synthpunks - (free unlimited) 24×24 pixel punks for everyone - yes, you can - generate / claim your own synth(etic) punks ("off-blockchain") for your own (ethereum) account 40-hexdigit addresses e.g. 0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322; incl. 2x/4x/8x zoom for bigger sizes and more
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Fully on-chain (crypto) punks for every ethereum address. Check yours out for free!
Stephan Cilliers (from South Africa) has put together an open-source blockchain service ( - see stephancill/synthetic-punks - ) to generate for free¹ 24×24 punk pixel heads for every ethereum address (account).
¹: and optionally claim / mint a (non-fungible) token for a 0.02 ether fee.
The F.A.Q. reads:
Q: What are Synthetic Punks?
A: Synthetic Punks is inspired by the historical collection of 10 000 Matt & John's® Punks [Anno 2017] by Larva Labs and Synthetic Loot by Dom Hofmann. It generates a unique, fully on-blockchain punk for each Ethereum address.
They are free to view for any address, but can be claimed [minted] as an ERC-721 non-fungible token (NFT) for a price of 0.02 ether.
Features - Each Synthetic Punk
- Is generated from assets stored fully on-blockchain
- Is uniquely associated with an ethereum wallet address
- Supports Ethereum Name Service (ENS) in its metadata
Anyways, the synthpunks gem / library is inspired by Synthetic Punks V1 by Stephan Cilliers (see above) and lets you generate punks using the "original" Synthetic Punks V1 pseudo-random number and image generation formula "off-blockchain"¹ using the "original" Synthetic Punks V1 spritesheet
and attribute categories (ranges) and names.
Let's try the (ethereum) address 0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322:
require 'synthpunks'
punk = Synthpunks::Image.generate('0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322' ) 'punk1.png' )
punk.zoom(8).save( 'punk1@8x.png' )
resulting in:
Tip: Use Synthpunks.getTokenID( addr )
to get the "official" token id
from the address (that really is only a "convenience" helper that converts the 40-digit / 20-byte hexstring to a decimal (big) integer number). Example:
Synthpunks.getTokenID('0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322' )
#=> 30311890011735557186986086868537068337617285922
# note: yes, Synthpunks.getTokenID same as String#to_i(16)
'0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322'.to_i( 16 )
#=> 30311890011735557186986086868537068337617285922
And use the new exclusive "off-chain" only Synthpunks.getAssetNames( id )
to get all (random) punk attributes by name.
Synthpunks.getAttributeNames( 30311890011735557186986086868537068337617285922 )
#=> ["Alien", "Clown Nose", "Frown", "Vape", "Eyebrows"]
Now look up the minted Synthetic (Crypto) Punks V1 on the open sea (secondary) market:
Or see Synthetic Punk for 0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322
And spot the differencence - hint: none other than the "dark / black-ish" background is missing.
Let's retry and let's add the "dark / black-ish" background that is, #1A1A1A, using the rgb hex color code:
punk = Synthpunks::Image.generate('0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322' )
punk = punk.background( '#1A1A1A' ) 'punk1b.png' )
punk.zoom(8).save( 'punk1b@8x.png' )
resulting in:
Or for fun let's try some more new "custom" backgrounds. Example: Stand with Ukraine / Ukraine Flag:
punk = Synthpunks::Image.generate('0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322' )
punk = punk.background( 'ukraine' ) 'punk1c.png' )
punk.zoom(8).save( 'punk1c@8x.png' )
resulting in:
punk = punk.background( 'rainbow' )
resulting in:
and so on.
Tip: Looking for left-looking phunks? Try Image#mirror
punk = Synthpunks::Image.generate('0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322' )
phunk = punk.mirror 'phunk1.png' )
phunk.zoom(8).save( 'phunk1@8x.png' )
resulting in:
Bonus Tip: Derive your own custom default profile pictures
using Image#silhouette
. Example:
punk = Synthpunks::Image.generate('0x054f3b6eadc9631ccd60246054fdb0fcfe99b322' )
punk = punk.silhouette( '0x647785' ).background( '0xCCD5DE' ) 'punk1-default1.png' )
punk.zoom(8).save( 'punk1-default1@8x.png' )
resulting in:
or is blue the new gray?
punk = punk.silhouette( '0x4474E0' ).background( '0xA0C2FF' )
resulting in:
and so on.
Yes, you can. Let's try some more (ethereum) addresses.
punk = Synthpunks::Image.generate( '0x7a80ee32044f496a7bfef65af738fdda3a02cf02' ) "punk2.png" )
punk.zoom(8).save( "punk2@8x.png" )
resulting in:
and the attributes
tokenID = Synthpunks.getTokenID( '0x7a80ee32044f496a7bfef65af738fdda3a02cf02' )
#=> 699372119169819039191610289391678040975564001026
Synthpunks.getAttributeNames( tokenID )
#=> ["Human 1", "Rosy Cheeks", "Shadow Beard", "Wild Hair", "VR"]
and compare with the "original" with the attributes:
- Human 1
- Rosy Cheeks
- Wild Hair
- VR
- Shadow Beard
Or see Synthetic Punk for 0x7a80Ee32044F496A7bFeF65Af738FddA3a02CF02
and so on.
¹: Yes, the (on-chain) solidity contract code got translated "by-hand" to (off-chain) ruby script.
Example - the entropy pseudo-random number generator source:
function randomUint(uint256 seed, uint256 offset) public view returns (uint256)
require(offset < 32, "Offset out of bounds");
bytes32 entropy = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this), seed));
bytes32 mask = bytes32(0xff << (offset * 8));
uint256 out = uint256((entropy & mask) >> (offset * 8));
return out;
and the matching ruby version:
ADDRESS = '0xaf9CE4B327A3b690ABEA6F78eCCBfeFFfbEa9FDf'
## note:
## returns a random unit number between 0-255 (0-ff)
## use offset (0-31),that is, byte out of byte32 entropy buffer/hash
def randomUint( seed, offset )
# assert( offset < 32, "Offset out of bounds")
entropy = keccak256( hex_to_bin( ADDRESS ) +
hex_to_bin( uint256_to_hex(seed)) )
## note: pick a uint/byte (shorter version)
bytes = entropy.bytes.reverse
The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Post them on the D.I.Y. Punk (Pixel) Art reddit. Thanks.