is a python3
framework for component based modelling, simulation and optimisation of continuous time dynamic and control systems.
It allows users to design modular plant and control systems, simulate the trajectory of closed loop systems, and run joint parameter/path optimisation studies.
- Install via
pip install sysopt
- Documentation and user guide at .
Test problem 3 from Herber and Allison1 provides a minimal example of sysopt
First, we define some components (plant, and controller), assemble a composite model then setup a optimsation problem for that model and solve it.
from sysopt import Metadata, Composite, SolverContext, PiecewiseConstantSignal, Parameter
from import FullStateOutput
from sysopt.blocks import ConstantSignal
k_star = 0.8543 # Known optimal gain.
t_f = 10
# Define the plant
def dxdt(t, x, u, p):
return [x[1], - p[0] * x[0] + u[0]]
def x0(p):
return [0, 0]
plant_metadata = Metadata(inputs=['u'], states=['x', 'v'], parameters=['k'])
plant = FullStateOutput(plant_metadata, dxdt, x0)
# Define the controller
controller = ConstantSignal(['u'], name='Controller')
# Define the Composite system via components and wires
model = Composite(name='Model', components=[plant, controller])
model.declare_outputs(['x', 'v', 'u'])
model.wires = [(controller.outputs, plant.inputs),
(plant.outputs, model.outputs[0:2]),
(controller.outputs, model.outputs[2])]
k = Parameter('k'')
u = PiecewiseConstantSignal('u', 100)
parameters = {
plant.parameters['k']: k,
# Setup the joint optimisation problem.
with SolverContext(model=model, t_final=t_f, parameters=parameters) as solver:
y_final = model.outputs(solver.t_final)
cost = -y_final[0]
constraints = [u <= 1, u >= -1,
y_final[1] >= 0, y_final[1] <= 0]
problem = solver.problem(arguments=[k, u],
soln = problem.solve(guess=[0, 0])
k_min, u_min = soln.argmin
assert abs(k_min - k_star) < 1e-2
Herber, Daniel R., and James T. Allison. "Nested and simultaneous solution strategies for general combined plant and control design problems." Journal of Mechanical Design 141.1 (2019). ↩