Modified version from the gazebo_plugins:
- Simulate rangefinder sensor in Gazebo
- The original plugin has been extended to publish tranform message on topic
. To make this transformation visible in ROS use our Static transform republisher plugin in yourworld
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name='mrs_gazebo_rangefinder' filename=''>
Modified version from the gazebo_plugins:
- Simulates a 2D lidar sensor in Gazebo.
- The original plugin has been extended to publish tranform message on topic
. To make this transformation visible in ROS use our Static transform republisher plugin in yourworld
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name='mrs_gazebo_2dlidar' filename=''>
Modified version of the canonical Velodyne/Ouster Gazebo plugins.
- Simulates a 3D lidar sensor in Gazebo.
- The original plugin has been extended to publish tranform message on topic
. To make this transformation visible in ROS use our Static transform republisher plugin in yourworld
definition. - An IMU may be also enabled to simulate sensors such as the Ouster OSx with integrated IMU.
- Optimized the plugin to remove bottlenecks, causing RT factor drops.
For example usage, see the Ouster section in component_snippets.xacro
For questions, pull-requests, bug reporting etc., please use the related Git page or contact the maintainer directly at
Modified version from the sitl_gazebo:
Publishes GPS and Groundtruth data using gazebo msgs for the PX4 firmware.
The home position can be specified using the environment variables
.## For example: Zurich Irchel Park gps coordinates = '47.397742° N, 8.545594° E, and 488 m altitude' PI=$(echo "scale=10; 4*a(1)" | bc -l) export PX4_HOME_LAT=$((47.397742 * PI / 180.0)) # rad export PX4_HOME_LON=$((8.545594 * PI / 180.0)) # rad export PX4_HOME_ALT=488.0; # meters
The original plugin has been extended to enable gps jamming inside of building (parameter
has to be boolean).
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name="gps_plugin" filename="">
Modified version from the gazebo_plugins:
- Simulates a camera sensor in Gazebo.
- The original plugin has been extended to publish tranform message on topic
. To make this transformation visible in ROS use our Static transform republisher plugin in yourworld
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name='mrs_gazebo_camera' filename=''>
Modified version of the official Realsense Gazebo plugin from Intel
- Simulates a Realsense D435 RGB-D camera sensor in Gazebo.
- The original plugin has been extended to publish tranform message on topic
. To make this transformation visible in ROS use our Static transform republisher plugin in yourworld
definition. - A "realistic" mode with more noise and virtually reduced resolution may be activated using the
flag in the SDF.
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name="mrs_gazebo_realsense" filename="">
- Simulates camera with adjustable pitch and roll angle. The plugin enables to control 2 revolute joints simulating 2-axis gimbal. The plugin requests references to existing links and joints that should be controlled.
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name="servo_camera_plugin" filename="">
Complete example of usage including creating links and joints can be found in MRS robots description file.
The angle can be set by publishing desired camera angle on topic /uav_name/servo_camera/set_orientation of type std_msgs/Float32MultiArray, where first element of array is required roll angle and second element is required pitch angle, e.g.
rostopic pub /uav_name/servo_camera/desired_orientation std_msgs/Float32MultiArray
label: ''
size: 2
stride: 0
data_offset: 0
data: [0.0, 0.5]"
The per axis tilt compensation simulating camera stabilization can be activated and deactivated by calling service /uav_name/servo_camera/compensate_tilt_roll or /uav_name/servo_camera/compensate_tilt_pitch, e.g.
rosservice call /uav1/servo_camera/compensate_tilt_roll "data: true"
The camera image is published on topic /uav_name/servo_camera/image_raw.
- Simulate light with adjustable pitch angle mounted on the robot's frame
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<joint name="${name}_joint" type="revolute">
<parent link="${parent}"/>
<child link="${name}_link"/>
<axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
<dynamics damping="0.05" friction="0.05"/>
<limit upper="1.57" lower="-1.57" effort="1" velocity="10" />
<origin xyz="${offset_x} ${offset_y} ${offset_z}" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<link name="${name}_link">
<mass value="1e-3" />
<inertia ixx="1e-5" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="1e-5" iyz="0.0" izz="1e-5"/>
<box size="0.01 0.01 0.01" />
<plugin name="light_gazebo_plugin" filename="">
The angle of light can be set by publishing desired angle on topic /uav_name/light/set_pitch, e.g.
rostopic pub /uav1/light/set_pitch std_msgs/Float32 "data: 1.0"
The light can be activated and deactivated by calling service
rosservice call /uav1/light/trigger 1/0
The tilt compensation simulating perfect light stabilization can be activated and deactivated by calling service /uav_name/light/compensate_tilt, e.g.
rosservice call /uav1/light/compensate_tilt "data: true"
- Moves a model along predefined trajectory and publishes its current pose
After building, activate by adding the following to your model definition.
<plugin name="dynamic_target_plugin" filename="">
The motion of the model can be activated and deactivated by calling service
rosservice call /gazebo/dynamic_model/model_name/activate 1/0
reset to initial position of trajectory by calling service
rosservice call /gazebo/dynamic_model/model_name/reset
The trajectory file can be loaded by publishing path to trajectory file on topic /gazebo/dynamic_model/model_name/load_map.
The trajectory is defined by sequence of tuples "x y z roll pitch yaw velocity", where each tuple is located on a seperate line e.g.
9.7 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
9.6 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5
9.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.5
9.3 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.5
- Adds a deployable emergency parachute to the attached model. WHen packed, it appears as a cylinder.
- Modifies the physics of attached model to significantly increase its drag and dampens the falling velocity.
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name="parachute_plugin" filename="">
<cross_section>0.25</cross_section> <!-- [m^2] -->
Control the parachute by provided trigger services
rosservice call /<parent_model_name>/parachute/deploy
rosservice call /<parent_model_name>/parachute/reset
- Adds a water tank to the model. On activation, the tank will spray spherical particles with a force taken from xml parameters.
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<plugin name="water_gun_plugin" filename="">
The water gun can be activated by the following service, which will cause it to spray particles infinetly.
rosservice call /<parent_model_name>/water_gun/start
To stop the spraying, call the stopping service.
rosservice call /<parent_model_name>/water_gun/start
If you wish to remove all water particles from the scene, use the following service.
rosservice call /<parent_model_name>/water_gun/cleanup
Inspired by gazebo11/plugins
: FlashLightPlugin and LedPlugin.
- Attaches an RGB LED with a topic-settable color to the model.
- It subscribes to a heartbeat topic
of typestd_msgs/ColorRGBA
and changes the light color to the message value (transparency is supported). - Switches back to the default color (red) if heartbeat messages do not arrive within
After building, activate by adding the following to your robot definition.
<joint name="${name}_joint" type="fixed">
<origin xyz="${x} ${y} ${z}" rpy="${roll} ${pitch} ${yaw}" />
<parent link="${parent}" />
<child link="${name}_link" />
<link name="${name}_link" >
<plugin name="safety_led_plugin" filename="">