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This repository contains the data and code of the paper titled "IllusionVQA: A Challenging Optical Illusion Dataset for Vision Language Models"

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IllusionVQA: A Challenging Optical Illusion Dataset for Vision Language Models

Code for the Paper "IllusionVQA: A Challenging Optical Illusion Dataset for Vision Language Models".

For more details, please refer to the project page:

🔔 If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let us know. You can post an issue on this repository or mail us directly.

Project Page | Paper | 🤗 IllusionVQA-Comprehension | 🤗 IllusionVQA-Soft-Localization


IllusionVQA is a dataset of optical illusions and hard-to-interpret scenes designed to test the capability of Vision Language Models in comprehension and soft localization tasks. GPT4V achieved 62.99% accuracy on comprehension and 49.7% on localization, while humans achieved 91.03% and 100% respectively.

💥 News 💥

  • [2024.08.31] 💥 Gemini-1.5-Pro sets new SOTA on both Comprehension and Soft-Localization! With a significant lead in Comprehension (71% vs. second place 67%). Gemini-1.5-Flash places 7th and 4th respectively.
  • [2024.08.16] 💥 Claude 3.5 Sonnet achieves 2nd place on comprehension with 66.44! Learn more at the Anthropic blog.
  • [2024.08.16] 💥 OpenAI's GPT-4o achieves new SOTA on IllusionVQA with 67.12% on Comprehension and 53.3% on Soft Localization! Learn more at the OpenAI blog.
  • [2024.07.28] 🚀 InternVL2 achieves 45.06% on Comprehension and 28.3% on Soft Localization, scoring the best among open source models. 🎉 Congratulations!
  • [2024.07.09] 🌟 Our IllusionVQA paper has been accepted at COLM 2024 (acceptance rate 28.8%)! 🎉 Cheers!
  • [2024.05.28] ✨ Our work was featured by Scientific American. Thanks! ✨
  • [2024.03.28] 🚀 Our project page is live at
  • [2024.03.27] Our dataset is now accessible at Papers With Code.
  • [2024.03.26] Our dataset is now accessible at Huggingface Datasets! 🧠 Comprehension and 🔎 Soft Localization.
  • [2024.03.26] Our paper is now accessible at

🏆 Results 🏆

For the latest results, checkout out the leaderboard in the project page.


Class # 0-shot 4-shot Human
I-BLIP LLaVA Cog Gemini GPT4V Gemini GPT4V
Impossible Object 134 34.22 43.28 44.03 56.72 55.22 56.72 58.96 98.51
Real-Scene 64 26.56 42.19 34.38 46.88 57.81 46.88 54.69 98.44
Size 46 26.09 19.57 13.04 45.65 58.70 52.17 69.57 63.04
Hidden 45 44.44 42.22 42.22 42.22 51.11 48.89 46.67 100
Deceptive Design 37 37.84 43.24 45.95 64.86 70.27 67.56 72.97 94.59
Angle Illusion 26 30.77 38.46 30.77 53.85 69.23 50 84.62 84.62
Color 23 30.43 26.09 30.43 17.39 69.57 17.39 82.61 60.87
Edited-Scene 21 42.86 61.90 42.86 66.67 71.43 66.67 80.95 100
Upside-Down 7 42.86 71.43 71.43 57.14 71.43 57.14 71.43 100
Pos.-Neg. Space 7 57.41 42.86 71.43 85.71 57.14 71.43 85.71 100
Circle-Spiral 6 33.33 0.00 16.67 33.33 50 33.33 33.33 66.67
Miscellaneous 19 36.84 42.11 42.11 52.63 42.11 57.89 42.11 89.47
Total 435 34.25 40 38.16 51.26 58.85 52.87 62.99 91.03

New Results [13 July 2024]

Class # 0-shot 4-shot Human
gpt4o gpt4o
Impossible Object 134 63.43 61.94 98.51
Real-Scene 64 64.06 57.81 98.44
Size 46 45.65 93.47 63.04
Hidden 45 66.67 48.89 100
Deceptive Design 37 72.97 78.38 94.59
Angle Illusion 26 50.00 80.77 84.62
Color 23 52.17 78.26 60.87
Edited-Scene 21 80.95 85.71 100
Upside-Down 7 71.43 42.86 100
Pos.-Neg. Space 7 85.71 71.43 100
Circle-Spiral 6 50.00 50.00 66.67
Miscellaneous 19 52.63 52.63 89.47
Total 435 62.53 67.12 91.03


VLM Prompt Type Accuracy
InstructBLIP 0-shot 24.3
LLaVA-1.5 0-shot 24.8
CogVLM 0-shot 28
GPT4V 0-shot 40
4-shot 46
4-shot + CoT 49.7
Gemini Pro 0-shot 43.5
4-shot 41.8
4-shot + CoT 33.9
Human 100

📖 Usage

from datasets import load_dataset
import base64
from openai import OpenAI
import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "YOUR_API_KEY"

def encode_image(pil_image):
    temp_name = "temp.jpg"
    with open(temp_name, "rb") as image_file:
        return base64.b64encode("utf-8")

def construct_mcq(options, correct_option):
    correct_option_letter = None
    i = "a"
    mcq = ""
    for option in options:
        if option == correct_option:
            correct_option_letter = i
        mcq += f"{i}. {option}\n"
        i = chr(ord(i) + 1)
    mcq = mcq[:-1]
    return mcq, correct_option_letter

def add_row(content, data, i, with_answer=False):  
    mcq, correct_option_letter = construct_mcq(data["options"], data["answer"])
    content.append({ "type": "text",
            "text": "Image " + str(i) + ": " + data["question"] + "\n" + mcq })
    content.append({ "type": "image_url",
            "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{encode_image(data['image'])}",
                "detail": "low"}})
    if with_answer:
        content.append({"type": "text", "text": "Answer {}: ".format(i) + correct_option_letter})
        content.append({"type": "text", "text": "Answer {}: ".format(i), })
    return content

dataset = load_dataset("csebuetnlp/illusionVQA-Comprehension")
client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))

content = [{
        "type": "text",
        "text": "You'll be given an image, an instruction and some choices. You have to select the correct one. Do not explain your reasoning. Answer with the option's letter from the given choices directly. Here are a few examples:",

### Add a few examples
for i, data in enumerate(dataset["train"], 1):
    content = add_row(content, data, i, with_answer=True)

content.append({"type": "text", "text": "Now you try it!",})

next_idx = i + 1

### Add the test data
test_data = dataset["test"][0]
content_t = add_row(content.copy(), test_data, next_idx, with_answer=False)

### Get the answer from GPT-4
response =
    messages=[{"role": "user","content": content_t,}],
gpt4_answer = response.choices[0].message.content

📜 License

This dataset is made available for non-commercial research purposes only under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). The dataset may not be used for training models. The dataset contains images collected from the internet. While permission has been obtained from some of the images' creators, permission has not yet been received from all creators. If you believe any image in this dataset is used without proper permission and you are the copyright holder, please email Haz Sameen Shahgir to request the removal of the image from the dataset.

The dataset creator makes no representations or warranties regarding the copyright status of the images in the dataset. The dataset creator shall not be held liable for any unauthorized use of copyrighted material that may be contained in the dataset.

You agree to the terms and conditions specified in this license by downloading or using this dataset. If you do not agree with these terms, do not download or use the dataset.

Creative Commons License

✅ Cite

title={Illusion{VQA}: A Challenging Optical Illusion Dataset for Vision Language Models},
author={Haz Sameen Shahgir and Khondker Salman Sayeed and Abhik Bhattacharjee and Wasi Uddin Ahmad and Yue Dong and Rifat Shahriyar},
booktitle={First Conference on Language Modeling},


This repository contains the data and code of the paper titled "IllusionVQA: A Challenging Optical Illusion Dataset for Vision Language Models"




