This project provides an SDK for connecting to Eclipse Kapua as a gateway.
Note: This is not part of the Eclipse Kapua project.
This project should provide a simple to use SDK for pushing telemetry data into Kapua and consuming command messages out of Kapua.
Note: This is a work in progress and should not be considered production ready.
The following quick steps should provide you with a working example.
<version><!-- replace with current version --></version>
<version><!-- replace with current version --></version>
import static org.eclipse.kapua.gateway.client.Credentials.userAndPassword;
import static org.eclipse.kapua.gateway.client.Errors.ignore;
import org.eclipse.kapua.gateway.client.mqtt.fuse.FuseClient;
import org.eclipse.kapua.gateway.client.profile.kura.KuraMqttProfile;
try (Client client = KuraMqttProfile.newProfile(FuseClient.Builder::new)
.credentials(userAndPassword("kapua-broker", "kapua-password"))
.build()) {
try (Application application = client.buildApplication("app1").build()) {
// subscribe to a topic"my", "receiver")).subscribe(message -> {
System.out.format("Received: %s%n", message);
// cache sender instance
Sender<RuntimeException> sender = application
.data(Topic.of("my", "sender"))
int i = 0;
while (true) {
// send
sender.send(Payload.of("counter", i++));