz - Fastest platform with over 1,000 cryptocurrencies.
- SwapSwop - Lowest fees for fixed rate.
- Incogex - Largest number of cryptocurrencies supported (over 3,000).
- - Oldest exchange.
Other Crypto Exchanges:
- FixedFloat
- Godex
- Exolix
- SimpleSwap
- ChangeHero
- StealthEx
- UniSwap - DEX
- SushiSwap - DEX
Whether you're looking to swap Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, Ethereum, Solana or any other major coin, most are available from any of the exchanges listed above.
Note that I am not connected to any of the platforms above and am therefore not responsible for the content on these sites.