These are the config files (AKA dotfiles) that I use on my 'daily driver' PC: the laptop and desktop that I use for work, projects, and personal usage. As a result, I view it as a highly practical setup for long-term use, on the condition that you share my personal preference of utilities, color schemes, and keyboard shortcuts.
The reason this is called .config and not the usual 'dotfiles' is because I've
literally just run a git init
in my .config directory, and then added
everything that felt like it belonged here. So the way to get this running on a
new machine is to just git clone
it into a .config directory on a new
machine, and it should be ready to go. They follow the same file structure that
is found on my machine and so should be OK to simply git-clone in as-is.
There's a handful of directories here that may be of interest:
- coc/extensions: My daily-driver IDE and text editor is the NVim variant of Vim. I'm making use of CoC for LSP-integration, and have a handful of extensions for that.
- dunst: Nice and simple notifications.
- fish: My personal choice of shell. I'm particularly fond of the 'abbreviations' feature, and a bunch are configured.
- i3: Tiling window manager. There's a bunch of unique things here-- I'm using my numpad as both a number input and a single-press workspace switcher, which isn't very typical as far as I've seen.
- nvim: Configurations for the afore-mentioned Vim variant. All kinds of tweaks in here, and a non-trivial set of plugins too.
- powerline-shell: Always nice to have a nice-looking shell.
- rofi: For opening applications.
- zathura: For opening pdf's. Configured to give pdf's the same color scheme as the rest of the UI (dark gruvbox)
The .gitignore ignores everything, which is convenient since most of the stuff in .config isn't really worth sharing. There's also a, but that's not yet ready for usage.