Gotta catch 'em all! Check out the Pokemon API which returns tons of JSON data on your favorite Pokemon characters!
- For once, our warmup is NOT broken! The files below are totally syntax-error free, but still, they won't work!
- Diagnose what is needed to get the playbook running.
- You MUST use Ansible-Vault to encrypt the name of your Pokemon
- You MUST continue using the collection in the playbook!
Not a Pokemon fan? Here are the names of some Pokemon that will work:
Create the following files:
vim ~/mycode/pokemon_name.yml
pokemon_name: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 OHNOIDONTHAVETHEPASSWORDTOUNLOCKTHISVAULTSTRINGDAGNABBIT366236633138393234346537 6135353834346337613838323566333765303663396166340a653634393364353732393338363066 62383962393564323533623535613364333062363036333664333932313863356338666563653564 3634356264386238340a366636353162636563666435376430346463373532376236376335323633 3866
And now the playbook:
vim ~/mycode/gotta-catchem-all.yml
--- - name: Fetch Pokémon data using the pokeapi module hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars_files: - pokemon_name.yml collections: - rzfeeser.pokeapi tasks: - name: Using the name of a Pokémon, collect API data rzfeeser.pokeapi.pokeapi_info: resource: pokemon name: "{{ pokemon_name | lower }}" # | lower is a jinja2 filter; it will force our variable to lowercase register: pokemon_data - name: Save Pokémon data to a file ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ pokemon_data.pokeapi_json }}" dest: "/home/student/static/{{ pokemon_name }}_data.json"
We need to install the collection used in this playbook!
ansible-galaxy collection install rzfeeser.pokeapi
We need to fix the file contained our Vault-encrypted Pokemon name.
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'pikachu' --name 'pokemon_name' > ~/mycode/pokemon_name.yml
Last but not least, when running the playbook you need to add the --ask-vault-pass
option, otherwise you can't access your Vault secret.
ansible-playbook gotta-catchem-all.yml --ask-vault-pass