Title: DOM Manipulation: Counter and Timer.
Description: Creating a timer and counter in a single page using DOM manipulation. The project use HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The application has two buttons timer and counter depending on which button is clicked either of which is shown.
There are two functions timer() in timer.js and createCounterFromScratch() in counter.js which contain the body of HTMl to be displayed this body is returned from function as an element.
The app.js file contain a global root element in which the element returned from timer() and createCounterFromScratch() will be added to display the content.
How to run the Project: * To Run the Project Open Index.html file using LiveServer.
Following is the Folder Sturcture
- counter
- counter.js
- counterReadMe.md
- timer
- timer.js
- timerReadMe.md
- app.js
- counter
- counter.css
- style.css
- timer.css