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Added script to backfill monthly plots for NS10.
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Added line in DataProcessor.createPacIOOSPlots() to remove values outside given ranges before plotting.

git-svn-id: 9e959af2-1677-4b95-8350-622619c7fe3b
  • Loading branch information
csjx committed Mar 12, 2016
1 parent d66609a commit 0f61cfe
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Showing 2 changed files with 312 additions and 0 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -2447,6 +2447,10 @@ function process(self)
yVar(i-1) = NaN;

% Remove values greater or less than the specified max and min values

% Plot the current variable vs time
line(time,yVar, ...
Expand Down
308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions src/matlab/createNS10backfillplots.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
% schedule_MB01XX_001CTDXXXXR00_processing
% This is a short runtime script that kicks off processing and
% display of CTD data. It depends on configuration information
% found in the Configure class, and creates an instance of the
% CTDProcessor class, and then runs the process() method via a
% timer object so that the processing regularly recurs.

% Copyright: 2007 Regents of the University of Hawaii and the
% School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
% Authors: Christopher Jones
% $HeadURL: $
% $LastChangedDate: 2016-03-08 17:09:19 -1000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2016) $
% $LastChangedBy: kilonalu $
% $LastChangedRevision: 1160 $
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

% Create a new Configure instance and set the configuration details
import edu.hawaii.soest.bbl.configuration.Configure;
configuration = Configure;

% Set the processing-specific configuration details for the instrument

% Set the pertinent directory and file locations (so they're not hard-coded),
% where:
% baseDirectory - is the location where the bbl software is installed
% outputDirectory - is the location where figure image files will be written
% libraryDirectory - is where 3rd party matlab functions are located
% convertPath - is the location of the command used to convert figures
% convertOptions - are the options to be passed to the convert command
% copyPath - is the location of the 'copy' command for the OS
% rbnbPath - is the base directory for the DataTurbine installation
% rbnbLibraryPath - is the library directory for the DataTurbine installation
% rbnbMatlabPath - is the matlab library directory for the DataTurbine
set( configuration, ...
'baseDirectory' , '/usr/local/bbl/trunk/' , ...
'outputDirectory' , '/var/www/html/OE/KiloNalu/Data/CTD/MB01XX_001CTDXXXXR00/' , ...
'libraryDirectory' , '/usr/local/bbl/trunk/lib/matlab/' , ...
'convertPath' , '/usr/bin/gs' , ...
'convertOptions' , [' -q' ...
' -dNOPAUSE' ...
' -dBATCH' ...
' -dSAFER' ...
' -dTextAlphaBits=4' ...
' -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4' ...
' -dJPEGQ=100' ...
' -dDEVICEWIDTH=1000' ...
' -dDEVICEHEIGHT=800' ...
' -sDEVICE=jpeg' ...
' -r90x90' ...
' -sOutputFile=' ...
] , ...
'copyPath' , '/bin/cp' , ...
'mkdirPath' , '/bin/mkdir' , ...
'rbnbPath' , '/usr/local/RBNB/current/' , ...
'rbnbLibraryPath' , '/usr/local/RBNB/current/bin/rbnb.jar' , ...
'rbnbMatlabPath' , '/usr/local/RBNB/current/Matlab/' ...

% Set the pertinent DataTurbine configuration details (so they're not hard-coded)
% where:
% rbnbServer - is the IP address or name of the4 DataTurbine server
% rbnbSinkName - is the name of the sink client to be used when connecting
% rbnbSource - is the name of the DataTurbine source for the instrument
% rbnbChannel - is the name of the DataTurbine channel for the instrument
% archiveDirectory - is the name up the upper level archive directory for
% the instrument
% startDate - is the start date (mm-dd-yyyy HH:MM:SS) that the
% DataTurbine queries will use
% timeOffset - is the difference in hours between the sensor time and UTC
% (ie. local timezone)
% duration - is the duration (in seconds) that DataTurbine queries will use
% reference - is the channel reference point (get oldest or newest data)
set( configuration, ...
'rbnbServer' , '' , ...
'rbnbSinkName' , 'MatlabMB01XX_001CTDXXXXR00ProcessingSink' , ...
'rbnbSource' , 'MB01XX_001CTDXXXXR00' , ...
'rbnbChannel' , 'DecimalASCIISampleData' , ...
'archiveDirectory' , 'alawai' , ...
'dataStartDate' , '07-01-2015 10:00:00' , ...
'dataEndDate' , '01-01-2016 00:00:00' , ...
'sensorTimeOffset' , -10 , ...
'duration' , 'full' , ...
'reference' , 'newest' ...

% Set the boolean flags that enable or disable which parts of the code run where:
% createFigures - is a flag to either create or not create figures
% exportFigures - is a flag to export (to EPS) or not to export figures
set( configuration, ...
'readArchive' , true , ...
'createFigures' , false , ...
'createPacIOOSFigures', true , ...
'exportFigures' , true ...

% Set the parsing specific configuration details for the ASCII data being
% returned from the DataTurbine where:
% dataFormatString - is the fprintf format string used by textscan() to parse
% the ASCII data string
% fieldDelimiter - is the character used to delimit variables in the data
% numberOfHeaderLines - is the number of header lines found in the data string
% instrumentSampleRate - is an integer of the approximate per minute sampling rate of the
% instrument, used by textscan() to allocate buffer memory
% dataVariableNames - is a cell array of the data variables found in the ASCII data,
% in the order that each column parsed. These must correspond
% with the dataFormatString (one variable per format)
% dataVariableUnits - is a cell array of the data variable units found in the ASCII
% data, in the order that each column parsed. These must
% correspond with each of the dataVariableNames. For
% dates, use the datestr() formats (i.e yyyy mm dd, etc.)
% These are used for axes labels
set( configuration, ...
'dataFormatString' , '# %f %f %f %f %f %f %s' , ...
'fieldDelimiter' , ',' , ...
'numberOfHeaderLines' , '0' , ...
'instrumentSampleRate', 15 , ...
'dataVariableNames' , {'temperature' , ...
'conductivity' , ...
'pressure' , ...
'chlorophyllVolts' , ...
'turbidityVolts' , ...
'salinity' , ...
'datetime' ...
} , ...
'dataVariableUnits' , {'\circC' , ...
'S/m' , ...
'decibars' , ...
'V' , ...
'V' , ...
'PSU' , ...
'dd mmm yyyy HH:MM:SS' ...
} ...

set( configuration, ...
'derivedVariableNames', {'serialdate' , ...
'depth' , ...
'chlorophyll' , ...
'turbidity' ...
} ...

% Set the latitude and longitude of the sensor
set(configuration, ...
'sensorLatitude', 21.28009444 , ...
'sensorLongitude', -157.71083 ...

% set the calibration coefficient name/value pairs. These will be used
% in the createDerivedVariables() method for specific derivations where:
% calibrationCoefficientNames - is a cell array of the names of the callibration
% coefficients that will be used in calculating
% certain derived variables. For instance,
% chlorophyllDarkCounts and chlorophyllScaleFactor
% (and their corresponding values) will be used
% to derive chlorophyll from the chlorophyllVolts
% column of the ASCII data.
% calibrationCoefficientValues - is a cell array of the values of the callibration
% coefficients that will be used in calculating
% certain derived variables. these must correspond
% with the calibrationCoefficientNames array.
set(configuration, ...
'calibrationCoefficientNames' , ...
{ ...
'chlorophyllDarkCounts' , ...
'chlorophyllScaleFactor' , ...
'turbidityDarkCounts' , ...
'turbidityScaleFactor' ...
} , ...
'calibrationCoefficientValues' , ...
{ ...
0.064 , ...
10 , ...
0.075 , ...
5 ...
} ...

% Set the depth (in meters) of the sensor below average Mean Low Low Water
% level to correct output to MLLW
set(configuration, ...
'MLLWadjustment', [-1.9 -1.4] , ...
'MLLWadjustmentDate', {'10 Sep 2013 12:00:00'} ...

% Set title and duration for PaciOOS time series plots
% PacIOOSFigures = { {figure 1 properties}; {figure 2 properties}; ...}
% Set properties in order listed below for each figure to be created:
% Figure Title Prefix : Sensor location and name (string)
% Figure Duration : Duration of figures in days (string)
% Output format : Output as .eps and/or .jpg
% (set as {.eps,.jpg} for both)

set( configuration, ...
'PacIOOSFigures', { ...
% Figure 3 (monthly plot)
{{'Nearshore Sensor, Maunalua Bay (NS10)'} , ... %Title prefix
{'monthly'} , ...
{'.eps'} ... %Output format
} ...
} ...
) ;

% Set the configuration parameters for the PacIOOS figures that should
% be generated. PacIOOSFigureProperties is a cell array that includes
% five sub cell arrays that contain figure properties.
% For the figures to be generated, the following properties must be included,
% in the order listed below:
% 1) cell array of variables to plot (as strings)
% 2) cell array of axis labels (as strings)
% 3) cell array of axis locations (positions are 1-8, 1 being topmost-left
% 8 being bottommost-right
% 4) cell array of plot colors, each color represented as a 3x1 array
% 5) cell array containing info for y-axis range and scaling.
% set 1st parameter to 'dynamic' or 'fixed'
% if 'dynamic' then 2nd parameter is the multiple used in dynamic scaling
% if 'fixed' then 2nd parameter is the min/max values
% if more than 2 values input, will result in step-scaling between the
% values (upwards if values in numerical order, downwards if in reverse
% numerical order)
% 3rd parameter is the number of ticks for the axis (will default to 5
% if no value set)

set(configuration, ...
'PacIOOSFigureProperties',{ ...
{ ... %Figure Variables
'adjustedDepth' , ...
'temperature' , ....
'salinity' , ...
'turbidity' , ...
'chlorophyll' ...
} , ...
{ ... %Axis Labels
'Actual WL (m)' , ...
'Temperature (\circC)' , ...
'Salinity (PSU)' , ...
'Turbidity (NTU)' , ...
'Chlorophyll (\mug/L)' ...
} , ...
{1 2 3 4 5} , ... %Plot Locations
{ ... %Plot Colors
[0 0 0 ] , ... %WL
[1 0 0 ] , ... %Temp
[0 0 0 ] , ... %Sal
[0.63 0.4 0.31] , ... %Turb
[0.1 0.55 0.35] ... %Chlo
} , ...
{ ... %y-axis ranges
{'fixed', [-0.4 1.2], 4} , ... %WL
{'dynamic', 2, 4} , ... %Temp
{'fixed', [36 31 21 11 1 -4], 5} , ... %Sal
{'fixed', [0 25]} , ... %Turb
{'fixed', [0 10 20 30 40 50]} ... %Chlo
} ...
} ...
) ;

% Tell the DataProcessor which type of figure to create
% Either: temperatureSalinity or timeSeries
set( configuration, 'currentFigureType', 'timeSeries');

% Tell the DataProcessor what format to use when exporting TS or timeseries
% figures
set( configuration, 'outputFormat', {'.eps' '.jpg'});

% Set the timer specific configuration details for periodically running the code
% where:
% startTime - the time when the timer should start (in seconds, 0 meaning now)
% timerInterval - the interval (in minutes) that the timer process should fire
%set( configuration, ...
%'startTime' , 0 , ...
%'timerInterval' , 20 ...

% Set up directory paths, and create a new DataProcessor instance
import edu.hawaii.soest.bbl.processing.DataProcessor;
NS10ctdProcessor = DataProcessor(configuration);


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