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Automatic Inference and Generalization of Function Block Finite-State Models


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Automatic Inference and Generalization of Function Block Finite-State Models


  • Python 3.6+
  • lxml
  • regex
  • click
  • treelib (only available on PyPI)
  • colorama (on Windows)
  • SAT solver, e.g., cryptominisat


Simply clone and use pip:

git clone
cd fbSAT
pip install .


fbsat --help
Usage: fbsat [OPTIONS]

  -i, --scenarios <path>          File with scenarios  [required]
  -o, --outdir <path>             Output directory  [default: out]
  -m, --method [full|full-min|basic|basic-min|extended|extended-min|extended-min-ub|minimize]
                                  Method to use  [required]
  --input-names <x.../path>       Comma-separated list of input variable names, or a filename
  --output-names <z.../path>      Comma-separated list of output variable names, or a filename
  --automaton <path>              [minimize] File with pickled automaton
  -C <int>                        Number of automaton states
  -K <int>                        Maximum number of transitions from each state
  -P <int>                        Maximum number of nodes in guard's boolean formula's parse tree
  -T <int>                        Upper bound on total number of transitions
  -N <int>                        Upper bound on total number of nodes in all guard-trees
  -w <int>                        [ext-min-ub] Maximum width of local minima
  --bfs / --no-bfs                Use BFS symmetry-breaking constraints  [default: True]
  --distinct / --no-distinct      Distinct transitions  [default: False]
  --forbid-or / --no-forbid-or    [ext] Forbid OR parse tree nodes  [default: False]
  --sat-solver <cmd>              SAT solver  [default: cryptominisat5 --verb=0]
  --incremental                   Use IncrementalSolver backend
  --filesolver                    Use FileSolver backend
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

SAT solver

fbSAT is able to use any SAT solver, supporting DIMACS input. You can specify it with --sat-solver <cmd> flag.

If you already have your favorite SAT solver, use it. If not, check out cryptominisat, glucose, cadical, lingeling, or any other.


In order to get cryptominisat, simply download one of released binary for Linux/Windows.

Moreover, you may even use docker container:

docker pull msoos/cryptominisat
cat myfile.cnf | docker run --rm -i msoos/cryptominisat
fbsat ... --sat-solver "docker run --rm -i msoos/cryptominisat"

However, a relatively large launch time of the container (up to 2 seconds on Win) can lead to undesirable large total execution time, since fbSAT makes multiple calls to the SAT solver. The solution is to spawn a container only once, in detached mode, and later exec cryptominisat in it when necessary:

docker run -d -i --name cms --entrypoint="/bin/sh" msoos/cryptominisat
fbsat ... --sat-solver "docker exec -i cms /usr/local/bin/cryptominisat5 --verb=0"
# When finished, do not forget to stop and remove the spawned container:
docker stop cms
docker rm cms


Basic method

This is the most basic and core method. It has one required parameter - number of states (-C <int>), and it infers some basic automaton with an arbitrary number of transitions. In order to upper-bound the latter, use option -T <int>.

fbsat -i tests/simple/tests-1.gz -m basic -C 6
[+] Basic automaton:
  ┌─1/INITO(0:0000000, 1:1111111)
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x001]
  ├──1 to 4 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x01x]
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x0xx]
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x0xx]
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x0xx]
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x0xx]
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x0xx]
  └──1 to 2 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x1xx]
  ┌─2/CNF(0:1010000, 1:1010010)
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x000xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx00x]
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x000xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx00x]
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x000xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx00x]
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x000xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx00x]
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x000xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx00x]
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x000xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx00x]
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x001xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx00x]
  └──2 to 5 on REQ if [x0xx0x00x0x01xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xx]
  ┌─3/CNF(0:1000000, 1:1010010)
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0000x0x0xx0x0x001x0xxxxxxxxxxxxx000]
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0000x0x0xx0x0x00xx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx000]
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0000x0x0xx0x0x00xx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx000]
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0000x0x0xx0x0x00xx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx000]
  └──3 to 6 on REQ if [x0xx0000x0x0xx0x0x00xx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx000]
  ┌─4/CNF(0:0010000, 1:1010010)
  ├──4 to 5 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00x0x010xxxxxxx0x]
  └──4 to 6 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00x0x0x1xxxxxxx0x]
  ┌─5/CNF(0:0101010, 1:0101110)
  └──5 to 6 on REQ if [0x00xxxx0xxx00x0xxx000xx0xxx00xxxxx1xxx]
  ┌─6/CNF(0:0000100, 1:1111011)
  ├──6 to 4 on REQ if [xxxxx0x00000x00000000xx00000x0000000010]
  ├──6 to 2 on REQ if [xxxxx0x00000x00000000xx00000x00000001x0]
  ├──6 to 8 on REQ if [xxxxx0x00000x00000000xx00000x0000100xx0]
  ├──6 to 5 on REQ if [xxxxx0x00000x00000010xx00000x0000x00xx0]
  ├──6 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxx0x00000x000000x0xx00000x0000x00xx1]
  ├──6 to 2 on REQ if [xxxxx0x00000x000000x0xx00000x0000x00xxx]
  ├──6 to 2 on REQ if [xxxxx0x00000x000000x0xx00000x0000x00xxx]
  └──6 to 7 on REQ if [xxxxxxxx0x1xx000010x0xxx0x1xx0000x00xxx]
  ┌─7/CNF(0:0000010, 1:1111110)
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if [0x00xxxxxxx00xx0xx0000xxxxx00xxxxxxxxxx]
  ├──7 to 4 on REQ if [0x00xxxxxxx00xx0xx0000xxxxx10xxxxxxxxxx]
  ├──7 to 6 on REQ if [0x00xxxxxxx00xx0xx1000xxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxx]
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if [0x00xxxxxxx00xx0xxx000xxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxx]
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if [0x00xxxxxxx00xx0xxx000xxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxx]
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if [0x00xxxxxxx00xx0xxx000xxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxx]
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if [0x00xxxxxxx00xx0xxx000xxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxx]
  └──7 to 2 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
  ┌─8/CNF(0:0000001, 1:1101100)
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxx0xxxxxxxxxx0x0x00xxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0]
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxx0xxxxxxxxxx0x0x00xxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0]
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxx0xxxxxxxxxx0x0x00xxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0]
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxx0xxxxxxxxxx0x0x00xxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0]
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxx0xxxxxxxxxx0x0x00xxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0]
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxx0xxxxxxxxxx0x0x00xxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0]
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxx0xxxxxxxxxx0x0x00xxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0]
  └──8 to 6 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxx]
[+] Basic automaton has 8 states and 48 transitions
[+] All done in 0.97 s

Automaton inferred from tests-1 using basic method

Basic method with automatic minimization

The basic-min method allows to automatically infer an automaton with the minimal number of states C and transitions T, and hence it has no required parameters.

fbsat -i tests/simple/tests-1.gz -m basic-min
[+] Minimal basic automaton:
  ┌─1/INITO(0:0000000, 1:1111111)
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x010]
  ├──1 to 4 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x1x0]
  └──1 to 2 on REQ if [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx1]
  ┌─2/CNF(0:1000000, 1:1000010)
  └──2 to 5 on REQ if [x0xx0000x0x0xx0x0x001x0xx0x0x0x0xxx0000]
  ┌─3/CNF(0:0010000, 1:0010010)
  └──3 to 5 on REQ if [x0x00000x0x0xx000x000x0000x0x1xxxxxx000]
  ┌─4/CNF(0:1010000, 1:0010110)
  └──4 to 5 on REQ if [x0xx000000x001000x00xx00x0x00xxxxxxx000]
  ┌─5/CNF(0:0000100, 1:1111011)
  ├──5 to 2 on REQ if [0x0000x00000000000000000000000000000001]
  ├──5 to 7 on REQ if [0x0000x0000010000001000000001000000000x]
  ├──5 to 4 on REQ if [0x0000x00000x000000x00000000x000000010x]
  ├──5 to 8 on REQ if [0x0000x00010x000010x00000010x0000000x0x]
  ├──5 to 3 on REQ if [0x0000x000x0x0000x0x000000x0x0000000x1x]
  └──5 to 6 on REQ if [0x0000x000x0x0000x0x000000x0x0000100xxx]
  ┌─6/CNF(0:0101001, 1:0101101)
  └──6 to 5 on REQ if [0x00x0x0000x00000x0000x000000000100x000]
  ┌─7/CNF(0:0101000, 1:0101011)
  └──7 to 5 on REQ if [0x00x0x000x00000xx0000xx0xxx0000x001000]
  ┌─8/CNF(0:0000110, 1:1111110)
  └──8 to 5 on REQ if [00000x0x0xx100000x10000x0xx10000x0x00x0]
[+] Minimal basic automaton has 8 states and 15 transitions
[+] All done in 3.24 s

Automaton inferred from tests-1 using basic-min method

Extended method

The extended method extends the basic one in a way that guard conditions of the generated automaton are represeted by arbitrary Boolean formulas instead of just truth tables. It has two required parameters: number of states (-C <int>) and maximum size of guard conditions parse trees (-P <int>). In order to upper-bound the total size of guard conditions (total number of typed nodes in all parse trees), use option -N <int>.

fbsat -i tests/simple/tests-1.gz -m extended -C 6 -P 5
[+] Extended automaton:
  ┌─1/INITO(0:0000000, 1:1111111)
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if x9
  ├──1 to 4 on REQ if x7
  ├──1 to 2 on REQ if ~x1 & ~x5
  ├──1 to 4 on REQ if ~(~x3 | x1)
  ├──1 to 2 on REQ if x6
  └──1 to 2 on REQ if x8
  ┌─2/CNF(0:0010000, 1:1010010)
  ├──2 to 5 on REQ if ~x4 & x4
  ├──2 to 6 on REQ if ~(~x4 | x10)
  ├──2 to 5 on REQ if x5 & x6 & x1
  ├──2 to 5 on REQ if ~x10 & ~x1
  └──2 to 5 on REQ if x4 & x4 & x5
  ┌─3/CNF(0:1010000, 1:1010010)
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if x6
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if x6 & x7
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if x6 | x6
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if x4
  ├──3 to 6 on REQ if ~x5 & ~x9
  └──3 to 6 on REQ if x10
  ┌─4/CNF(0:1000000, 1:1010010)
  ├──4 to 5 on REQ if ~(x9 | ~x9)
  ├──4 to 6 on REQ if x8 & ~x6
  ├──4 to 5 on REQ if x10 & x5
  ├──4 to 6 on REQ if x5 & x2 & x7
  ├──4 to 5 on REQ if ~x3
  ├──4 to 5 on REQ if x4 & x3 & x7
  ├──4 to 5 on REQ if ~x3 & ~x3
  └──4 to 5 on REQ if ~x3 | ~x3
  ┌─5/CNF(0:0101000, 1:0101011)
  ├──5 to 7 on REQ if ~(x3 | ~x3)
  ├──5 to 7 on REQ if x3 & x3 & x1
  ├──5 to 7 on REQ if ~(x8 | x5)
  └──5 to 7 on REQ if ~x4 & x4
  ┌─6/CNF(0:0000100, 1:1111011)
  ├──6 to 2 on REQ if ~(~x8 | x4)
  ├──6 to 3 on REQ if ~(x4 | ~x9)
  ├──6 to 2 on REQ if x8 & x8 & x9
  ├──6 to 7 on REQ if ~(~x1 | x1)
  ├──6 to 7 on REQ if x6 & x8 & x2
  ├──6 to 7 on REQ if (x4 | x7) & x6
  ├──6 to 4 on REQ if x7 & x1
  └──6 to 7 on REQ if ~(~x10 | x7)
  ┌─7/CNF(0:0000110, 1:1111111)
  ├──7 to 8 on REQ if x3 & x6 & x1
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if ~(~x8 & x10)
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if (x8 & x3) | x9
  ├──7 to 4 on REQ if x2
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if x7
  ├──7 to 4 on REQ if x7
  ├──7 to 4 on REQ if x7
  └──7 to 2 on REQ if x8 | ~x1
  ┌─8/CNF(0:0000111, 1:1111101)
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if x1
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if x7
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if x3
  ├──8 to 6 on REQ if ~x10
  └──8 to 6 on REQ if x9
[+] Extended automaton has 8 states, 50 transitions and 171 nodes
[+] All done in 3.48 s

Automaton inferred from tests-1 using extended method

Extended method with semi-automatic minimization

The extended-min method allows to infer an automaton with the minimal number of states C and total size of guard conditions N. However, it requires the maximum size of guard conditions parse trees (-P <int>) to be specified.

fbsat -i tests/simple/tests-1.gz -m extended-min -P 5
[+] Minimal extended automaton:
  ┌─1/INITO(0:0000000, 1:1111111)
  ├──1 to 4 on REQ if x9
  ├──1 to 2 on REQ if x8
  └──1 to 3 on REQ if x7
  ┌─2/CNF(0:0010000, 1:1010010)
  └──2 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ┌─3/CNF(0:1000000, 1:1010010)
  └──3 to 5 on REQ if x2
  ┌─4/CNF(0:1010000, 1:1010010)
  └──4 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ┌─5/CNF(0:0000100, 1:1111011)
  ├──5 to 7 on REQ if x10 & x5
  └──5 to 6 on REQ if x6 & ~x10
  ┌─6/CNF(0:0000110, 1:1111111)
  ├──6 to 5 on REQ if x2
  ├──6 to 5 on REQ if x8
  └──6 to 8 on REQ if x6
  ┌─7/CNF(0:0101000, 1:0101011)
  ├──7 to 2 on REQ if x8
  ├──7 to 4 on REQ if x9
  ├──7 to 3 on REQ if x7
  └──7 to 6 on REQ if x1 & x3 & x10
  ┌─8/CNF(0:0000011, 1:1111101)
  └──8 to 7 on REQ if x6
[+] Minimal extended automaton has 8 states, 16 transitions and 25 nodes
[+] All done in 25.84 s

Automaton inferred from tests-1 using extended-min method

Extended method with automatic minimization

The extended-min-ub method exceeds extended-min, allowing to automatically infer the minimal automaton by iterating the P parameter up to its theoretical upper bound. Since that, it has no required parameters.

fbsat -i tests/simple/tests-1.gz -m extended-min-ub
[+] Minimal extended automaton:
  ┌─1/INITO(0:0000000, 1:1111111)
  ├──1 to 4 on REQ if x7
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if x9
  └──1 to 2 on REQ if x8
  ┌─2/CNF(0:0010000, 1:1010010)
  └──2 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ┌─3/CNF(0:1010000, 1:1010010)
  └──3 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ┌─4/CNF(0:1000000, 1:1010010)
  └──4 to 5 on REQ if x2
  ┌─5/CNF(0:0000100, 1:1111011)
  ├──5 to 7 on REQ if ~x10 & x6
  └──5 to 6 on REQ if x10 & x5
  ┌─6/CNF(0:0101000, 1:0101011)
  ├──6 to 7 on REQ if x1 & x10 & x3
  ├──6 to 4 on REQ if x7
  ├──6 to 3 on REQ if x9
  └──6 to 2 on REQ if x8
  ┌─7/CNF(0:0000110, 1:1111111)
  ├──7 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ├──7 to 5 on REQ if x7
  └──7 to 8 on REQ if x6
  ┌─8/CNF(0:0000011, 1:1111101)
  └──8 to 6 on REQ if x6
[+] Minimal extended automaton has 8 states, 16 transitions and 25 nodes
[+] All done in 91.15 s

Automaton inferred from tests-1 using extended-min-ub method

Local-minima-width heuristic

Option -w <int> defines the maximum width of the local minimum of N-min, on which the extended-min-ub method stops the long process of iterating the P parameter. This provides a trade-off between execution time and minimality of solution.

An arbitrary value of w=2 showed a good performance in our initial research (notice the running time difference and the equivalence of the resulting automata):

fbsat -i tests/simple/tests-1.gz -m extended-min-ub -w 2
[+] Minimal extended automaton:
  ┌─1/INITO(0:0000000, 1:1111111)
  ├──1 to 4 on REQ if x7
  ├──1 to 3 on REQ if x9
  └──1 to 2 on REQ if x8
  ┌─2/CNF(0:0010000, 1:1010010)
  └──2 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ┌─3/CNF(0:1010000, 1:1010010)
  └──3 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ┌─4/CNF(0:1000000, 1:1010010)
  └──4 to 5 on REQ if x2
  ┌─5/CNF(0:0000100, 1:1111011)
  ├──5 to 7 on REQ if ~x10 & x6
  └──5 to 6 on REQ if x10 & x5
  ┌─6/CNF(0:0101000, 1:0101011)
  ├──6 to 7 on REQ if x1 & x10 & x3
  ├──6 to 4 on REQ if x7
  ├──6 to 3 on REQ if x9
  └──6 to 2 on REQ if x8
  ┌─7/CNF(0:0000110, 1:1111111)
  ├──7 to 5 on REQ if x4
  ├──7 to 5 on REQ if x7
  └──7 to 8 on REQ if x6
  ┌─8/CNF(0:0000011, 1:1111101)
  └──8 to 6 on REQ if x6
[+] Minimal extended automaton has 8 states, 16 transitions and 25 nodes
[+] All done in 54.44 s

Automaton inferred from tests-1 using extended-min-ub method with w=2