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csyhuang committed Jun 15, 2024
2 parents 56c3c8e + 3a0dfb4 commit d2c94d8
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,399 additions and 3 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -187,5 +187,5 @@
"description": null,
"title": null,
"last_updated": "2023-06-01",
"catalog_file": "file:/Users/jess/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/example_multicase/esm_catalog_CMIP_synthetic_r1i1p1f1_gr1.csv"
"catalog_file": "file:/home/clare/GitHub/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/example_multicase/esm_catalog_CMIP_synthetic_r1i1p1f1_gr1.csv"
Empty file.
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@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
.. This is a comment in RestructuredText format (two periods and a space).
.. Note that all "statements" and "paragraphs" need to be separated by a blank
line. This means the source code can be hard-wrapped to 80 columns for ease
of reading. Multi-line comments or commands like this need to be indented by
exactly three spaces.
.. Underline with '='s to set top-level heading:
Finite Amplitude Rossby Wave Diagnostics Documentation

.. rst-class:: center

Clare S. Y. Huang\ |^1|, Christopher Polster |^2| and Noboru Nakamura\ |^1|

.. rst-class:: center

|^1|\ The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

|^2|\ Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany

.. rst-class:: center

Last update: 03/12/2024

For a comprehensive review of the finite-amplitude Rossby wave activity (FAWA) theory, please refer to the review article Nakamura (2024).

This POD computes the seasonal climatologies of various finite-amplitude wave diagnostics. Each of the diagnostics captures different aspects of eddy-mean interactions.

Physical assumptions made in FAWA framework

Preprocessing of Climate Model Output

inline :math:`\frac{ \sum_{t=0}^{N}f(t,k) }{N}`

.. Underline with '-'s to make a second-level heading.
Version & Contact info

Here you should describe who contributed to the diagnostic, and who should be
contacted for further information:

- Version/revision information: version 1 (03/12/2024)
- PI (name, affiliation, email): Clare S. Y. Huang (The University of Chicago,
- Developer/point of contact: Clare S. Y. Huang (The University of Chicago,
- Other contributors: Christopher Polster, Noboru Nakamura

.. Underline with '^'s to make a third-level heading.
Open source copyright agreement

The MDTF framework is distributed under the LGPLv3 license (see LICENSE.txt).
Unless you've distributed your script elsewhere, you don't need to change this.


(to be filled in)

Required programming language and libraries

(to be filled in)

Required model output variables

(to be filled in)


.. _ref-Nakamura-annual-review:

10241. Nakamura, N. (2024). Large-Scale Eddy-Mean Flow Interaction in the Earth's Extratropical Atmosphere. *Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics*, **56**, 349-377,
`doi:10.1146/annurev-fluid-121021-035602 <>`__.

.. _ref-Neal-et-al-GRL:

10242. Neal, E., Huang, C. S., & Nakamura, N. (2022). The 2021 Pacific Northwest heat wave and associated blocking: meteorology and the role of an upstream cyclone as a diabatic source of wave activity. *Geophysical Research Letters*, **49(8)**, e2021GL097699. `doi:10.1029/2021GL097699 <>`__.

.. _ref-Nakamura-Science:

10243. Nakamura, N., & Huang, C. S. (2018). Atmospheric blocking as a traffic jam in the jet stream. *Science*, **361(6397)**, 42-47, `doi:10.1126/science.aat0721 <>`__.

.. _ref-Nakamura-Solomon-JAS-2010:

10244. Nakamura, N., & Solomon, A. (2010). Finite-amplitude wave activity and mean flow adjustments in the atmospheric general circulation. Part I: Quasigeostrophic theory and analysis. *Journal of the atmospheric sciences*, **67(12)**, 3967-3983, `doi:10.1175/2010JAS3503.1 <>`__.

.. _ref-Nakamura-Solomon-JAS-2011:

10245. Nakamura, N., & Solomon, A. (2011). Finite-amplitude wave activity and mean flow adjustments in the atmospheric general circulation. Part II: Analysis in the isentropic coordinate. Journal of the atmospheric sciences, 68(11), 2783-2799, `doi:10.1175/2011JAS3685.1 <>`__.

.. _ref-Huang-Nakamura-JAS-2016:

10246. Huang, C. S., & Nakamura, N. (2016). Local finite-amplitude wave activity as a diagnostic of anomalous weather events. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73(1), 211-229, `doi:10.1175/JAS-D-15-0194.1 <>`__.

.. _ref-Huang-Nakamura-GRL-2017:

10247. Huang, C. S., & Nakamura, N. (2017). Local wave activity budgets of the wintertime Northern Hemisphere: Implication for the Pacific and Atlantic storm tracks. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(11), 5673-5682, `doi:10.1002/2017GL073760 <>`__.

More about this diagnostic

(to be filled in)

Links to external sites

(to be filled in)

More references and citations

(to be filled in)


Images **must** be provided in either .png or .jpeg formats in order to be
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Here's the syntax for including a figure in the document:

.. code-block:: restructuredtext
.. _my-figure-tag: [only needed for linking to figures]
.. figure:: [path to image file, relative to the source.rst file]
:align: left
:width: 75 % [these both need to be indented by three spaces]
Paragraphs or other text following the figure that are indented by three
spaces are treated as a caption/legend, eg:
- red line: a Gaussian
- blue line: another Gaussian
which produces

.. _my-figure-tag:

.. figure:: gaussians.jpg
:align: left
:width: 75 %

Paragraphs or other text following the figure that are indented by three
spaces are treated as a caption/legend, eg:

- blue line: a Gaussian
- orange line: another Gaussian

The tag lets you refer to figures in the text, e.g.
``:ref:`Figure 1 <my-figure-tag>``` → :ref:`Figure 1 <my-figure-tag>`.


Accented and Greek letters can be written directly using Unicode: é, Ω.
(Make sure your text editor is saving the file in UTF-8 encoding).

Use the following syntax for superscripts and subscripts in in-line text:

.. code-block:: restructuredtext
W m\ :sup:`-2`\ ; CO\ :sub:`2`\ .
which produces: W m\ :sup:`-2`\ ; CO\ :sub:`2`\ .
Note one space is needed after both forward slashes in the input; these spaces
are not included in the output.

Equations can be written using standard
`latex <>`__
(PDF link) syntax. Short equations in-line with the text can be written as
``:math:`f = 2 \Omega \sin \phi``` → :math:`f = 2 \Omega \sin \phi`.

Longer display equations can be written as follows. Note that a blank line is
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exception of aligned equations.

.. code-block:: restructuredtext
.. math::
\frac{D \mathbf{u}_g}{Dt} + f_0 \hat{\mathbf{k}} \times \mathbf{u}_a &= 0; \\
\frac{Dh}{Dt} + f \nabla_z \cdot \mathbf{u}_a &= 0,
\text{where } \mathbf{u}_g = \frac{g}{f_0} \hat{\mathbf{k}} \times \nabla_z h.
which produces:

.. math::
\frac{D \mathbf{u}_g}{Dt} + f_0 \hat{\mathbf{k}} \times \mathbf{u}_a &= 0; \\
\frac{Dh}{Dt} + f \nabla_z \cdot \mathbf{u}_a &= 0,
\text{where } \mathbf{u}_g = \frac{g}{f_0} \hat{\mathbf{k}} \times \nabla_z h.
The editor at `
<>`__ can have issues formatting complicated
equations, so you may want to check its output with a latex-specific editor,
such as `overleaf <>`__ or other `equation editors
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Traditional Rossby wave eddy-mean flow theory decomposes physical fields into zonal mean :math:`\overline{(...)}` and eddy :math:`(...)^\prime`. At mid-latitude, with the presumption that quasi-geostrophic (QG) approximation is valid, denote QG potential vorticity (QGPV) by :math:`q`. To the extent which the wave amplitude :math:`\alpha` is small, under conservative dynamics, the (linear) wave activity, which is a measure of wave amplitude itself, :math:`A_L \equiv \frac{1}{2} \frac{{q^\prime}^2}{\partial \bar{q}/\partial y}` obeys the Eliassen-Palm (E-P) flux relation :math:`\frac{\partial}{\partial t} A_L + \frac{1}{\rho_0} \nabla \cdot \boldsymbol{F} = \mathcal{O}(\alpha^3)`.

When the eddy amplitude :math:`\alpha` is large, the observed zonal-mean state is modified by the eddy effects. To establish a conservation relation for finite-amplitude eddies, Nakamura and collaborators define an eddy-free "reference state" for QGPV :math:`Q_{\text{ref}}` and zonal wind :math:`u_{\text{ref}}` respectively. They represent a hypothetical flow completely devoid of eddies, which, when stirred adiabatically, would evolve into the observed state. The finite-amplitude wave activity (FAWA) defined with respect to :math:`Q_{\text{ref}}` satistfies the
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions diagnostics/finite_amplitude_wave_diag/
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export WK_DIR=/home/clare/GitHub/mdtf/wkdir
export DATADIR=/home/clare/GitHub/mdtf/inputdata/model
export CASENAME="GFDL-CM3_historical_r1i1p1"
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions diagnostics/finite_amplitude_wave_diag/finite_amplitude_wave_diag.html
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<!-- This file is part of the EOF_500hPa module of the MDTF code package (see LICENSE.txt) -->

<TITLE> Finite-amplitude Rossby wave diagnostics</TITLE>
<img src="../mdtf_diag_banner.png">
<h3>Finite-amplitude Rossby wave diagnostics</h3>

<td class="d-block comment-body markdown-body js-comment-body">
<p dir="auto">The goal to incorporate Finite-amplitude wave activity (FAWA) formalism into MDTF repo is to provide diagnostic tools for model comparison. Each diagnostic shall associate with an interpretation related to the physical process.</p>
<p dir="auto">Below are some proposed candidates and associated physical interpretations:</p>
<table role="table">
<td>Seasonal climatology of zonal mean FAWA</td>
<td>It quantifies the strength of vertically propagating planetary waves, and also relative strength of synoptic eddies in troposphere</td>
<td>Seasonal climatology of Uref</td>
<td>To quantify strength of mean-flow interaction, i.e., adiabatic adjustment of flow from an eddy-free reference state is given by Uref-Ubar(zonal mean wind)</td>
<td>Seasonal climatology of &lt;LWA&gt; (&lt;...&gt; = vertically averaged)</td>
<td>To quantify geographical distribution (and amplitude) of eddies</td>
<td>Seasonal climatology of temporal Covariance of &lt;LWA&gt; and &lt;U&gt; (as in NH18 Fig. 2A)</td>
<td>A measure of strength of nonlinear wave-mean flow interaction (via nonlinear zonal wave activity flux)</td>

<a href="">Full Documentation and Contact Information</a>

<h4>Zonal-mean finite-amplitude wave diagnostics for {{CASENAME}} (Climatologies)</h4>

<table class="tg">
<th>Name of Diagnostic</th>
<td>zonal mean zonal wind</td>
<td><a href=model/DJF_zonal_mean_u.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/MAM_zonal_mean_u.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/JJA_zonal_mean_u.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/SON_zonal_mean_u.png>plot</a></td>
<td>zonal mean wave activity (FAWA)</td>
<td><a href=model/DJF_zonal_mean_lwa.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/MAM_zonal_mean_lwa.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/JJA_zonal_mean_lwa.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/SON_zonal_mean_lwa.png>plot</a></td>
<td>zonal mean reference states (Uref)</td>
<td><a href=model/DJF_zonal_mean_uref.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/MAM_zonal_mean_uref.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/JJA_zonal_mean_uref.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/SON_zonal_mean_uref.png>plot</a></td>
<td>zonal mean wind adjustment (\Delta U)</td>
<td><a href=model/DJF_zonal_mean_delta_u.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/MAM_zonal_mean_delta_u.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/JJA_zonal_mean_delta_u.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/SON_zonal_mean_delta_u.png>plot</a></td>

<h4>Vertically-averaged finite-amplitude wave diagnostics for {{CASENAME}} (Climatologies)</h4>

<table class="tg">
<th>Name of Diagnostic</th>
<td>Barotropic zonal mean zonal wind</td>
<td><a href=model/DJF_u_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/MAM_u_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/JJA_u_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/SON_u_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td>Barotropic local wave activity</td>
<td><a href=model/DJF_lwa_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/MAM_lwa_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/JJA_lwa_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/SON_lwa_baro.png>plot</a></td>
<td>Covariance between barotropic zonal wind and LWA</td>
<td><a href=model/DJF_u_lwa_covariance.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/MAM_u_lwa_covariance.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/JJA_u_lwa_covariance.png>plot</a></td>
<td><a href=model/SON_u_lwa_covariance.png>plot</a></td>

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