Good morning! To get the blood moving today we are going to improve an already existing playbook! This is what the playbook is SUPPOSED to do:
- Access the host
using SSH with password authentication - Create directories for a list of popular cartoon characters
STEP ONE. Reset your inventory and planetexpress hosts with our bash reset command.
bash ~/px/scripts/
STEP TWO. Remove the SSH password from farnsworth's inventory. Run the following command.
wget -O ~/mycode/inv/dev/hosts
STEP THREE. Confirm that farnsworth is no longer accessible with the following command.
ansible farnsworth -m ping
farnsworth | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nfarnsworth@ Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).",
"unreachable": true
STEP FOUR. Paste the following playbook into vim.
- name: Create directories for popular cartoon characters on farnsworth
hosts: farnsworth
gather_facts: no
ansible_ssh_pass: alta3
- name: Retrieve Create directories for each cartoon character
register: quotedata
- name: display quote
var: quotedata
- Use Lab 42. 💻 Securing Playbooks with Vault to help you with this one.
- Instead of having the variable
defining the passwordalta3
as plain text in the playbook, encrypt it with Ansible Vault!The variable must be
, no variations. - Where you put the encrypted password is up to you! (
- The Simpsons Quote API is a funny open API. Check out the documentation. Can you edit the URL with a query parameter so it returns FIVE quotes instead of one?
Click here for the solution!
NOTE: the following is just one way to secure the ansible_ssh_pass
using Ansible Vault. You may have done it differently and that's ok!
Encrypt the SSH Password:
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'alta3' --name 'ansible_ssh_pass' --vault-id warmup@prompt > ~/mycode/vault.yml
- Choose whatever password you like to encrypt it.
- You can confirm it's done with
batcat ~/mycode/vault.yml
. This will output something like:
ansible_ssh_pass: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 31346339326565636365623838623266336662663631393736396561633834333234323039303833 3864623231623433313334396633383133353533356237340a343837623537643532343331386465 62356430353834316339626666373234363835373264353963393735313462356366336238353934 3236663038643731640a313862623165396432353635663362313332336634373163383031366432 3061
Update the Playbook to Use the Encrypted Password:
--- - name: Create directories for popular cartoon characters on farnsworth hosts: farnsworth gather_facts: no vars_files: # NEW - vault.yml # NEW tasks: - name: Retrieve Create directories for each cartoon character uri: url: ## "count" query param is NEW register: quotedata - name: display quote debug: var: quotedata