This is a base for any Netflix Conductor Orchestrator installation, no matter if it's a Docker or a traditional installation.
A Netflix Conductor Instance running (2.9.1 or higher)
Maven 4.0
Netflix Conductor 1.11.4 (Common and Client Libraries)
jUnit 4.10
Mockito 1.9.5
Any other Libraries that may be used in each worker (JDBC, REST API, ISO-8583 parser, etc)
This project consist of 3 packages:
- Model: This consist of any models needed for any Database/REST calls in the workers
- Utils: This contains every utilities used in the workers, such as logging utilities, casting, async tasks, etc.
- Workers: This contains all the workers used in the Workflow. Here we can have any number of workers, for any number of workflows (Meaning, we don't need a Worker Driver/Repository for each Workflow, but it's recomended to separate workers by usage or actions).
- Driver: The main driving class, which will recieve and route every call from Conductor to their corresponding worker. If the call contains a worker that doesn't exist in the Worker's repository, it logs the call.
In this example, this worker Driver is a simple Main() Class, but it can be easily modified to work as a SpringBoot Application (If you're planning to run it in a virtual server, such as AWS EC2 or Google Compute Engine), a Docker container (If you're planning to run it in a container HUB such as AWS ECS) or in a Serverless Architecture (Such as AWS Lambda).