November 2021
Part of the four-part book series: Citizen Science for Research Libraries — A Guide
Published by the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group
Section Editor Jitka Stilund Hansen
Open access, read online
The guide is designed to be a practical toolbox to help run a citizen science project. It has been put together from contributions by members of the research library community and has been thoroughly peer-reviewed.
The skilling section focuses on the use of data and this new challenging role for the library — in public engagement and supporting researchers. The guide provides several step-by-step guides and concrete project examples. In the guide you will learn about the different roles for citizens in a project, project management, communication, the use of data and knowledge provided by citizens, questions of FAIR data, and how scientific literacy can be used for co-creation and education in citizen science.
Researchers have been branching out into new areas of citizen science as digital services have pervaded many parts of people’s lives, such as — wearable health tracking, using data for COVID19, and for climate change mitigation and monitoring. Research libraries are in a unique position to offer up the frameworks and infrastructures built by the open science movement for wider use by researchers in society.
Citizen science is quite often closely linked to the creation of data. Citizen science can be used by the researcher to identify which data may answer their questions, or in increasing scientific literacy in wider society by attracting citizens and other stakeholders interested in the data: collecting data, telling the story of the data, or repurposing data.
Citizen science is a key pillar of open science. The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science for the first time creates consensus on definitions and principles for open science. Citizen science plays a variety of roles in the overall open science endeavour of the democratization of knowledge.
The guide is part of a themed series of four sections based on the LIBER Open Science Roadmap that cover the essentials to support citizen science projects: skills, infrastructures, good practice, and programme development.
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Contact: Co-Editor-in-Chief: Simon Worthington,